161 research outputs found

    Polaron features for long-range electron-phonon interaction

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    The polaron features for long-range electron-phonon interaction are investigated by extending a variational approach previously proposed for the study of systems with local coupling. The ground-state spectral weight, the average kinetic energy, the mean number of phonons, and the electron-lattice correlation function are discussed for a wide range of model parameters focusing on the adiabatic regime and comparing the results with the short-range case (Holstein model). A strong mixing of electronic and phononic degrees of freedom for small values of the electron-phonon coupling constant is found in the adiabatic case due to the long-range interaction. Finally a polaron "phase diagram" is proposed.Comment: 4 figs., to appear in J. Phys.:Condens. Matte

    Instabilities for a relativistic electron beam interacting with a laser irradiated plasma

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    The effects of a radiation field (RF) on the unstable modes developed in relativistic electron beam--plasma interaction are investigated assuming that ω0>ωp\omega_{0} >\omega_{p}, where ω0\omega_{0} is the frequency of the RF and ωp\omega_{p} is the plasma frequency. These unstable modes are parametrically coupled to each other due to the RF and are a mix between two--stream and parametric instabilities. The dispersion equations are derived by the linearization of the kinetic equations for a beam--plasma system as well as the Maxwell equations. In order to highlight the effect of the radiation field we present a comparison of our analytical and numerical results obtained for nonzero RF with those for vanishing RF. Assuming that the drift velocity ub\mathbf{u}_{b} of the beam is parallel to the wave vector k\mathbf{k} of the excitations two particular transversal and parallel configurations of the polarization vector E0\mathbf{E}_{0} of the RF with respect to k\mathbf{k} are considered in detail. It is shown that in both geometries resonant and nonresonant couplings between different modes are possible. The largest growth rates are expected at the transversal configuration when E0\mathbf{E}_{0} is perpendicular to k\mathbf{k}. In this case it is demonstrated that in general the spectrum of the unstable modes in ω\omega --kk plane is split into two distinct domains with long and short wavelengths, where the unstable modes are mainly sensitive to the beam or the RF parameters, respectively. In parallel configuration, E0k\mathbf{E}_{0} \parallel \mathbf{k}, and at short wavelengths the growth rates of the unstable modes are sensitive to both beam and RF parameters remaining insensitive to the RF at long wavelengths.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figure

    One- and two-photon resonant spectroscopy of hydrogen and anti-hydrogen atoms in external electric fields

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    The resonant spectra of hydrogen and anti-hydrogen atoms in the presence of an external electric field are compared theoretically. It is shown that nonresonant corrections to the transition frequency contain terms linear in the electric field. The existence of these terms does not violate space and time parity and leads to a difference in the resonant spectroscopic measurements for hydrogen and anti-hydrogen atoms in an external electric field. The one-photon 1s-2p and the two-photon 1s-2s resonances are investigated

    Концептуальные основы технологии песчаного дисперсно-армированного асфальтобетона

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    A problem of efficient resource usage in road branch continues to be one of the most complicated issues and requires an intensification in investigation process pertaining to possibilities for production of road construction materials of low resource intensity with high physical and mechanical properties. Technogenic wastes of the Belarusian enterprises are rather various and they need a detailed investigation. Application of such methods as IR spectrometry, probe microscopy, study of of geometric characteristics of particles and fibers make it possible to determine more active centres and reveal micro-defects that influence on strength of adhesion bond at the boundary of “fiber – binder” and physical and mechanical properties of ready-mixed asphalt concrete. Nature of basalt fiber presupposes mainly physical character of adhesion interaction at the boundary of phase separation. An increase of technogenic waste activity to enhance adhesion contacts up to chemisorption level is possible only due to preliminary fiber processing which includes cleaning, removal of foreign inclusions, etching, drying, probable sorting-out and fluffing. Industrial approbation of such technological process is not possible without development of a corresponding module or a plant. Disperse reinforment causes changes in composition and technology of sand asphalt concrete. An increase in specific surface of an aggregate, necessity of uniform distribution of fiber in terms of volume determine the required need in a binder, procedure and regimes for component mixing. Grain composition of the aggregate can be represented by crush screening and natural sand of mixture of these materials. Requirements to properties of sand disperse-reinforced asphalt concrete are formed on the basis of operational conditions and layer arrangement of the material in the design of a surface dressing. The disperse-reinforced sand asphalt concrete can perform functions of a superfine protective layer, a levelling layer or a crack stopping layer which is resistant to fatigue crack formation.Проблема эффективного использования ресурсов в дорожной отрасли остается одной из самых сложных, поэтому требуется интенсификация процесса исследования возможностей производства дорожно-строительных материалов пониженной ресурсоемкости с повышенными физико-механическими свойствами. Техногенные отходы предприятий Беларуси достаточно разнообразны, и необходимо их изучение. Использование методов ИК-спектрометрии, зондовой микроскопии, изучение геометрических характеристик частиц и волокон позволяют определить наиболее активные центры и выявить микродефекты, влияющие на прочность адгезионной связи на границе «волокно – вяжущее» и физико-механические свойства готового асфальтобетона. Природа базальтового волокна предполагает в основном физический характер адгезионного взаимодействия на границе раздела фаз. Повышение активности техногенного отхода с целью усиления адгезионных контактов вплоть до хемосорбционного уровня возможно только при предварительной обработке волокна, которая будет включать очистку, удаление инородных включений, травление волокна, сушку, возможную сортировку и вспушивание. Промышленная апробация такого технологического процесса невозможна без разработки соответствующего модуля или установки. Дисперсное армирование вызывает изменения в составах и технологии песчаного асфальтобетона. Увеличение удельной поверхности заполнителя, необходимость равномерного распределения волокна по объему определяют потребность в вяжущем, порядок и режимы перемешивания компонентов. Зерновой состав заполнителя может быть представлен как отсевом дробления, так и природным песком или смесью этих материалов. Требования к свойствам песчаного дисперсно-армированного асфальтобетона формируются в зависимости от условий эксплуатации и расположения слоя этого материала в конструкции дорожной одежды. Дисперсно-армированный песчаный асфальтобетон может выполнять функции сверхтонкого защитного слоя, выравнивающего слоя или трещинопрерывающей прослойки, слоя, устойчивого к усталостному трещинообразованию

