13 research outputs found

    Dynamics of the Epidemic Process of Tick-Borne Encephalitis in Irkutsk Region in 2001–2021

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    The aim of this work was to analyze the spatial and temporal features of the epidemic process dynamics of tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) in Irkutsk Region in 2001–2021.Materials and methods. The data of the Rospotrebnadzor Administration for the Irkutsk Region, the Reference Center of the Irkutsk Research Anti-Plague Institute, the materials of the state statistical reporting form No. 2 “Information on infectious and parasitic diseases”, and scientific publications were analyzed. The chronological and chorological features of the change in the incidence of TVE have been traced. In the latter case, the administrative-territorial formations (ATF) of the subject were differentiated by epidemiological risk groups over two ten-year periods: 2001–2010 and 2011–2020. At each time interval, the grouping of areas according to the level of TBE incidence was carried out using the calculation of 95% confidence interval. Time sequences of observations were analyzed using the construction of regression equations. Standard methods of variation statistics in the Microsoft Excel were deployed.Results and discussion. Over the course of the 21st century, the incidence of TBE in Irkutsk Region has been declining. Based on 2001–2010 data, there were no cases of TBE in six ATF, and endemic areas were divided into three groups: with low (15 districts), medium (6) and high (8) incidence of TBE. A separate assessment of morbidity rates was conducted in the administrative center of the entity, the city of Irkutsk. In 2011–2020, the structure of ATF with varying epidemiological risk of TBE underwent a change. Six non-endemic areas, groups of low (12 ATFs), medium (9), high (6) and very high (2) epidemiological risk were identified. The spatial arrangement of high epidemiological risk zones changed, and their area increased. Each ATF cluster with different TBE incidence in 2011–2020 is characterized by the number of TBE cases and the volume of measures to prevent the infection. It is concluded that preventive measures were insufficient in ATF groups of high and very high epidemiological risk

    Association study between BGLAP RS1800247-polymorphic variant and type 2 diabetes mellitus development among hypertensive and non-hypertensive Ukrainians

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    The risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) development depends on a hereditary predisposition. According to the current data, bone tissue enhances insulin gene expression in pancreatic β-cells as well as increases insulin sensitivity of adipocytes, myocytes and hepatocytes through the secretion of undercarboxylated osteocalcin (unOCN). The aim. To analyze the relation between rs1800247 SNP and T2DM occurrence depending on the arterial hypertension (AH) presence, as well as association between rs1800247 and systolic, diastolic, pulse, mean blood pressure among patients with T2DM. Materials and methods. This study included 153 patients with diagnosed T2DM and 311 individuals without any carbohydrate metabolism disorders. Polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis (PCR-RFLP) was used for BGLAP rs1800247-genotyping. Logistic regression with interaction term “genotype × AH” was used to estimate the association between BGLAP rs1800247-genotypes and T2DM development in dominant, recessive, over-dominant and additive models of inheritance. Linear regression was performed to examine the influence of minor C-allele on the arterial blood pressure. Lipid profile characteristics of T2DM patients were stratified by rs1800247-genotype using ANOVA with Bonferroni post hoc test. All calculations were performed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences software (SPSS, version 22.0, Chicago, IL, USA). A value of P ˂ 0.05 was considered as significant. Results. No association was found between rs1800247 single nucleotide polymorphism and T2DM development neither in AH patients, nor in subjects without AH (Paint b > 0.05). There was no impact of rs1800247 genotypes on systolic, diastolic, pulse and mean blood pressure among patients with T2DM (P > 0.05). It was showed that T2DM non-hypertensive CC-carriers had significantly lower levels of total cholesterol (P = 0.012) and LDL cholesterol (P = 0.04), but higher concentration of HDL cholesterol (P = 0.015) compared to the TT-genotype. Conclusions. It was showed that CC-carriers had more favorable parameters of lipid metabolism among T2DM non-hypertensive Ukrainians. However, there was no association between rs1800247 SNP and T2DM development as well as blood pressure parameters

    Асоціація поліморфізму rs3200401 гена довгої некодуючої РНК MALAT1 із розвитком раку сечового міхура

