10 research outputs found

    Doubling of background solution in 5D stabilized brane world model

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    We discuss a model providing two different stationary background solutions with flat and dS4dS_{4} metric on the branes under the same values of the fundamental parameters. It is shown that only an additional fine-tuning of the brane scalar field potentials can provide a separation between two background solutions.Comment: 7 pages, LaTeX, typos correcte

    Two Graviton Production at e+ee^+e^- and Hadron Hadron Colliders in the Randall-Sundrum Model

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    We compute the pair production cross section of two Kaluza Klein modes in the Randall-Sundrum model at e+ee^+e^- and hadron hadron colliders. These processes are interesting because they get dominant contribution from the graviton interaction at next to leading order. Hence they provide a nontrivial test of the low scale gravity models. All the Feynman rules at next to leading order are also presented. These rules may be useful for many phenomenological applications including the computation of higher order loop corrections.Comment: 24 pages, 11 figures, some typos correcte

    Dynamical generation of fuzzy extra dimensions, dimensional reduction and symmetry breaking

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    We present a renormalizable 4-dimensional SU(N) gauge theory with a suitable multiplet of scalar fields, which dynamically develops extra dimensions in the form of a fuzzy sphere S^2. We explicitly find the tower of massive Kaluza-Klein modes consistent with an interpretation as gauge theory on M^4 x S^2, the scalars being interpreted as gauge fields on S^2. The gauge group is broken dynamically, and the low-energy content of the model is determined. Depending on the parameters of the model the low-energy gauge group can be SU(n), or broken further to SU(n_1) x SU(n_2) x U(1), with mass scale determined by the size of the extra dimension.Comment: 27 pages. V2: discussion and references added, published versio

    Renormalizable 1/N_f Expansion for Field Theories in Extra Dimensions

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    We demonstrate how one can construct renormalizable perturbative expansion in formally nonrenormalizable higher dimensional field theories. It is based on 1/Nf1/N_f-expansion and results in a logarithmically divergent perturbation theory in arbitrary high space-time dimension. First, we consider a simple example of NN-component scalar filed theory and then extend this approach to Abelian and non-Abelian gauge theories with NfN_f fermions. In the latter case, due to self-interaction of non-Abelian fields the proposed recipe requires some modification which, however, does not change the main results. The resulting effective coupling is dimensionless and is running in accordance with the usual RG equations. The corresponding beta function is calculated in the leading order and is nonpolynomial in effective coupling. It exhibits either UV asymptotically free or IR free behaviour depending on the dimension of space-time. The original dimensionful coupling plays a role of a mass and is also logarithmically renormalized. We analyze also the analytical properties of a resulting theory and demonstrate that in general it acquires several ghost states with negative and/or complex masses. In the former case, the ghost state can be removed by a proper choice of the coupling. As for the states with complex conjugated masses, their contribution to physical amplitudes cancels so that the theory appears to be unitary.Comment: 32 pages, 20 figure

    Higgs production in association with top quark pair at e+e- colliders in theories of higher dimensional gravity

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    The models of large extra compact dimensions, as suggested by Arkani-Hamed, Dimopoulos and Dvali, predict exciting phenomenological consequences with gravitational interactions becoming strong at the TeV scale. Such theories can be tested at the existing and future colliders. In this paper, we study the contribution of virtual Kaluza-Klein excitations in the process e+ettˉHe^+e^- \to t \bar t H at future linear collider (NLC). We find that the virtual exchange KK gravitons can modify the cross-section σ(e+ettˉH)\sigma(e^+e^- \to t \bar t H) significantly from its Standard Model value and will allow the effective string scale to be probed up to 7.9 TeV.Comment: 10 pages, Latex, 4 postscript figure

    Finite SU(N)^k Unification

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    We consider N=1 supersymmetric gauge theories based on the group SU(N)_1 x SU(N)_2 x ... x SU(N)_k with matter content (N,N*,1,...,1) + (1,N,N*,...,1) + >... + (N*,1,1,...,N) as candidates for the unification symmetry of all particles. In particular we examine to which extent such theories can become finite and we find that a necessary condition is that there should be exactly three families. We discuss further some phenomenological issues related to the cases (N,k) = (3,3), (3,4), and (4,3), in an attempt to choose those theories that can become also realistic. Thus we are naturally led to consider the SU(3)^3 model which we first promote to an all-loop finite theory and then we study its additional predictions concerning the top quark mass, Higgs mass and supersymmetric spectrum.Comment: 15 page

    Domain wall generation by fermion self-interaction and light particles

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    A possible explanation for the appearance of light fermions and Higgs bosons on the four-dimensional domain wall is proposed. The mechanism of light particle trapping is accounted for by a strong self-interaction of five-dimensional pre-quarks. We obtain the low-energy effective action which exhibits the invariance under the so called \tau-symmetry. Then we find a set of vacuum solutions which break that symmetry and the five-dimensional translational invariance. One type of those vacuum solutions gives rise to the domain wall formation with consequent trapping of light massive fermions and Higgs-like bosons as well as massless sterile scalars, the so-called branons. The induced relations between low-energy couplings for Yukawa and scalar field interactions allow to make certain predictions for light particle masses and couplings themselves, which might provide a signature of the higher dimensional origin of particle physics at future experiments. The manifest translational symmetry breaking, eventually due to some gravitational and/or matter fields in five dimensions, is effectively realized with the help of background scalar defects. As a result the branons acquire masses, whereas the ratio of Higgs and fermion (presumably top-quark) masses can be reduced towards the values compatible with the present-day phenomenology. Since the branons do not couple to fermions and the Higgs bosons do not decay into branons, the latter ones are essentially sterile and stable, what makes them the natural candidates for the dark matter in the Universe.Comment: 34 pages, 2 figures, JHEP style,few important refs. adde

    Phenomenology of twisted moduli in type I string inspired models

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    We make a first study of the phenomenological implications of twisted moduli in type I intersecting D5-brane models, focussing on the resulting predictions at the LHC using SOFTSUSY to estimate the Higgs and sparticle spectra. Twisted moduli can play an important role in giving a viable string realisation of sequestering in the limit where supersymmetry breaking comes entirely from the twisted moduli. We focus on a particular string inspired version of gaugino mediation in which the first two families are localised at the intersection between D5-branes, whereas the third family and Higgs doublets are allowed to move within the world-volume of one of the branes. The soft supersymmetry breaking third family sfermion mass terms are then in general non-degenerate with the first two families. We place constraints upon parameter space and predictions of flavour changing neutral current effects. Twisted moduli domination is studied and, as well as solving the most serious part of the SUSY flavour problem, is shown to be highly constrained. The constraints are weakened by switching on gravity-mediated contributions from the dilaton and untwisted T-moduli sectors. In the twisted moduli domination limit we predict a stop-heavy MSSM spectrum and quasi-degenerate lightest neutralino and chargino states with wino-dominated mass eigenstates