21,008 research outputs found

    Dissociation and ionization of molecular gas in the spiral arms of M51

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    Researchers derive the star formation rate and efficiency in the arm and interarm regions of M51 from observations of the molecular (Lo et al. 1987) and ionized (van der Hulst et al. 1988) phases of the interstellar medium, and show that the HI observations of Tilanus and Allen (1989) are consistent with dissociation of molecular gas by these young, massive stars if n sub H greater than or equal to 200 cm (-2). However, these stars are not able to dissociate or ionize all the gas, and at least 60 percent must remain molecular in the interarm regions. The efficiency of star formation in M51 seems to be similar to that in the Galaxy, and does not appear to be enhanced in the spiral arms. Therefore, the effect of the strong density wave may be only to concentrate the gas, and hence the young stars, to the arm regions

    Uniswap and the rise of the decentralized exchange, in:Journal of Financial Market Infrastructures, 2021, 10(2):1-25

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    Despite blockchain based digital assets trading since 2009, there has been a functional gap between (1) on-chain transactions and (2) trust based centralized exchanges. This is now bridged with the success of Uniswap, a decentralized exchange. Uniswap's constant product automated market maker enables the trading of blockchain token pairs without relying on market makers, bids or asks. This overturns centuries of practice in financial markets, and constitutes a potential building block of a new decentralized financial system. We apply ARDL and VAR methodologies to a dataset of 999 hours of Uniswap trading, and conclude that its simplicity enables liquidty providers and arbitrageurs to ensure the ratio of reserves match the trading pair price. We find that changes in Ether reserves Granger causes changes in USDT reserves

    Heisenberg-picture approach to the exact quantum motion of a time-dependent forced harmonic oscillator

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    In the Heisenberg picture, the generalized invariant and exact quantum motions are found for a time-dependent forced harmonic oscillator. We find the eigenstate and the coherent state of the invariant and show that the dispersions of these quantum states do not depend on the external force. Our formalism is applied to several interesting cases.Comment: 15 pages, two eps files, to appear in Phys. Rev. A 53 (6) (1996

    A balanced homodyne detector for high-rate Gaussian-modulated coherent-state quantum key distribution

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    We discuss excess noise contributions of a practical balanced homodyne detector in Gaussian-modulated coherent-state (GMCS) quantum key distribution (QKD). We point out the key generated from the original realistic model of GMCS QKD may not be secure. In our refined realistic model, we take into account excess noise due to the finite bandwidth of the homodyne detector and the fluctuation of the local oscillator. A high speed balanced homodyne detector suitable for GMCS QKD in the telecommunication wavelength region is built and experimentally tested. The 3dB bandwidth of the balanced homodyne detector is found to be 104MHz and its electronic noise level is 13dB below the shot noise at a local oscillator level of 8.5*10^8 photon per pulse. The secure key rate of a GMCS QKD experiment with this homodyne detector is expected to reach Mbits/s over a few kilometers.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figure

    Mid-Infrared Images of Luminous Infrared Galaxies in a Merging Sequence

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    We report mid-infrared observations of several luminous infrared galaxies (LIGs) carried out with the Infrared Space Observatory. Our sample was chosen to represent different phases of a merger sequence of galaxy-galaxy interaction with special emphasis on early/intermediate stages of merging. The mid-infrared emission of these LIGs shows extended structures for the early and intermediate mergers, indicating that most of the mid-infrared luminosities are not from a central active galactic nucleus (AGN). Both the infrared hardness (indicated by the IRAS 12, 25, and 60 \micron flux density ratios) and the peak-to-total flux density ratios of these LIGs increase as projected separation of these interacting galaxies become smaller, consistent with increasing star formation activities that are concentrated to a smaller area as the merging process advances. These observations provide among the first observational constraint of largely theoretically based scenarios.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, please refer to ApJ Letters for the final versio


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    Tennis stroke force depends on momentum transfer from racket to ball during ball-racket impact. Previous researchers study backhand stroke mechanics, focusing on comparison of one-handed and two-handed backhand stroke biomechanics (Reid & Elliott, 2002). This study investigated linear (LM) and angular momentum (AM) transfer from the trunk and upper extremities to the racket in open (OS) and square stances (SS) for different skill levels of players in the two-handed backhand stroke

    Unsupervised domain adaptation for position-independent IMU based gait analysis

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    Inertial measurement units (IMUs) together with advanced machine learning algorithms have enabled pervasive gait analysis. However, the worn positions of IMUs can be varied due to movements, and they are difficult to standardize across different trials, causing signal variations. Such variation contributes to a bias in the underlying distribution of training and testing data, and hinder the generalization ability of a computational gait analysis model. In this paper, we propose a position-independent IMU based gait analysis framework based on unsupervised domain adaptation. It is based on transferring knowledge from the trained data positions to a novel position without labels. Our framework was validated on gait event detection and pathological gait pattern recognition tasks based on different computational models and achieved consistently high performance on both tasks