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    Objective: to study the association between rs3200401 long non-coding RNA MALAT1 gene polymorphism and bladder cancer development in population of Sumy oblast.Material and methods. Venous blood of 141 patients with transitional cell carcinoma of urinary bladder (TCCUB) and 100 clinically healthy subjects without any history of oncological diseases was used for the study. The determination of MALAT1 rs3200401 alleles distribution was carried out using Real-time PCR with 7500 Fast Real-Time PCR System (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, USA) and Taq-Man Assays (TaqMan® SNP Assay C_3246069_10). Processing of statistical data was performed using the SPSS package (Version 17.0).Results. The significant difference of rs320040 MALAT1 gene polymorphic site genotypes and alleles frequencies between TCCUB patients and control group was established (P = 0.025 and P = 0.004, respectively). The results of logistic regression revealed the minor T-allele carriers had lower risk of TCCUB development compared to CC-homozygous (OR = 0.504; P = 0.018 – according to the dominant model and OR = 0.534; P = 0.045 – according to the additive model).Conclusions. This is the first study investigating the link between rs3200401 MALAT1 gene polymorphism and bladder cancer development. The rs3200401 locus is associated with TCCUB development in population of Sumy oblast. The minor T-allele carriers have the lower risk of TCCUB onset compared to CC-homozygotes.Цель работы — изучение связи rs3200401‑полиморфизма гена длинной некодирующей РНК MALAT1 с развитием рака мочевого пузыря в популяции жителей Сумской области.Материал и методы. В исследовании была использована цельная венозная кровь 141 пациента с переходноклеточным раком мочевого пузыря (ПКРМП) и 100 клинически здоровых лиц без онкологических заболеваний в анамнезе. Определение распределения аллелей по rs3200401‑локусу гена MALAT1 осуществляли с помощью полимеразной цепной реакции в реальном времени (Real-time PCR) с использованием 7500 Fast Real-time PCR System (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, США) и Taq-Man Assays (TaqMan® SNP Assay C_3246069_10). Статистическую обработку полученных данных проводили с использованием пакета SPSS (версия 17.0).Результаты. Установлено значимое различие частот генотипов и аллелей по полиморфному сайту rs3200401 гена MALAT1 между группой больных с ПКРМП и контрольной группой (P = 0,025 и Р = 0,004, соответственно). Результаты логистической регрессии показали, что риск развития ПКРМП у носителей минорного Т‑аллеля меньше, по сравнению с гомозиготами СС (OR = 0,504; Р = 0,018 — в соответствии с доминантной моделью и OR = 0,534; Р = 0,045 — в соответствии с аддитивной моделью).                                                               Выводы. Это исследование является первым касательно поиска ассоциации rs3200401‑сайта гена MALAT1 с наступлением рака мочевого пузыря. Полиморфный локус rs3200401 связан с развитием ПКРМП в популяции жителей Сумской области. Носители минорного Т‑аллеля имеют меньший риск наступления ПКРМП по сравнению с СС-гомозиготами.Мета роботи — вивчення зв’язку rs3200401‑поліморфізму гена довгої некодуючої РНК MALAT1 із розвитком раку сечового міхура в популяції мешканців Сумської області.Матеріал і методи. У дослідженні використано цільну венозну кров 141 пацієнта із перехідноклітинним раком сечового міхура (ПКРСМ) та 100 клінічно здорових осіб без онкологічних захворювань в анамнезі. Визначення розподілу алелів за rs3200401‑локусом гена MALAT1 здійснювали за допомогою полімеразної ланцюгової реакції в реальному часі (Real-time PCR) із використанням 7500 Fast Real-time P CR System (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, США) та Taq-Man Assays (TaqMan®SNP Assay C_3246069_10). Статистичне опрацювання отриманих даних проводили з використанням пакета SPSS (версія 17.0).Результати. Встановлена значуща відмінність частот генотипів та алелів за поліморфним сайтом rs3200401 гена MALAT1 між групою хворих на ПКРСМ та контрольною групою (P = 0,025 та Р = 0,004, відповідно). Результати логістичної регресії показали, що ризик розвитку ПКРСМ у носіїв мінорного Т‑алеля менший, порівняно з гомозиготами СС (OR = 0,504; Р = 0,018 — відповідно до домінантної моделі та OR = 0,534; Р = 0,045 — відповідно до адитивної моделі).Висновки. Наведене дослідження є першим щодо пошуку асоціації rs3200401‑сайту гена MALAT1 із настанням раку сечового міхура. Поліморфний локус rs3200401 пов'язаний із розвитком ПКРСМ у популяції мешканців Сумської області. Носії мінорного Т‑алеля мають менший ризик настання ПКРСМ, порівняно із СС-гомозиготами

