3,939 research outputs found

    What can we learn from comparison between cuprates and He films ? : phase separation and fluctuating superfluidity

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    In the underdoped, overdoped, Zn-doped or stripe-forming regions of high-TcT_{c} cuprate superconductors (HTSC), the superfluid density ns/m∗n_{s}/m^{*} at T→0T\to 0 shows universal correlations with TcT_{c}. Similar strong correlations exist between 2-dimensional superfluid density and superfluid transition temperature in thin films of 4^{4}He in non-porous or porous media, and 4^{4}He/3^{3}He film adsorbed on porous media. Based on analogy between HTSC and He film systems, we propose a model for cuprates where: (1) the overdoped region is characterized by a phase separation similar to 4^{4}He/3^{3}He; and (2) pair (boson) formation and fluctuating superconductivity occur at separate temperatures above TcT_{c} in the underdoped region.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures. Invited paper presented at the third international conference on stripes and high-Tc superconductivity (STRIPE-2000), Sept. 25-30th, 2000, Rome, Italy. To be published in the International Journal of Modern Physics

    Magnetic Phase Diagram of the Hole-doped Ca2−x_{2-x}Nax_{x}CuO2_{2}Cl2_{2} Cuprate Superconductor

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    We report on the magnetic phase diagram of a hole-doped cuprate Ca2−x_{2-x}Nax_{x}CuO2_{2}Cl2_{2}, which is free from buckling of CuO2_2 planes, determined by muon spin rotation and relaxation. It is characterized by a quasi-static spin glass-like phase over a range of sodium concentration (0.05≤x≤0.120.05\leq x\leq 0.12), which is held between long range antiferromagnetic (AF) phase (x≤0.02x\leq 0.02) and superconducting phase where the system is non-magnetic for x≥0.15x\geq 0.15. The obtained phase diagram qualitatively agrees well with that commonly found for hole-doped high-\tc cuprates, strongly suggesting that the incomplete suppression of the AF order for x>0.02x>0.02 is an essential feature of the hole-doped cuprates.Comment: 5 pages, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Klinische Untersuchungen über die Resorptionskraft aus dem Subcutis

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    Nach Donath u. Tanne haben wir die Resorptionszeit des Uranins aus dem Subcutis bei verschiedenartigen Kranken untersucht. Unter den Resultaten sind die folgenden hervorzuheben; bei Morbus Basedowi, Kreislaufinsuffizienzien, hydropischen Nephritiden, Beriberi, Leberkrankheiten, Pleuritiden, bes. bei frischen Fällen und schweren Tuberkulosen wurde die Resorption mehr oder weniger erheblich verlangsamt. Bei Ankylostomiaden war sie bald unverändert, bald eher verlangsamt, bes. verlangsamt bei denen mit hochgradiger Anämie. Bei Pleuritiden war es verschieden je nach den Krankheitsstadien, da sie z. B. bei frischen, zur Exsudation neigenden Fällen verlangsam war, während sie mit der Krankheitsbesserung zusammen immer schneller wurde und bei veralteten, mit Schwartenbildung oder mit immer gröber werdenden Reiben behafteten Fällen sogar fast normal war. Für den Ausfall dieser Probe spielt nicht nur der Zustand des Kreislaufes, wie die Blutströmungsgeschwindigkeit und die Blutdruckamplitude etc, wie Donath u. Tanne annahm, eine gewisse Rolle, sondern auch der Gewebszustand, dieser sogar eher grössere Rolle

    The inferior caval vein draining into the left atrial cavity : a rare case

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    The inferior vena cava (IVC) draining into the left atrium (LA) is exceedingly rare in the setting of the usual atrial arrangement (situs solitus). This article describes a patient with this unique anomaly, and its repair.peer-reviewe

    Superconducting Volume Fraction in Overdoped Regime of La_2-x_Sr_x_CuO_4_: Implication for Phase Separation from Magnetic-Susceptibility Measurement

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    We have grown a single crystal of La_2-x_Sr_x_CuO_4_ in which the Sr concentration, x, continuously changes from 0.24 to 0.29 in the overdoped regime and obtained many pieces of single crystals with different x values by slicing the single crystal. From detailed measurements of the magnetic susceptibility, chi, of each piece, it has been found that the absolute value of chi at the measured lowest temperature 2 K, |chi_2K_|, on field cooling rapidly decreases with increasing x as well as the superconducting (SC) transition temperature. As the value of |chi_2K_| is regarded as corresponding to the SC volume fraction in a sample, it has been concluded that a phase separation into SC and normal-state regions occurs in a sample of La_2-x_Sr_x_CuO_4_ in the overdoped regime.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, ver. 2 has been accepted in J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Inequivalent representations of commutator or anticommutator rings of field operators and their applications

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    Hamiltonian of a system in quantum field theory can give rise to infinitely many partition functions which correspond to infinitely many inequivalent representations of the canonical commutator or anticommutator rings of field operators. This implies that the system can theoretically exist in infinitely many Gibbs states. The system resides in the Gibbs state which corresponds to its minimal Helmholtz free energy at a given range of the thermodynamic variables. Individual inequivalent representations are associated with different thermodynamic phases of the system. The BCS Hamiltonian of superconductivity is chosen to be an explicit example for the demonstration of the important role of inequivalent representations in practical applications. Its analysis from the inequivalent representations' point of view has led to a recognition of a novel type of the superconducting phase transition.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figure

    Toxic substances of Euphorbiaceae

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    Muon spin relaxation studies of incommensurate magnetism and superconductivity in stage-4 La2_{2}CuO4.11_{4.11} and La1.88_{1.88}Sr0.12_{0.12}CuO4_{4}

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    This paper reports muon spin relaxation (MuSR) measurements of two single crystals of the title high-Tc cuprate systems where static incommensurate magnetism and superconductivity coexist. By zero-field MuSR measurements and subsequent analyses with simulations, we show that (1) the maximum ordered Cu moment size (0.36 Bohr magneton) and local spin structure are identical to those in prototypical stripe spin systems with the 1/8 hole concentration; (2) the static magnetism is confined to less than a half of the volume of the sample, and (3) regions with static magnetism form nano-scale islands with the size comparable to the in-plane superconducting coherence length. By transverse-field MuSR measurements, we show that Tc of these systems is related to the superfluid density, in the same way as observed in cuprate systems without static magnetism. We discuss a heuristic model involving percolation of these nanoscale islands with static magnetism as a possible picture to reconcile heterogeneity found by the present MuSR study and long-range spin correlations found by neutron scattering.Comment: 19 pages, 15 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. B. E-mail: [email protected]

    In-situ growth of superconducting NdFeAs(O,F) thin films by Molecular Beam Epitaxy

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    The recently discovered high temperature superconductor F-doped LaFeAsO and related compounds represent a new class of superconductors with the highest transition temperature (Tc) apart from the cuprates. The studies ongoing worldwide are revealing that these Fe-based superconductors are forming a unique class of materials that are interesting from the viewpoint of applications. To exploit the high potential of the Fe-based superconductors for device applications, it is indispensable to establish a process that enables the growth of high quality thin films. Efforts of thin film preparation started soon after the discovery of Fe-based superconductors, but none of the earlier attempts had succeeded in an in-situ growth of a superconducting film of LnFeAs(O,F) (Ln=lanthanide), which exhibits the highest Tc to date among the Fe-based superconductors. Here, we report on the successful growth of NdFeAs(O,F) thin films on GaAs substrates, which showed well-defined superconducting transitions up to 48 K without the need of an ex-situ heat treatment
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