4 research outputs found
Diagnosis of the human cyclosporiasis is reported in São Paulo, SP, Brasil. Cyclospora cayetanensis has been identified in the feces of a patient by a modified Kinyoun staining method, with later sporulation in a solution of 2.5% potassium dichromate. The probability that this parasite is the eventual cause of gastrointestinal disturbances in the country was stimulated by this finding, which was arrived at by a simple technique. It had been kept in mind that the disease was expressing itself mainly among immunocompromised patients, whose number is increasing; especially in those with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), which is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).<br>É relatado o diagnóstico de ciclosporíase humana em São Paulo, SP, Brasil. Cyclospora cayetanensis foi encontrada nas fezes de um indivíduo através de exame pelo método de coloração de Kinyoun modificado, com posterior esporulação em dicromato de potássio a 2,5%. Esta verificação deve estimular a necessidade de considerar a ciclosporíase como eventual causa de distúrbios gastrointestinais no país, podendo ela ser reconhecida até mesmo por meio de técnica razoavelmente simples. Foi ainda lembrado que esta parasitose vem adquirindo expressividade sobretudo pelo fato de não raramente acometer imunodeprimidos, agora cada vez mais numerosos em especial como decorrência da infecção pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana (HIV), que causa a síndrome da imunodeficiência adquirida (AIDS)
Sparrows (Passer domesticus L.) as intermediary hosts of Toxoplasma gondii in poultry farms from the "agreste" region of Pernambuco, Brazil
This paper aimed to identify Toxoplasma gondii infection in house sparrows (Passer domesticus, Linneaus 1758) coming from poultry farms in the "agreste" region of the Brazilian state of Pernambuco. 151 sparrows (Passer domesticus) captured in eight broiler, egg layer and commercial laying poultry farms, were used. Indirect hemagglutination test was used to research anti-T. gondii antibodies. Animals that presented titration of 1:16 were destined to DNA research through Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) technique, followed by Nested-PCR. It was observed that, from 151 analyzed samples. 91 (60.3%) were reagents and 60 (39.7%) were not reagents. It was verified, through analysis of the distribution of infected animals frequency per farm, that in only one farm (12.5%) no animal reagent to T. gondii was captured. It was also observed that three (30.00%) of the ten samples destined to DNA research for T. gondii were positive to PCR and four (40.00%) were positive to Nested-PCR. Anti-T gondii antibodies occurrence and the molecular identification of the agent confirmed natural T. gondii infection in sparrows from poultry farms in Brazil. Other studies must be carried out to highlight the real importance of these animals in the epidemiological chain and their efficiency in the transmission of the parasite to felines. Therefore, researches that use parasite isolation and molecular techniques to determine genomic profile of the agent present in these poultry farms are needed