15 research outputs found


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    除蟲菊(Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium. Bocc)屬菊科(Compositeae),宿根草本植物,其所含Pyrethrin成分有驅蟲作用,可製成害蟲驅蟲劑,蚊香、農藥中殺蟲乳劑與粉劑等用途。據松田秀維(1939)研究Pyrethrin對動物毒性之反應,謂對冷血動物有毒,對溫血動物毒性甚弱,因在血液中吸收之際,為高溫加水分解,毒力減弱。池田長守(1950)研究除蟲菊含Pyrethrin量之分佈,謂以花含量最高,達1.19%,葉0.23%,莖0.12%,根0.1%,由資料可知藥用部份為花。又Gnadinger and Con (1930)及武居、今木等(1932)研究除蟲菊花採收期之報告,謂在滿開期 Pyrethrin含量最高,達1.15~1.43%。松田秀雄(1939)研究除蟲菊乾花收量每分地第1年及第2年各為100~200kg,第3年,52kg,第4年,37kg,第5年34kg,第6年29kg,由資料顯示前2年經濟價位較高。日本農林省所定除蟲菊花含Pyrethrin量標準為0.9%,超過此標準即有經濟價值。本省耕地面積有限,平地少,山地多,廣大的山坡地宜開發利用栽植本經濟作物,裨益農家經濟,爭取外匯。 本所過去向日本引進除蟲菊新品種,試栽成功,為本省新興作物之一,Pyrethrin含纖高,可抽取製成殺蟲劑,其優熱是不致如DDT噴灑後含有殘毒,貽害人畜。又除蟲菊採花費時費力,故本研究之目的一方面在探究除蟲菊花在本省栽培所含Pyrethrin量;另方面尋求採花之適當時期,以提高產量,作為今後農民栽培之參考。 For lifting the Pyrethrin content and flower production in Pyrethrum flowers, the suitable harvesting period was investigated. The experiment was held in Tahshue Mountain from Jan. 1972 to Dec. 1973. The variety of Japan type insect flower conagen 1 and three different harvest period were tested, The results obtained are as follows: 1. The plant height and tiller number were increase when plants grown. Owing to the different harvesting period, there were significant difference in flower number and flower diameter which affected the flower production (Table 1). 2. Flower harvested in full bloosom stage had the maximum two-year production as 135.8 g, however, there was only 48.9 g. harvested in emerge bloosom period (Table 2). 3. There were the highest dry flower weight, dry flower ratio, and weight of 100 flowers harvested in the full bloosom period (Table 3) and also got the highest Pyrethrin content in this stage (Table 4). Thus, the different picking period not only affected the Pyrethrin content but also affected the quantity of flower production

    (30(4):357-361)Effect of different staking methods on the quality and yield of Dioscorea alata L.

