5,731 research outputs found

    Nonleptonic two-body charmless B decays involving a tensor meson in the Perturbative QCD Approach

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    Two-body charmless hadronic B decays involving a light tensor meson in the final states are studied in the perturbative QCD approach based on kTk_T factorization. From our calculations, we find that the decay branching ratios for color allowed tree-dominated decays Ba20π+B\to a_{2}^{0}\pi^{+} and Ba2π+B\to a_{2}^{-}\pi^{+} modes are of order 10610^{-6} and 10510^{-5}, respectively. While other color suppressed tree-dominated decays have very small branching ratios. In general, the branching ratios of most decays are in the range of 10510^{-5} to 10810^{-8}, which are bigger by one or two orders of magnitude than those predictions obtained in Isgur-Scora-Grinstein-Wise II model and in the covariant light-front approach, but consistent with the recent experimental measurements and the QCD factorization calculations. Since the decays with a tensor meson emitted from vacuum are prohibited in naive factorization, the contributions of nonfactorizable and annihilation diagrams are very important to these decays, which are calculable in our perturbative QCD approach. We also give predictions to the direct CP asymmetries, some of which are large enough for the future experiments to measure. Because we considered the mixing between f2f_{2} and f2f_{2}', the decay rates are enhanced significantly for some decays involving f2f_{2}^{\prime} meson, even with a small mixing angle.Comment: 26 pages, 2 figure

    Conditions for entanglement transformation between a class of multipartite pure states with generalized Schmidt decompositions

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    In this note we generalize Nielsen's marjoization criterion for the convertibility of bipartite pure states [Phys. Rev. Lett \textbf{83}, 436(1999)] to a special class of multipartite pure states which have generalized Schmidt decompositions.Comment: 3 pages (Revetex 4), no figures. A brief note on entanglement transformation. Comments are welcom

    Twist-4 contributions to the azimuthal asymmetry in SIDIS

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    We calculate the differential cross section for the unpolarized semi-inclusive deeply inelastic scattering (SIDIS) process e+Ne+q+Xe^-+N \to e^-+q+X in leading order (LO) of perturbative QCD and up to twist-4 in power corrections and study in particular the azimuthal asymmetry . The final results are expressed in terms of transverse momentum dependent (TMD) parton matrix elements of the target nucleon up to twist-4. %Under the maximal two-gluon correlation approximation, these TMD parton matrix elements in a nucleus %can be expressed terms of a Gaussian convolution of that in a nucleon with the width given by the jet transport %parameter inside cold nuclei. We also apply it to $e^-+A \to e^-+q+X$ and illustrate numerically the nuclear dependence of the azimuthal asymmetry by using a Gaussian ansatz for the TMD parton matrix elements.Comment: 9 pages, afigur

    Fractional quantum Hall effect at ν=5/2\nu = 5/2: Ground states, non-Abelian quasiholes, and edge modes in a microscopic model

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    We present a comprehensive numerical study of a microscopic model of the fractional quantum Hall system at filling fraction ν=5/2\nu = 5/2, based on the disc geometry. Our model includes Coulomb interaction and a semi-realistic confining potential. We also mix in some three-body interaction in some cases to help elucidate the physics. We obtain a phase diagram, discuss the conditions under which the ground state can be described by the Moore-Read state, and study its competition with neighboring stripe phases. We also study quasihole excitations and edge excitations in the Moore-Read--like state. From the evolution of edge spectrum, we obtain the velocities of the charge and neutral edge modes, which turn out to be very different. This separation of velocities is a source of decoherence for a non-Abelian quasihole/quasiparticle (with charge ±e/4\pm e/4) when propagating at the edge; using numbers obtained from a specific set of parameters we estimate the decoherence length to be around four microns. This sets an upper bound for the separation of the two point contacts in a double point contact interferometer, designed to detect the non-Abelian nature of such quasiparticles. We also find a state that is a potential candidate for the recently proposed anti-Pfaffian state. We find the speculated anti-Pfaffian state is favored in weak confinement (smooth edge) while the Moore-Read Pfaffian state is favored in strong confinement (sharp edge).Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures; Estimate of e/4 quasiparticle/hole coherence length when propagating along the edge modified in response to a recent revision of Ref. 25, and minor changes elsewher

