459 research outputs found

    Continuum and Symmetry-Conserving Effects in Drip-line Nuclei Using Finite-range Forces

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    We report the first calculations of nuclear properties near the drip-lines using the spherical Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov mean-field theory with a finite-range force supplemented by continuum and particle number projection effects. Calculations were carried out in a basis made of the eigenstates of a Woods-Saxon potential computed in a box, thereby garanteeing that continuum effects were properly taken into account. Projection of the self-consistent solutions on good particle number was carried out after variation, and an approximation of the variation after projection result was used. We give the position of the drip-lines and examine neutron densities in neutron-rich nuclei. We discuss the sensitivity of nuclear observables upon continuum and particle-number restoration effects.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, Phys. Rev. C77, 011301(R) (2008

    Nuclear Halos and Drip Lines in Symmetry-Conserving Continuum HFB Theory

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    We review the properties of nuclear halos and nuclear skins in drip line nuclei in the framework of the spherical Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov theory with continuum effects and projection on good particle number with the Gogny force. We first establish the position of the un-projected HFB drip lines for the two most employed parametrizations of the Gogny force and show that the use of finite-range interactions leads almost always to small-sized halos, even in the least bound nuclei, which is in agreement with most mean-field predictions. We also discuss the size of the neutron skin at the drip line and its relation to neutron asymmetry. The impact of particle-number projection and its conceptual consequences near the drip line are analyzed in detail. In particular, we discuss the role of the chemical potential in a projected theory and the criteria required to define the drip line. We show that including particle number projection can shift the latter, in particular near closed shells. We notice that, as a result, the size of the halo can be increased due to larger pairing correlations. However, combining the most realistic pairing interaction, a proper treatment of the continuum and particle number projection does not permit to reproduce the very large halos observed in very light nuclei.Comment: Re-submitted to Phys. Rev. C after Referee's review. Layout of figures changed to cope with editor's requirement

    Probing Cold Dark Matter Cusps by Gravitational Lensing

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    I elaborate on my prediction that an indirect detection of cold dark matter (CDM) may be possible by observing the gravitational lensing effects of the CDM cusp caustics at cosmological distances. Cusps in the distribution of CDM are plentiful once density perturbations enter the nonlinear regime of structure formation. Caustic ring model of galactic halo formation provides a well defined density profile and geometry near the cusps of the caustic rings. I calculate the gravitational lensing effects of the cusps in this model. As a pointlike background source passes behind a cusp of a cosmological foreground halo, the magnification in its image may be detected by present instruments. Depending on the strength of detected effect and the time scale of brightness change, it may even be possible to discriminate between the CDM candidates: axions and weakly interacting massive particles.Comment: Invited Contribution to the IJMPD Special Issue on Dark Matter and Dark Energy edited by D. Ahluwalia-Khalilova and D. Grumiller. To appear in Int. J. Mod. Phys. D Special December 2006 issu

    Vacuum Fluctuations of Energy Density can lead to the observed Cosmological Constant

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    The energy density associated with Planck length is ρuv∝LP−4\rho_{uv}\propto L_P^{-4} while the energy density associated with the Hubble length is ρir∝LH−4\rho_{ir}\propto L_H^{-4} where LH=1/HL_H=1/H. The observed value of the dark energy density is quite different from {\it either} of these and is close to the geometric mean of the two: ρvac≃ρuvρir\rho_{vac}\simeq \sqrt{\rho_{uv} \rho_{ir}}. It is argued that classical gravity is actually a probe of the vacuum {\it fluctuations} of energy density, rather than the energy density itself. While the globally defined ground state, being an eigenstate of Hamiltonian, will not have any fluctuations, the ground state energy in the finite region of space bounded by the cosmic horizon will exhibit fluctuations Δρvac(LP,LH)\Delta\rho_{\rm vac}(L_P, L_H). When used as a source of gravity, this Δρ\Delta \rho should lead to a spacetime with a horizon size LHL_H. This bootstrapping condition leads naturally to an effective dark energy density Δρ∝(LuvLH)−2∝H2/G\Delta\rho\propto (L_{uv}L_H)^{-2}\propto H^2/G which is precisely the observed value. The model requires, either (i) a stochastic fluctuations of vacuum energy which is correlated over about a Hubble time or (ii) a semi- anthropic interpretation. The implications are discussed.Comment: r pages; revtex; comments welcom

    Origin of Correlations between Central Black Holes Masses and Galactic Bulge Velocity Dispersions