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    為了探討不同支架型式對於山藥(Dioscorea alata L.)塊根產量及品質之影響,乃舉行本研究。本研究自1979年1月至1980年2月止。依支架型式不同分為高支架(6尺),中支架(4尺半),矮支架(3尺),半弧形支架(3尺)及對照區(黑色塑膠布覆蓋)計有5種處理。玆將研究結果摘述如下: 1. 山藥初期生育受不同支架之影響,各處理間差異大,株高、節數、分蘗數均以半弧形支架(3尺)處理較佳。 2. 支架型式以高支架(6尺)處理對地上部莖葉之乾重量,每株平均比對照(黑色塑膠布覆蓋)處理可增加36%,半弧形支架(3尺)處理增加10%;地下部之塊根產量平均每株高支架(6尺)處理可增加33%,半弧形支架(3尺)處理增加11%,中支架(4.5尺)處理增加2%;由於高支架(6尺)處理有利於塊根之肥大,其他半弧形支架(3尺)及中支架(4尺半)處理亦佳,產量各增加0.154,0.051及0.01kg/株。 3. 以單位面積產量言,高支架(6尺)處理時產量最佳,對地下部塊根產量每公頃比對照(黑色塑膠布覆蓋)可增加33%;且根形,品質均屬最佳,蛋白質含量提高2.83%;其次半弧形支架(3尺)處理可增加11%,根形,品質亦佳,其蛋白質含量亦提高0.83%;其他中支架(4尺半)及矮支架(3尺)處理蛋白質含量均有提高之趨勢。For studying the effect of staking types on the yield and quality of Dioscorea alata L., highΛ-type staking (6 feet), middleΛ-type staking (4.5 feet), IowΛ-type staking (3 feet), arc type staking (3 feet) and control (non-staking) were used. Arc type staking was the best on plant height, no. of internodes and no. of tillages for plant growth stage but was for tuber root growth stage. Staking showed an advantage on plant and tuber root growth by increasing plant dry weight, yield, protein content and Shape of tuber rool. High staking increased 33% (4928 kg/ha) in tuber root yield, 36% in dry weight of upper part, and 2.83% in protein content compared with non-staking. Whereas, arc type staking increased 11% (1632 kg/ha) in tuber root yield, 10% in dry eight of upper part, and 0.83% in protein content compared with non-staking

    (41(1):53-60)Comparisons on the Agronomic Characteristics, Tuber Yield and Quality of Mai-Men-Tung Lines (Ophiopogon spp.)

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    本試驗利用五種麥門冬品系:57─Ml、57─M2、57─M3、57─M4及57─M5,自民國77年2月起利用分株法定植田間,至78年5月止,於本所進行5個不同生長時期之調查與比較,以探討麥門冬品系間之生長特性、產量及品質之差異。試驗結果如下: 於不同生長時期麥門冬品系間之株高、分蘗數、葉與花之性狀、及塊根之性狀與產量等互有差異,而以57─M4及57─M5二品系在株高、分蘗數、葉長及塊根產量等性狀之表現較為優異。 單株平均塊根乾重以57─M4最高,每公頃收量達9,900kg;57─M5次之,每公頃收量為3,700kg,皆顯著高於其他品系。此外,另參考塊根之礦物質、還原糖及澱粉等成分含量,初步證實57─M4與57─M5應為最具發展潛力之麥門冬品系。 Five lines of mai-men-tung, i. e., 57-Mi, 57-M2, 57-M3, 57-M4, and 57-M5 were compared for their agronomic characteristics and tuber differences to select a higher yield and quality line. Experiment was conducted from 1988 to 1989 at TART. Experimental results indicated that there were significant differences in performances of plant height, tiller number, leaf and flower characteristics and tuber yield measured at five growth durations among lines. Lines of 57-M4 and 57-M5 were superior in plant height, tiller number, and leaf length to other lines. Mean yield of dry tuber of 57-M4(9,900 kg/ha) was the highest, followed by 57-M5(3,700kg/ha). By comparing the measured agronomic characteristics, tuber yield and chemical compositions, it was suggested that 57-M4 and 57-M5 were the most promising lines of mai-men-tung for future research usage


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    為探究N.P.K之施肥量對於當歸根之產量及品質之影響。乃舉行本試驗。供試品種為大和當歸,分九個處理。茲將試驗結果商述如下: 1. 從表四中結果看,根產量則以N2P1K0處理區為最高,顯示由於加施N肥之顯影響,而K肥對於根產量似無影響。 2. 其他處理間根產量差異不顯著,而以N0P1K2處理區為最低,表示根產量受缺N肥的影響,而K肥的加施與否對根產量之影響不大。 3. 各處理間根產量受N及P肥施量之影響較大。 The present experiment is to study the effect of N.P.K. fertilizers on the yield and quality of Angelica. Angelica acutiloba Kitagawa f. acutilioba Hikino was used as the material which was planted on the field under nine treatments. 1. The highest root yield was obtained in the treatment of N2 P1 K0 This indicated that the yield increased was primarily due to the increased application of nitrogen fertilizer. Less influence of potassium to the root yield was noticed. 2. No statically signigicant differences in the root yield among other treatment were found. However, The lowest rot yield in the N0 P2 K2 treatment was noticed, indicating that the yield decrease was due to lack of nitrogen fertilizer. Effect of potassium on the root yield seems to be not prominent, the larger effect of phosphorus on the root yield was noticed however