    Strong decays of heavy baryons in Bethe-Salpeter formalism

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    In this paper we study the properties of diquarks (composed of uu and/or dd quarks) in the Bethe-Salpeter formalism under the covariant instantaneous approximation. We calculate their BS wave functions and study their effective interaction with the pion. Using the effective coupling constant among the diquarks and the pion, in the heavy quark limit mQm_Q\to\infty, we calculate the decay widths of ΣQ()\Sigma_Q^{(*)} (Q=c,bQ=c,b) in the BS formalism under the covariant instantaneous approximation and then give predictions of the decay widths Γ(Σb()Λb+π)\Gamma(\Sigma_b^{(*)}\to\Lambda_b+\pi).Comment: 41 pages, 1 figure, LaTex2e, typos correcte

    Localization of fermionic fields on braneworlds with bulk tachyon matter

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    Recently, Pal and Skar in [arXiv:hep-th/0701266] proposed a mechanism to arise the warped braneworld models from bulk tachyon matter, which are endowed with a thin brane and a thick brane. In this framework, we investigate localization of fermionic fields on these branes. As in the 1/2 spin case, the field can be localized on both the thin and thick branes with inclusion of scalar background. In the 3/2 spin extension, the general supergravity action coupled to chiral supermultiplets is considered to produce the localization on both the branes as a result.Comment: 9 pages, no figure

    A Modeling Approach to Fiber Fracture in Melt Impregnation

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    © 2016, Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht. The effect of process variables such as roving pulling speed, melt temperature and number of pins on the fiber fracture during the processing of thermoplastic based composites was investigated in this study. The melt impregnation was used in this process of continuous glass fiber reinforced thermoplastic composites. Previous investigators have suggested a variety of models for melt impregnation, while comparatively little effort has been spent on modeling the fiber fracture caused by the viscous resin. Herein, a mathematical model was developed for impregnation process to predict the fiber fracture rate and describe the experimental results with the Weibull intensity distribution function. The optimal parameters of this process were obtained by orthogonal experiment. The results suggest that the fiber fracture is caused by viscous shear stress on fiber bundle in melt impregnation mold when pulling the fiber bundle

    Detecting Extra Dimension by Helium-like Ions

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    Considering that gravitational force might deviate from Newton's inverse-square law and become much stronger in small scale, we present a method to detect the possible existence of extra dimensions in the ADD model. By making use of an effective variational wave function, we obtain the nonrelativistic ground energy of a helium atom and its isoelectronic sequence. Based on these results, we calculate gravity correction of the ADD model. Our calculation may provide a rough estimation about the magnitude of the corresponding frequencies which could be measured in later experiments.Comment: 8 pages, no figures, accepted by Mod. Phys. Lett.

    Asymptotics for turbulent flame speeds of the viscous G-equation enhanced by cellular and shear flows

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    G-equations are well-known front propagation models in turbulent combustion and describe the front motion law in the form of local normal velocity equal to a constant (laminar speed) plus the normal projection of fluid velocity. In level set formulation, G-equations are Hamilton-Jacobi equations with convex (L1L^1 type) but non-coercive Hamiltonians. Viscous G-equations arise from either numerical approximations or regularizations by small diffusion. The nonlinear eigenvalue Hˉ\bar H from the cell problem of the viscous G-equation can be viewed as an approximation of the inviscid turbulent flame speed sTs_T. An important problem in turbulent combustion theory is to study properties of sTs_T, in particular how sTs_T depends on the flow amplitude AA. In this paper, we will study the behavior of Hˉ=Hˉ(A,d)\bar H=\bar H(A,d) as A+A\to +\infty at any fixed diffusion constant d>0d > 0. For the cellular flow, we show that Hˉ(A,d)O(logA)for all d>0. \bar H(A,d)\leq O(\sqrt {\mathrm {log}A}) \quad \text{for all $d>0$}. Compared with the inviscid G-equation (d=0d=0), the diffusion dramatically slows down the front propagation. For the shear flow, the limit \nit limA+Hˉ(A,d)A=λ(d)>0\lim_{A\to +\infty}{\bar H(A,d)\over A} = \lambda (d) >0 where λ(d)\lambda (d) is strictly decreasing in dd, and has zero derivative at d=0d=0. The linear growth law is also valid for sTs_T of the curvature dependent G-equation in shear flows.Comment: 27 pages. We improve the upper bound from no power growth to square root of log growt