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    We argue that the observed correlations between central black holes masses M_{BH} and galactic bulge velocity dispersions \sigma_e in the form M_{BH}\propto\sigma_e^4 may witness on the pregalactic origin of massive black holes. Primordial black holes would be the centers for growing protogalaxies which experienced multiple mergers with ordinary galaxies. This process is accompanied by the merging of black holes in the galactic nuclei.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, submitted to Astron. and Astrophys. Transaction

    The anapole moments in disk-form MS-wave ferrite particle

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    The anapole moments describe the parity-violating parity-odd, time-reversal-even couplings between elementary particles and the electromagnetic (EM) field. Surprisingly, the anapole-like moment properties can be found in certain artificially engineered physical systems. In microwaves, ferrite resonators with multi-resonance magnetostatic-wave (MS-wave) oscillations may have sizes two-four orders less than the free-space EM wavelength at the same frequency. MS-wave oscillations in a ferrite sample occupy a special place between the pure electromagnetic and spin-wave (exchange) processes. The energy density of MS-wave oscillations is not the electromagnetic-wave density of energy and not the exchange energy density as well. These microscopic oscillating objects -- the particles -- may interact with the external EM fields by a very specific way, forbidden for the classical description. To describe such interactions, the quantum mechanical analysis should be used. The presence of surface magnetic currents is one of the features of MS oscillations in a normally magnetized ferrite disk resonator. Because of such magnetic currents, MS oscillations in ferrite disk resonators become parity violating. The parity-violating couplings between disk-form ferrite particles and the external EM field should be analyzed based on the notion of an anapole moment.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figures, PDF (created from MS-Word

    Role of low-ll component in deformed wave functions near the continuum threshold

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    The structure of deformed single-particle wave functions in the vicinity of zero energy limit is studied using a schematic model with a quadrupole deformed finite square-well potential. For this purpose, we expand the single-particle wave functions in multipoles and seek for the bound state and the Gamow resonance solutions. We find that, for the Kπ=0+K^{\pi}=0^{+} states, where KK is the zz-component of the orbital angular momentum, the probability of each multipole components in the deformed wave function is connected between the negative energy and the positive energy regions asymptotically, although it has a discontinuity around the threshold. This implies that the Kπ=0+K^{\pi}=0^{+} resonant level exists physically unless the l=0l=0 component is inherently large when extrapolated to the well bound region. The dependence of the multipole components on deformation is also discussed

    Axiverse and Black Hole

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    String theory/M-theory generally predicts that axionic fields with a broad mass spectrum extending below 10^{-10}eV are produced after compactification to four dimensions. These axions/fields provoke a rich variety of cosmophysical phenomena on different scales depending on their masses and provide us new windows to probe the ultimate theory. In this article, after overviewing this axiverse idea, I take up the black hole instability as the most fascinating one among such axionic phenomena and explain its physical mechanism and astrophysical predictions.Comment: References added; 32 pages, 24 figures. Based on the lecture at the 2011 Shanghai Asia-Pacific School and Workshop on Gravitatio

    A numerical investigation of the stability of steady states and critical phenomena for the spherically symmetric Einstein-Vlasov system

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    The stability features of steady states of the spherically symmetric Einstein-Vlasov system are investigated numerically. We find support for the conjecture by Zeldovich and Novikov that the binding energy maximum along a steady state sequence signals the onset of instability, a conjecture which we extend to and confirm for non-isotropic states. The sign of the binding energy of a solution turns out to be relevant for its time evolution in general. We relate the stability properties to the question of universality in critical collapse and find that for Vlasov matter universality does not seem to hold.Comment: 29 pages, 10 figure

    Gravity from Spinors

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    We investigate a possible unified theory of all interactions which is based only on fundamental spinor fields. The vielbein and metric arise as composite objects. The effective quantum gravitational theory can lead to a modification of Einstein's equations due to the lack of local Lorentz-symmetry. We explore the generalized gravity with global instead of local Lorentz symmetry in first order of a systematic derivative expansion. At this level diffeomorphisms and global Lorentz symmetry allow for two new invariants in the gravitational effective action. The one which arises in the one loop approximation to spinor gravity is consistent with all present tests of general relativity and cosmology. This shows that local Lorentz symmetry is tested only very partially by present observations. In contrast, the second possible new coupling is severely restricted by present solar system observations.Comment: New material on absence of observational tests of local Lorentz invariance, 21 pages, to appear in Phys.Rev.