    Catalog of dessins d'enfants with \le 4 edges

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    In this work all the dessins d'enfant with no more than 4 edges are listed and their Belyi pairs are computed. In order to enumerate all dessins the technique of matrix model computations was used. The total number of dessins is 134; among them 77 are spherical, 53 of genus 1 and 4 of genus 2. The orders of automorphism groups of all the dessins are also found. Dessins are listed by the number of edges. Dessins with the same number of edges are ordered lexicographically by their lists of 0-valencies. The corresponding matrix model for any list of 0-valencies is given and computed. Complex matrix models for dessins with 1 -- 3 edges are used. For the dessins with 4 edges we use Hermitian matrix model, correlators for which are computed in [1].Comment: 64 pages, 134 figure

    Adaptation of the Landau-Migdal Quasiparticle Pattern to Strongly Correlated Fermi Systems

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    A quasiparticle pattern advanced in Landau's first article on Fermi liquid theory is adapted to elucidate the properties of a class of strongly correlated Fermi systems characterized by a Lifshitz phase diagram featuring a quantum critical point (QCP) where the density of states diverges. The necessary condition for stability of the Landau Fermi Liquid state is shown to break down in such systems, triggering a cascade of topological phase transitions that lead, without symmetry violation, to states with multi-connected Fermi surfaces. The end point of this evolution is found to be an exceptional state whose spectrum of single-particle excitations exhibits a completely flat portion at zero temperature. Analysis of the evolution of the temperature dependence of the single-particle spectrum yields results that provide a natural explanation of classical behavior of this class of Fermi systems in the QCP region.Comment: 26 pages, 14 figures. Dedicated to 100th anniversary of A.B.Migdal birthda

    Vibration induced memory effects and switching in ac-driven molecular nanojunctions

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    We investigate bistability and memory effects in a molecular junction weakly coupled to metallic leads with the latter being subject to an adiabatic periodic change of the bias voltage. The system is described by a simple Anderson-Holstein model and its dynamics is calculated via a master equation approach. The controlled electrical switching between the many-body states of the system is achieved due to polaron shift and Franck-Condon blockade in the presence of strong electron-vibron interaction. Particular emphasis is given to the role played by the excited vibronic states in the bistability and hysteretic switching dynamics as a function of the voltage sweeping rates. In general, both the occupation probabilities of the vibronic states and the associated vibron energy show hysteretic behaviour for driving frequencies in a range set by the minimum and maximum lifetimes of the system. The consequences on the transport properties for various driving frequencies and in the limit of DC-bias are also investigated.Comment: 15 pages, 20 figures, published versio

    Stripes, Vibrations and Superconductivity

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    We propose a model of a spatially modulated collective charge state of superconducting cuprates. The regions of higher carrier density (stripes) are described in terms of Luttinger liquids and the regions of lower density as a two-dimensional interacting bosonic gas of d_{x^2-y^2} hole pairs. The interactions among the elementary excitations are repulsive and the transition to the superconducting state is driven by decay processes. Vibrations of the CCS and the lattice, although not participating directly in the binding mechanism, are fundamental for superconductivity. The superfluid density and the lattice have a strong tendency to modulation implying a still unobserved dimerized stripe phase in cuprates. The phase diagram of the model has a crossover from 1D to 2D behavior and a pseudogap region where the amplitude of the order parameters are finite but phase coherence is not established. We discuss the nature of the spin fluctuations and the unusual isotope effect within the model.Comment: 51 pages, 20 figures. Post-March Meeting version: New references are added, some of the typos are corrected, and a few new discussions are include