    Analysis of correlation between BGLAP RS1800247 polymorphism and development of type 2 diabetes mellitus in smokers and non-smoking individuals

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    Відомо, що кісткова тканина здійснює системну регуляцію енергетичного обміну за рахунок вивільнення декарбоксильованої фракції остеокальцину. З огляду на це метою даного дослідження став аналіз асоціації між rs1800247-поліморфним варіантом гена BGLAP та розвитком цукрового діабету 2 типу у курців і осіб, що не палять, в українській популяції. Встановлено відсутність статистично достовірних відмінностей у розподілі алелей та генотипів серед хворих на цукровий діабет 2 типу та контрольних осіб як у підгрупі курців (χ2 = 0,062; Р = 0,803 та χ2 = 0,222; Р = 0,895 відповідно), так і осіб, що не палять (χ2 = 1,382; Р = 0,24 та χ2 = 3,314; Р = 0,191 відповідно). За допомогою методу логістичної регресії доведено відсутність зв`язку між rs1800247-поліморфним локусом гена BGLAP та розвитком цукрового діабету 2 типу в усіх моделях спадкування як до, так і після внесення поправок на вік, стать, індекс маси тіла та наявність артеріальної гіпертензії (Р ˃ 0,05). Використовуючи однофакторний дисперсійний аналіз показано, що статистично значущих відмінностей у клініко-лабораторних характеристиках між генотипами серед хворих на цукровий діабет 2 типу немає (Р ˃ 0,05). Таким чином, rs1800247-поліморфізм гена BGLAP не пов`язаний із розвитком цукрового діабету 2 типу як серед курців, так і осіб, що не палять.It is known that the skeleton tissue performs systemic energy metabolism regulation through the release decarboxylated fracture of osteocalcin. The aim of this study was to analyze the correlation between rs1800247 polymorphic variant of BGLAP gene and the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus in Ukrainian smokers and non-smoking individuals. There was no significant differences in alleles and genotypes distributions in both smoking subgroup (χ2 = 0,062; Р = 0,803 and χ2 = 0,222; Р = 0,895 respectively) and nonsmoking (χ2 = 1,382; Р = 0,24 and χ2 = 3,314; Р = 0,191 respectively) groups. Using logistic regression method it was established the lack of association between rs1800247-polymorphic locus of BGLAP and type 2 diabetes mellitus in crude models and after the adjustment for age, sex, mass body index and the presence of arterial hypertension (Р ˃ 0,05). No statistically significant differences were found out between clinical and laboratory values among diabetic patients stratified by genotype in one-way analysis of variance (Р ˃0,05). It suggests the conclusion that rs1800247-polymorphism is not associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus development in both smokers and non-smoking individuals

    Epidemiological Situation on COVID-19 in Irkutsk Region and Forecast for its Spread

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    Assessment of a particular territory by its epidemiological significance is very relevant in the light of widespread occurrence of new coronavirus infection, COVID-19, in the Russian Federation.Objective. Detection of the epidemiological features and revealing trends in the epidemic process of new coronavirus infection in the Irkutsk Region and forecasting of its spread.Materials and methods. An operational analysis of the epidemiological situation on COVID-19 in the Irkutsk Region as of August 16, 2020 was performed. Restrictive measures were substantiated based on the calculation of the infection spread rate (Rt).Results and discussion. Irkutsk Region remained one of the adverse territories as regards human COVID-19 incidence in the Siberian Federal District and the Russian Federation as of August 16, 2020. The gradual dynamics of the epidemic process was revealed: at the first stage of the epidemic development it was facilitated by the imported cases from affected countries and regions of the Russian Federation, and subsequently by local transmission. The incidence increase was registered 2 months later than in central regions of the Russian Federation. Currently there is a consistent downward trend. The increase in the cases prevailed among rotation workers staying for shift and seasonal activities in the administrative center and northern districts of the Irkutsk Region. The epidemic pattern was determined by gender, age and social characteristics. It is demonstrated that the risk of the new coronavirus infection is determined by the intensity of contacts in family foci, the spread of infection in medical organizations and a significant proportion of asymptomatic carriers. High lethality rates (0.7 %) and mortality rates (31.1 o / oooo) were established among persons over 65 years. The stationary time series observed since June for changing the Rt-indicator with fluctuations ranging from 0.92 to 1.01 requires maintaining control of restrictive measures with prompt management decisions making based on the evolving epidemiological situation in the Irkutsk Region and taking into account the assessment of its possible complication risks