16 research outputs found

    Production of Flood Risk Maps of Inebolu Basin Using Different Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process Methods

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    Flood events, which are considered as natural disasters, cause significant loss of life and property throughout the world. In order to be fully prepared for the flood, which is a disaster of meteorological origin, it is necessary to create flood risk susceptibility maps. Flood risk susceptibilities are values determined by considering different criteria that may cause flooding. Determining the weights of these criteria is also a problem that needs to be addressed. Due to the hierarchical structure of the aforementioned criteria, the problem of determining flood risk sensitivity was deemed suitable to be modeled as a fuzzy multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) problem, and a fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP) based model was used in this study. The use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in basin studies is increasing day by day. Geographic Information Systems are used to collect, process and analyze existing data in order to identify potential risk areas. In this study, flood risk susceptibility maps of the İnebolu Basin, located within the borders of Kastamonu province in the west of the Black Sea Region of Turkey, were created by using different fuzzy analytic hierarchy process methods and the obtained results were compared with each other

    Kanser Kaydının Önemi ve Kanser Kontrolündeki Yeri

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    Tanımlanmış topluluklardaki tüm kanser olgularıhakkında bilgi kaydetme fikri, yirminci yüz yılınilk yarısına dayanmaktadır. Son 20 yılda kayıtlarınrolü, kanser kontrol faaliyetlerinin planlanması,değerlendirilmesi ve epidemiyolojisi ile kanserhastalarının bireysel bakımını kapsayacak şekildedaha da genişlemiştir. Kanser kontrolü, önleme,erken tanı, tedavi ve palyatif bakımda kanıta dayalımüdahalelerin sistematik olarak uygulanması yoluylakanser insidansını, morbiditesini ve mortalitesiniazaltmayı ve kanser hastalarının yaşam kalitesiniiyileştirmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu noktada, ulusal veuluslararası bir kanser kontrol programı çerçevesinde,toplum tabanlı bir kanser kayıt merkezi etrafındatemellendirilen bir kanser sürveyans programı önemlibir role sahiptir. Bu nedenle hastane tabanlı kanserkayıt sistemleri, tümör patolojisi tabanlı kanserkayıt sistemleri ve buradaki bilgilerin toplanmasıylaoluşturulan toplum tabanlı kanser kayıt sistemleri,kanser kontrol planlarının oluşturulmasında vebaşarılarının izlenmesinde önemli bir rol oynar.&nbsp;The idea of recording information about all cancercases in identified populations dates back to thefirst half of the twentieth century. In the last 20years, the role of registries has expanded furtherto encompass the planning, evaluation, andepidemiology of cancer control activities and theindividual care of cancer patients. Cancer controlaims to reduce cancer incidence, morbidity andmortality through the systematic implementationof evidence-based interventions in prevention,early diagnosis, treatment and palliative care and toimprove the quality of life of cancer patients. At thispoint, a cancer surveillance program based around acommunity-based cancer registry center within theframework of a national and international cancercontrol program has a very important role. For thisreason, hospital-based cancer registry systems,tumor pathology-based cancer registry systems, andcommunity-based cancer registry systems created bycollecting the information there play an importantrole in the creation of cancer control plans andmonitoring their success.</p

    Risk factors for radiation failure in early-stage glottic carcinoma: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: Radiotherapy is one of the main treatment modalities for early-stage glottic carcinoma. Unfortunately, local failure may occur in a group of cases with T1-T2 glottic carcinoma. This meta-analysis sought to determine risk factors for radiation failure in patients with early-stage glottic carcinoma