14 research outputs found

    Finite-temperature critical point of a glass transition

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    We generalize the simplest kinetically constrained model of a glass-forming liquid by softening kinetic constraints, allowing them to be violated with a small finite rate. We demonstrate that this model supports a first-order dynamical (space-time) phase transition, similar to those observed with hard constraints. In addition, we find that the first-order phase boundary in this softened model ends in a finite-temperature dynamical critical point, which we expect to be present in natural systems. We discuss links between this critical point and quantum phase transitions, showing that dynamical phase transitions in dd dimensions map to quantum transitions in the same dimension, and hence to classical thermodynamic phase transitions in d+1d+1 dimensions. We make these links explicit through exact mappings between master operators, transfer matrices, and Hamiltonians for quantum spin chains.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Fragile-to-strong crossover in supercooled liquids remains elusive

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    Temperature Dependence of the Structural Relaxation Time in Equilibrium below the NominalTg: Results from Freestanding Polymer Films

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    When the thickness is reduced to nanometer scale, freestanding high molecular weight polymer thin films undergo large reduction of degree of cooperativity and coupling parameter n in the Coupling Model (CM). The finite-size effect together with the surfaces with high mobility make the α-relaxation time of the polymer in nanoconfinement, tau_alphanano(T), much shorter than tau_alphabulk(T) in the bulk. The consequence is avoidance of vitrification at and below the bulk glass transition temperature, Tg_bulk, on cooling, and the freestanding polymer thin film remains at thermodynamic equilibrium at temperatures below Tg_bulk. Molecular dynamics simulations have shown that the specific volume of the freestanding film is the same as the bulk glass-former at equilibrium at the same temperatures. Extreme nanoconfinement renders total or almost total removal of cooperativity of the alpha-relaxation, and tau_alphanano(T) becomes the same or almost the same as the JG beta-relaxation time tau_betabulk(T) of the bulk glass-former at equilibrium and at temperatures below Tg_bulk. Taking advantage of being able to obtain tau_betabulk(T) at equilibrium density below Tg_bulk by extreme nanoconfinement of the freestanding films, and using the CM relation between tau_alphabulk(T) and tau_betabulk(T), we conclude that the Vogel−Fulcher−Tammann−Hesse (VFTH) dependence of tau_alphabulk(T) cannot hold for glass-formers in equilibrium at temperatures significantly below Tg_bulk. In addition, tau_alphabulk(T) does not diverge at the Vogel temperature, T0, as suggested by the VFTH-dependence and predicted by some theories of glass transition. Instead, tau_alphabulk(T) of the glass-former at equilibrium has a much weaker temperature dependence than the VFTHdependence at temperature below Tg_bulk and even below T0. This conclusion from our analysis is consistent with the temperature dependence of tau_alphabulk(T) found experimentally in polymers aged long enough time to attain the equilibrium state at various temperatures below Tg_bulk