41,203 research outputs found

    Refinements of Some Reverses of Schwarz's Inequality in 2-Inner Product Spaces and Applications for Integrals

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    Refinements of some recent reverse inequalities for the celebrated Cauchy-Bunyakovsky-Schwarz inequality in 2-inner product spaces are given. Using this framework, applications for determinantal integral inequalities are also provided

    Some Boas-Bellman Type Inequalities in 2-Inner Product Spaces

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    Some inequalities in 2-inner product spaces generalizing Bessel's result that are similar to the Boas-Bellman inequality from inner product spaces, are given. Applications for determinantal integral inequalities are also provided

    Norm Estimates for the Difference Between Bochner's Integral and the Convex Combination of Function's Values

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    Norm estimates are developed between the Bochner integral of a vector-valued function in Banach spaces having the Radon-Nikodym property and the convex combination of function values taken on a division of the interval [a,b]

    Dilaton as a Dark Matter Candidate and its Detection

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    Assuming that the dilaton is the dark matter of the universe, we propose an experiment to detect the relic dilaton using the electromagnetic resonant cavity, based on the dilaton-photon conversion in strong electromagnetic background. We calculate the density of the relic dilaton, and estimate the dilaton mass for which the dilaton becomes the dark matter of the universe. With this we calculate the dilaton detection power in the resonant cavity, and compare it with the axion detection power in similar resonant cavity experiment.Comment: 23 pages, 2 figure

    Percolation Transitions in Scale-Free Networks under Achlioptas Process

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    It has been recently shown that the percolation transition is discontinuous in Erd\H{o}s-R\'enyi networks and square lattices in two dimensions under the Achlioptas Process (AP). Here, we show that when the structure is highly heterogeneous as in scale-free networks, a discontinuous transition does not always occur: a continuous transition is also possible depending on the degree distribution of the scale-free network. This originates from the competition between the AP that discourages the formation of a giant component and the existence of hubs that encourages it. We also estimate the value of the characteristic degree exponent that separates the two transition types.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Genuine Non-Self-Averaging and Ultra-Slow Convergence in Gelation

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    In irreversible aggregation processes droplets or polymers of microscopic size successively coalesce until a large cluster of macroscopic scale forms. This gelation transition is widely believed to be self-averaging, meaning that the order parameter (the relative size of the largest connected cluster) attains well-defined values upon ensemble averaging with no sample-to-sample fluctuations in the thermodynamic limit. Here, we report on anomalous gelation transition types. Depending on the growth rate of the largest clusters, the gelation transition can show very diverse patterns as a function of the control parameter, which includes multiple stochastic discontinuous transitions, genuine non-self-averaging and ultra-slow convergence of the transition point. Our framework may be helpful in understanding and controlling gelation.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figure

    Color Reflection Invariance and Monopole Condensation in QCD

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    We review the quantum instability of the Savvidy-Nielsen-Olesen (SNO) vacuum of the one-loop effective action of SU(2) QCD, and point out a critical defect in the calculation of the functional determinant of the gluon loop in the SNO effective action. We prove that the gauge invariance, in particular the color reflection invariance, exclude the unstable tachyonic modes from the gluon loop integral. This guarantees the stability of the magnetic condensation in QCD.Comment: 28 pages, 3 figures, JHEP styl
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