6 research outputs found

    Algae personification toxicity by GC–MASS and treatment by using material potassium permanganate in exposed basin

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    AbstractThis study was conducted to address algal toxins using potassium permanganate through the control of biomass growth of algae under following conditions value 25±1 °C illumination intensity value 245microeinstein/m2/s, using the culture media Chu-10 Modified for the purpose of development algae. We treated algal toxins belonging to groups of Neurotoxins, Hepatotoxins, Pyriproxyfen, Emodin, Brevetoxins-10 (A) and Cytotoxins using concentrations of potassium permanganate represented by 2, 4, 8 and 16mg/l with alum concentration for each concentration of 30mg/l, as the removal rate reached to 100% of the toxin blooms in concentrations of 8 and 16mg/l respectively, through the examination of algal toxins mediated by GC–MASS compared to the standard, which diagnosed a range of algal toxins with C2H3C12NO formulas of synthetic C9H13NO2, C18H27NO3, C11H12N2O6, C11H17N3O, C10H17N3O, C9H15Br2NO, CH4N2O2, C11H17NO2, C13H9BrN2O3, C3H7NO4S, C20H29NO3, C15H10O5, C4H8O2 and C2H2Cl3NO the concentrations 2 and 4mg/l turned toxic compounds into non-toxic compounds represented by C7H6O2, C5H6N2O, C12H11ClO4, C6H6O2, C12H10O4, C10H17N, C4H6O2 and C5H6N2O. The results showed reduced primary productivity of algae chlorophyll a result of substance to stop chloroplast for vital activity through the influence of the concentration of potassium permanganate values 0.571, 1.142, 0.583 and 1.713mg/l respectively, compared to the standard of 114.2mg/l. As diagnosed types of Algae producing toxins are represented by Microcystis aeruginosa, Microcystis flosaquae, Oscillatoria amoena, Oscillatoria amphibian, Oscillatoria boryana, Oscillatoria limnetica, Oscillatoria perornata, Phormidium ambiguum, Lyngbya digueti, Lyngbya major, Lyngbya nordgaadii, Lyngbya spirulinoides, Nostoc carneum, Nostoc spongiforme, Anabaena augstumalis, Chroococcus indicus and Chroococcus minor, as the dry weight of live Algae producing toxins is 17.342g/l

    Critical Discourse Analysis of Sectarianism in Congregational Speeches: A Literature Review

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    This study aims to elicit information on the discursive methods used by the speakers who lead the congregational groups under inquiry. Additionally, the research attempts to demonstrate if the congregational group's ideology affects the discourse of the dispute. The study of sectarianism in congregational speeches can be derived from Wodak and Meyer's (2001) and Renkema's (2009) perspectives. According to Wodak (2005), five tactics may be employed to expose the influence wielded by specific individuals or organizations. According to Wodak and Meyer (2001), strategy refers to a (more or less precise and more or less purposeful) sequence of behaviours, including discursive acts, used to accomplish a specific social, political, psychological, or linguistic aim. Analyzing the speech in sectarianism can help understand relevant and crucial issues revolving around the speech in congregational groups. Linguistically, it is hoped to assist media audiences of sectarianism in congregational groups to critically and consciously interpret it in congregational groups about this discourse

    Hematologic markers of distant metastases and poor prognosis in gynecological cancers

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    Abstract Background Despite the recent progress in the development of anti-cancer drugs, the treatment of metastatic tumors is usually ineffective. The systemic inflammatory response performs key roles in different stages of the carcinogenesis process including metastasis. The high neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio (NLR), monocyte-lymphocyte ratio (MLR), and platelet-lymphocyte ratio (PLR) were found to be associated with poor survival rates in the majority of solid tumors. However, only a few studies were conducted to further investigate this association in patients with advanced gynecological cancers. Methods Clinical data from 264 patients with FIGO stage III and IV gynecological (endometrial, ovarian and cervical) cancers treated at King Hussein Cancer Center (Amman-Jordan) from 2006 to 2012 were retrospectively reviewed. We examined the association between absolute neutrophil count (ANC), absolute monocyte count (AMC), MLR, PLR, and NLR with distant metastases, overall survival and event-free survival in gynecological cancers. For survival analysis, Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve analysis was operated to determine the optimal cutoff values. Results Patients with high baseline NLR (≥4.1) had more baseline distant metastases than patients with low baseline NLR (< 4.1), (p-value 0.045). Patients with high baseline AMC (≥560) had more distant metastases in comparison to patients with low baseline AMC (< 560), (p-value 0.040). Furthermore, Patients with high baseline PLR (≥0.3) had more distant metastases in comparison to patients with low baseline PLR (< 0.3), (p-value 0.025). Additionally, patients with high baseline ANC (≥5700) had worse overall survival compared to the patients with low baseline ANC (< 5700), (p-value 0.015). Also, patients with high baseline AMC (≥490) had worse overall survival compared to the patients with low baseline AMC (< 490), (p-value 0.044). Conclusion Different hematologic markers obtained from a cheap test (CBC) could potentially be used to predict the presence of distant metastases thus used as prognostic indices in gynecological cancers