105 research outputs found

    H4K20 monomethylation inhibition causes loss of genomic integrity in mouse preimplantation embryos

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    Maintaining genomic integrity in mammalian early embryos, which are deficient in DNA damage repair, is critical for normal preimplantation and subsequent development. Abnormalities in DNA damage repair in preimplantation embryos can cause not only developmental arrest, but also diseases such as congenital disorders and cancers. Histone H4 lysine 20 monomethylation (H4K20me1) is involved in DNA damage repair and regulation of gene expression. However, little is known about the role of H4K20me1 during mouse preimplantation development. In this study, we revealed that H4K20me1 mediated by SETD8 is involved in maintaining genomic integrity. H4K20me1 was present throughout preimplantation development. In addition, reduction in the level of H4K20me1 by inhibition of SETD8 activity or a dominant-negative mutant of histone H4 resulted in developmental arrest at the S/G2 phase and excessive accumulation of DNA double-strand breaks. Together, our results suggest that H4K20me1, a type of epigenetic modification, is associated with the maintenance of genomic integrity and is essential for preimplantation development. A better understanding of the mechanisms involved in maintaining genome integrity during preimplantation development could contribute to advances in reproductive medicine and technology

    Connection between association in modern Gyoja-ko : Focusing on Goshuhandosangyoja-ko

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    A more accurate analysis of maternal effect genes by siRNA electroporation into mouse oocytes

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    Maternal RNA and proteins accumulate in mouse oocytes and regulate initial developmental stages. Sperm DNA combines with protamine, which is exchanged after fertilization with maternal histones, including H3.3; however, the effect of H3.3 on development post-fertilization remains unclear. Herein, we established an electroporation method to introduce H3.3 siRNA into germinal vesicle (GV)-stage oocytes without removing cumulus cells. Oocyte-attached cumulus cells need to be removed during the traditional microinjection method; however, we confirmed that artificially removing cumulus cells from oocytes reduced fertilization rates, and oocytes originally free of cumulus cells had reduced developmental competence. On introducing H3.3 siRNA at the GV stage, H3.3 was maintained in the maternal pronucleus and second polar body but not in the paternal pronucleus, resulting in embryonic lethality after fertilization. These findings indicate that H3.3 protein was not incorporated into the paternal pronucleus, as it was repeatedly translated and degraded over a relatively short period. Conversely, H3.3 protein incorporated into the maternal genome in the GV stage escaped degradation and remained in the maternal pronucleus after fertilization. This new method of electroporation into GV-stage oocytes without cumulus cell removal is not skill-intensive and is essential for the accurate analysis of maternal effect genes

    Evaluation of chemical-specific IgG antibodies in male workers from a urethane foam factory

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    Background: Plastic resins are complex chemicals that contain toluene diisocyanate (TDI) and/or trimellitic anhydride (TMA), which cause occupational allergies (OA), including respiratory allergies. Serum IgGs against TDI and TMA have been suggested as potential markers of the exposure status and as exploring cause of OA. Although TDI-specific IgG has been examined for suspected OA, TMA-specific IgG is not commonly evaluated in a urethane foam factory. This study therefore investigated both TDI- and TMA-specific IgGs in suspected OA patients and to evaluate the usefulness of the measurement of multiple chemical-specific IgG measurement for practical monitoring. Methods: Blood samples were collected from two male workers who developed respiratory allergies supposedly caused by occupational exposure to TDI and/or TMA for the presence of TDI- and TMA-specific IgGs. In addition, blood samples from 75 male workers from a urethane foam factory, along with 87 male control subjects, were collected in 2014 and tested for the same IgGs in 2014. The presence and levels of TDI- and TMA-specific serum IgGs were measured using dot blot assays. Results: We found that controls had mean concentrations of TDI- and TMA-specific IgGs of 0.98 and 2.10 μg/mL, respectively. In the two workers with respiratory allergies, the TDI-specific IgG concentrations were 15.6 and 9.51 μg/ mL, and TMA-specific IgG concentrations were 4.56 and 14.4 μg/mL, which are clearly higher than those in controls. Mean concentrations of TDI- and TMA-specific IgGs in the factory workers were 1.89 and 2.41 μg/mL, respectively, and are significantly higher than those of the controls (P < 0.001 and P < 0.026 for TDI- and TMA-specific IgGs, respectively). Conclusion: The workers suspected of OA showed an evidently high level of TDI- and TMA-specific IgG, and these levels in workers at the urethane foam factory were also significantly higher than those in controls. In conclusion, the measurement of TDI- and TMA-specific IgG among workers using plastic resins is helpful to monitor their exposure status.This study was funded by an Industrial Disease Clinical Research Grant (grant number 14040101-02 to M.T.) and the JSPS KAKENHI (grant numbers 22790546 and 25860472 to M.T.)

    Continuous Monitoring and Future Projection of Ocean Warming, Acidification, and Deoxygenation on the Subarctic Coast of Hokkaido, Japan

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    As the ocean absorbs excessive anthropogenic CO2 and ocean acidification proceeds, it is thought to be harder for marine calcifying organisms, such as shellfish, to form their skeletons and shells made of calcium carbonate. Recent studies have suggested that various marine organisms, both calcifiers and non-calcifiers, will be affected adversely by ocean warming and deoxygenation. However, regardless of their effects on calcifiers, the spatiotemporal variability of parameters affecting ocean acidification and deoxygenation has not been elucidated in the subarctic coasts of Japan. This study conducted the first continuous monitoring and future projection of physical and biogeochemical parameters of the subarctic coast of Hokkaido, Japan. Our results show that the seasonal change in biogeochemical parameters, with higher pH and dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration in winter than in summer, was primarily regulated by water temperature. The daily fluctuations, which were higher in the daytime than at night, were mainly affected by daytime photosynthesis by primary producers and respiration by marine organisms at night. Our projected results suggest that, without ambitious commitment to reducing CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions, such as by following the Paris Agreement, the impact of ocean warming and acidification on calcifiers along subarctic coasts will become serious, exceeding the critical level of high temperature for 3 months in summer and being close to the critical level of low saturation state of calcium carbonate for 2 months in mid-winter, respectively, by the end of this century. The impact of deoxygenation might often be prominent assuming that the daily fluctuation in DO concentration in the future is similar to that at present. The results also suggest the importance of adaptation strategies by local coastal industries, especially fisheries, such as modifying aquaculture styles

    Cleavage of Toll-Like Receptor 9 Ectodomain Is Required for In Vivo Responses to Single Strand DNA

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    Mouse toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9) is an endosomal sensor for single-stranded DNA. TLR9 is transported from the endoplasmic reticulum to endolysosomes by a multiple transmembrane protein Unc93 homolog B1, and proteolytically cleaved at its ectodomain. The structure of TLR9 and its biochemical analyses have shown that the proteolytic cleavage of TLR9 ectodomain enables TLR9-dimerization and TLR9 activation. However, the requirement of TLR9 cleavage in vivo has not been studied. We here show that the 13 amino acids deletion at the cleavage site made TLR9 resistant to proteolytic cleavage. The deletion mutation in the Tlr9 gene impaired TLR9-dependent cytokine production in conventional dendritic cells from the mutant mice. Not only in vitro, in vivo production of inflammatory cytokines (TNF-α and IL-12p40), chemokine (CCR5/RANTES), and type I interferon (IFN-α) induced by administration of TLR9 ligand was also impaired. These results demonstrate that the TLR9 cleavage is required for TLR9 responses in vivo