322 research outputs found

    Cloning and Expression of a Perilla frutescens Cytochrome P450 Enzyme Catalyzing the Hydroxylation of Phenylpropenes

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    Phenylpropanoid volatile components in plants are useful and valuable not only as flavorings, but also as medicines and food supplements. The pharmacological actions and toxicities of these compounds have been well studied but their synthetic pathways are generally unclear. In this study, we mined expressed sequence tag libraries of pure strains of perilla maintained for over 30 years for their oil type and conducted gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analyses of the perilla oils to confirm the presence of monohydrates speculated to be intermediates of the phenylpropene synthetics pathways. These putative monohydrate intermediates and their regioisomers were synthesized to identify the reaction products of assays of heterologously expressed enzymes. An enzyme involved in the synthesis of a phenylpropanoid volatile component was identified in perilla. Expression of this enzyme in Saccharomyces cerevisiae showed that it is a member of the cytochrome P450 family and catalyzes the introduction of a hydroxy group onto myristicin to form an intermediate of dillapiole. The enzyme had high sequence similarity to a CYP71D family enzyme, high regiospecificity, and low substrate specificity. This study may aid the elucidation of generally unexploited biosynthetic pathways of phenylpropanoid volatile components

    Taxonomic revision of Pinus fujiii (Yasui) Miki (Pinaceae) and its implications for the phytogeography of the section Trifoliae in east Asia

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    Pinus trifolia Miki 1939 (Pinaceae) was originally proposed based on seed cones from the upper Miocene of Aichi and Gifu Prefectures, central Japan. However, before the publication of P. trifolia, a different name (Pinus fujiii (Yasui) Miki) was given to a female cone with the same morphology. On the other hand, P. fujiii auct. non (Yasui) Miki has been used for seed cones with different morphologies from Yasui\u27s holotype, i.e., apophyses arranged in 5:8 parastichies and a perexcentromucronate slightly-pointed umbo. As a result of re-examination on the Miki and Yasui specimens, we concluded that P. trifolia was a synonym for P. fujiii and proposed here Pinus mikii sp. nov. for cones assigned to P. fujiii auct. non (Yasui) Miki. We also emended the diagnosis of P. fujiii based on these specimens. Pinus fujiii is characterized by a large female cone in which the apophyses with a centromucronate prickle-like umbo are arranged in 8:13 parastichies, and deciduous seed wings. These characters suggest that P. fujiii belongs to the section Trifoliae of the subgenus Pinus, which is now restricted to North and Central America and the Caribbean islands. Fossil data suggest that the P. fujiii lineage firstly appeared in Japan around the Eocene/Oligocene boundary. We speculate that the P. fujiii lineage might have moved southward to Japan from a refugium located elsewhere in high-latitude areas in response to the late Eocene cooling event, as occurred with other Trifoliae species in North America. © 2015 Yamada et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited

    Water Relations of Quercus monogolica var. grosseserrata Seedlings Inoculated with Raffaelea quercivora : Ambrosia Fungi Related with Mass Mortality of Oaks in Japan

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    東京大学Proceedings : IUFRO Kanazawa 2003 "Forest Insect Population Dynamics and Host Influences"., Scedule:14-19 September 2003, Vemue: Kanazawa Citymonde Hotel, Kanazawa, Japan, Joint metting of IUFRO working groups : 7.01.02 Tree resistance to Insects | 7.03.06 Integrated management of forset defoloating insects | 7.03.07 Population dynamics of forest insects, Sponsored by: IUFRO-J | Ishikawa Prefecture | Kanazawa City | 21st-COE Program of Kanazawa University, Editors: Kamata, Naoto | Liebhold, Nadrew M. | Quiring, Dan T. | Clancy, Karen M

    Demonstration of immunoglobulin G in normal human epidermis by peroxidase-labeled antibody.

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    Cytoplasmic immunoglobulin G (IgG) in normal human epidermis was defined by a peroxidase-labeled antibody method. A correlation between cytoplasmic staining and the serum level of IgG was found. Epidermal cells containing IgG were not present when the serum level of IgG was less than 1000 microgram/ml.</p

    Application of a First Impression Triage in the Japan Railway West Disaster

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    On April 25, 2005, a Japanese express train derailed into a building, resulting in 107 deaths and 549 injuries. We used “First Impression Triage (FIT)”, our new triage strategy based on general inspection and palpation without counting pulse/respiratory rates, and determined the feasibility of FIT in the chaotic situation of treating a large number of injured people in a brief time period. The subjects included 39 patients who required hospitalization among 113 victims transferred to our hospital. After initial assessment with FIT by an emergency physician, patients were retrospectively reassessed with the preexisting the modified Simple Triage and Rapid Treatment (START) methodology, based on Injury Severity Score, probability of survival, and ICU stay. FIT resulted in shorter waiting time for triage. FIT designations comprised 11 red (immediate), 28 yellow (delayed), while START assigned six to red and 32 to yellow. There were no statistical differences between FIT and START in the accuracy rate calculated by means of probability of survival and ICU stay. Overall validity and reliability of FIT determined by outcome assessment were similar to those of START. FIT would be a simple and accurate technique to quickly triage a large number of patients

    Assembly of Massive Galaxies in a High-z Protocluster

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    We present the results of wide-field deep JHK imaging of the SSA22 field using MOIRCS instrument equipped with Subaru telescope. The observed field is 112 arcmin^2 in area, which covers the z=3.1 protocluster characterized by the overdensities of Ly Alpha emitters (LAEs) and Ly Alpha Blobs (LABs). The 5 sigma limiting magnitude is K_{AB} = 24.3. We extract the potential protocluster members from the K-selected sample by using the multi-band photometric-redshift selection as well as the simple color cut for distant red galaxies (DRGs; J-K_{AB}>1.4). The surface number density of DRGs in our observed fields shows clear excess compared with those in the blank fields, and the location of the densest area whose projected overdensity is twice the average coincides with the large-scale density peak of LAEs. We also found that K-band counterparts with z_{phot} = 3.1 are detected for 75% (15/20) of the LABs within their Ly Alpha halo, and the 40 % (8/20) of LABs have multiple components, which gives a direct evidence of the hierarchical multiple merging in galaxy formation. The stellar mass ofLABs correlates with their luminosity, isophotal area, and the Ly Alpha velocity widths, implying that the physical scale and the dynamical motion of Ly Alpha emission are closely related to their previous star-formation activities. Highly dust-obscured galaxies such as hyper extremely red objects (HEROs; J-K_{AB}>2.1) and plausible K-band counterparts of submillimeter sources are also populated in the high density region.Comment: 21pages, accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journa


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