    Pathological and biochemical analysis of dilated cardiomyopathy of broiler chickens - An animal model

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    Forty-seven birds (M/F=33/14) with natural outbreak dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) of right ventricle (RV) and 33 birds with artificially cool-induced DCM hearts were studied. Clinically, 20 severe and 13 mild DCM cases were induced during five weeks and the peak morbidity was in the 2nd week. The progressive dilatation of RV and hypokinesis of septum was shown by echocardiography. At autopsy, the ratio of heart weights to the body weights was increased, the ratio of RV weight to the total ventricle significantly increased, especially in the severe DCM cases (P<0.05). The RV was dilated and the wall thickness was increased and finally both RV and left ventricle (LV) were markedly dilated and the septum became thinner. The struts, weave and coil demonstrated by silver impregnation stain were fragmented, dissociated and overstretched. The promatrix metalloproteinases (MMP)-2, -9 and active MMP-2 were markedly increased in natural outbreak DCM cases, especially in the RV (P<0.05). The proMMP-2 and active MMP-2 was increased in the cool induced DCM cases, especially in the RV of severe DCM (P<0.05). These indicated that both the natural outbreak and the artificially induced DCM of broiler chickens are ideal DCM animal models

    Identification of a novel Bacillus species isolated from Calculus Bovis

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    A novel Bacillus species of Calculus Bovis (cow gallstone) was isolated and identified in this study. Morphological features, bacterial fatty acid analysis using a microbial identification system, carbon source utilization profiles using Biolog system and 16S rDNA sequencing were employed to identify the isolated bacterium. This isolated bacterium was observed to be Gram-negative, aerobic growing, rod-shaped and short chain. The results of bacterial fatty acid analysis and physiological characteristics were not matched to the database. The main fatty acids found in the bacterium were 65.96% branched chain saturated fatty acids (iso C(11:0), anteiso C(11:0) and iso C(13:0)similar to anteiso C(19:0)). The bacterium oxidized 35 carbon sources and weakly responded with 49 of the 95 different carbon sources analyzed with the Biolog identification system. Based on 16S rDNA sequence analysis, this bacterium was classified as a novel Bacillus species

    Studies on the Production and Quality of Yam (Dioscorea spp.)

