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    Hubungan Patron-Klien Di Lingkungan Perkebunan Tembakau Vortenlanden Klaten Jawa Tengah: Perspektif Sosiologis tentang Ketahanan Nasional. Patron-Client Relationship in Vorstenlanden Klaten Jawa Tengah: Perspektif Sosiol

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    ABSTRACTThis research tries to examine and describe the patron-client relationship in the society around Vorstenlanden tobacco plantation in Klaten regency, Central Java. The main issues are examined here as follow: 1) the mode of patron-client relationship since the Dutch colonization until nowdays2) the impact of ongoing strong patron-client relationship to the live condition and welfare of peasants and workers3) examine to some extent the relationship between patron-client relationship and exploitation over peasants and workers4) why do peasants and workers not feel to be exploited both by tobacco plantation company and cooperation system among the tobacco peasants.The research indicates that the patronage practise still exists among the people around the tobacco plantation company since its presence in the past until nowdays. The present patron-client relationship has strong ties with a patronage practise in the past. The patron is the plantation company supported by the local government (as state representation). And the client is peasant and worker. The patronage practise also developed on sub-communities. In the plantation company, the function hierarchy indicated the patron-client relationship. The workers are client of the staff officers acting as the patron. While in the field the peasants are a client of the mandor (supervisor) who acting as a patron. And finally, the peasants are also their clients who claim themselves as a peasant representation, such as a village government apparatus or a peasant organization.plantation has The patronage practise which still presents in the society around tobacco caused exploitation over workers and peasants until nowdays. This exploitation is not realized because it is done systematically and is praserved the unequally relationship between the plantation company and the peasants and between the plantation company and the worker (in the company) and peasants in the field. Keywords: Patron-client relationship, Vorstenlands tobacco plantatio