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    優良種原之引進為本省山藥品種改良與生產利用之首要工作。在已蒐集之團品系中,有40個為D. alata系,其中70W04及70W05特具生產潛力,此二品系之公頃產量可達40t/ha以上;具30t/ha以上生產力的有10品系,如山藥台農1號及70W01等;另有4品系之產量在20t/ha以上。在23個D. alata var. purpurea品系中,較具生產潛力的為70R01及70R08,二品系之公頃產量可達23t/ha以上。在6個D. esculenta品系中,71W19有29t/ha之生產潛力。71W14為5個D. rotundata品系中較高產之品系,有22t/ha之產量。除了未經種原鑑定之10品系外,在其他山藥物種中,較具高產潛力的為D. bulbifera之71W21,產量可達25t/ha。屬於D. alata之山藥台農1號及70W04之塊莖肉部色白,屬於D. alata var. purpurea之70R01則色紫紅,三品系同具高產傾向。由台中地區經三個連續栽培年度及1992年在三個不同地區之產量比較結果可知,70W04及山藥台農1號同具31t/ha以上之高產表現,且甚穩定。由不同海拔之試驗結果可知,較高海拔(850m)似對70W04及山藥台農1號塊莖性狀及產量之影響較大。另由品質之比較結果可知,70R01具有較山藥台農1號及70W04為高之蛋白質、脂肪、粗纖維及灰分成分,其P、Mg、Fe及Ca之含量亦較高,惟塊莖較易褐變且粕度劣變較快,是其缺點。 The introduction of superior germplasm is essential to the varietal improvement, production, and utilization of yam in Taiwan. A total of 90 genotypes including 40 of D. alata, 23 of D. alata var. puiparea, 6 of D. esculenta, 5 of D. rotundata, and 1 of D. balbifera have been collected, propagated, and evaluated by Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute. The two most productive yam genotypes, 70W04 and 70W05, with yield potential over 40 t/ha, belong t D. alata, Ten genotypes (including Tainung No. 1) and 4 genotypes (including 70W02) of D. alata also possessed yield potential higher than 30 and 20 t/ha, respectively. The average yield of D. alata var. parpurea genotypes 70R01 and 70R08 in the field experiment was over 23 t/ha, The representative and productive genotypes of the other yam species include 70W19 of D. esculenta , 70W14 of D. rotuadata , and 70 W21 of D. bulbifera, with mean yield of 29. 4, 22.1 and 25.3 t/ha, respectively. Field experiments had been conducted ofr three consecutive years at Taichung area and at three different locations in 1992 to investigate the agronomic and yield performance of genotypes Tainung No. 1, 70W04, and 70R01. Both 70W04 and Tainung No. 1 had high and stable yield with average tuber yield over 31 t/ha. Cultivation at high altitude showed a more detrimental effect on 70W04 and Tainung No. 1 than on 70R01. Despite the easier browning and faster decrease in viscosity, chemical analysis indicated the superior nutritional quality of 70R01 tubers by its higher contents of protein, fat, fiber, total ash, and mineral elements of P, Mg, Fe, and Ca, as compared to the other two genotypes

    Collection, Propagation, and Evaluation of Special Crop Germplasm

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    本試驗主要針對亞麻及山藥二種特用作物之種原,進行蒐集、繁殖與評估工作。本年度計蒐集與繁殖亞麻100品系,山藥150品系。經初步評估結果如下:亞麻100品系中有90%可供作採收纖維與種子之兼用種原,另有10%僅可供作採收纖維用之種原。山藥150品系中繁殖與生長均佳,但抗病及蟲害之品系數在10%以下。 The object of this program in 1997 included collection, propagation, and evaluation of germplasms from two kinds of special crops, i.e., Linum usitatissimum L. and Dioscorea spp.. A total of 100 lines of Linum usitatissimum L. and 150 lines of Dioscorea spp. had been collected and propagated in this year. Based on primary evaluation, 90% of 100 lines of Linum usitatissimum could be used for both fiber and seed purposes, only 10% were fiber flax. The propagation and growth of 150 lines of Dioscorea spp. were not bad, however, the ratio of these yam lines which could resist to bacteria and insect were less than 10%

    Effects of the Application of Organic and Chemical Fertilizer on the Grass Yield and Quality of Mai-Men-Tong (Ophiopogon spp.)

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    本試驗探討不同施用量之有機堆肥及化肥對麥門冬鮮草產量及品質之影響。供試材料為57一M1(大葉種)。肥料處理:對照組為N、P2O5各100kg/ha,K2O 150kg/ha及有機堆肥15 t/ha;N分三變級100、200、300 kg/ha,P2O5 100 kg/ha固定,K2O二變級150、225 kg/ha,有機堆肥分二變級15 t/ha,30 t/ha,合計12處理。RCBD設計,小區4 × lm2,4重複,行株距各20 cm。土壤理化性測定為pH值5.8,有機質含量1.79%,有效性磷8.73ppm,鉀含148.27ppm。初步結果以初年生採收二次鮮草收量以N 300 kg/ha,K2O 225 kg/ha加有機堆肥30 t/ha之組合處理最高,可達41,400 kg/ha,顯示配合有機堆肥有助於鮮草收量之提高。分析鮮草水溶性醣,水溶性物含量及水溶性灰分含量均在標準上,礦物質含量分析在各處理間差異不大“第二年採收三次鮮草收量計以N 200kg/ha,K2O 150kg/ha加有機堆肥30t/ha之組合處理最高,可達75,250kg/ha,顯示配合有機堆肥確可提高鮮草收量。 The purpose of this project in 1997 was mainly to evaluate the effect of mixed on the grass yield and quality of mai-men-tong. Experimental data indicated that a yield of 75.3t/ha could be obtained from the mixed fertilizer of N 200 kg/ha, K20 150 t/ha, and 15 t/ha of organic fertilizer, with higher content of sugar, ash and mineral elements

    Varietal Improvement of Yam (Dioscorea spp.)

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    山藥為最重要根莖類作物之一,具高產及富含營養之特色。由於分佈極廣,遍及全部熱帶、副熱帶及其他地區,品種十分繁雜“其種原能否加強蒐集,實為本省山藥品種改良與生產利用之首要工作。在眾多山藥種原中最具生產力的為D. alala L.、D. esculenta (Lour.) Burk. D. rotunda/a (L.) Poir.、D. cayenensis Lam.及D. bulbilera L.;而就本省而言,D. alala L.、B alala L var. purpurea (Roxb.)M. Pouch. D. japonica Thunb. var. pseudojponica (Hay.) Yamam.及D. doiyophora Hance亦深具發展潛力。多年來,台灣省農業試驗所即針對上述重要山藥種原積極進行引種工作,至今已有卯品系,除了先行繁殖、觀察及進行農藝性狀與產量之調查外,同時另進行開花習性、細胞遺傳及同功異構酣電泳之探討與分析,並繼續進行早熟性、抗病或抗蟲性、成分分析及其他性狀之篩檢工作,以配合山藥選種或育種工作之進行。由於大多數山藥種原不易開花,若有開花亦因其雄株或雌株具不孕性,不易生成種子,故傳統雜交育種工作極為困難,一般以選擇育種法為主。本所利用選擇育種法育成山藥台農1 號及篩選得到優良品系70W04,此二優良品種(系)共同具備高產、質優、適應性大、耐貯性佳及適合多元化加工及利用之價值,值得促銷推廣。70W04之另一特色為其葉與蔓產量甚高、營養豐富、且質地細緻可口,有可能成為本省夏季蔬菜之另一良好供源。 Yam is one of the most important root crops due to its high yield potential and nutritional value. It is distributed in almost every part of the tropics and subtropics and possesses a wide diversity in its genetic background. The collection of yam germplasm resources is particularly imperative to the successful varietal improvement of yam in Taiwan. A total of 90 genotypes belonging to five most productive yam species in the world, i.e., D. alala L., D. esczilenla (Lour.) Burk., D. roLundala (L.) Poir., D. cayeneasis Lam., and D. bulbifera L., and four promising species in Taiwan, i.e., D. alala L., D. alala L. var. prnpurea (Roxb.) M. Pouch., D. Japonica Thunb. var. pseudojponia (Hay.) Yamam., and D. doryophora Hance has been collectedpoodgated by Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute. A number of traits including agronomic and cytological characters, yield performance, flowering habit, isozyme patterns, disease and insect resistances, and chemical composition have been investigated on all or part of those genotypes. With the exception of a few species, e. g., D. rotundata varietal improvement by conventional method is difficult because of the low frequencies of flowering and seed-setting. Therefore, introduction and subsequent selection of the introduced germplasm have been adopted in the breeding programs. A new yam variety, Tainung No. 1 and a superior line, 70W04 have been selected for their high yield potential, quality, wide adaptability, long shelf life, and processing feasibility. The leaves and vines of line 70W04 are very productive and are thus recommended as good sources of summer vegetable due also to their high nutritional value and fine texture