3,247 research outputs found

    Magnetic Fields and Afterglows of BdHNe: Inferences from GRB 130427A, GRB 160509A, GRB 160625B, GRB 180728A and GRB 190114C

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    GRB 190114C is the first binary-driven hypernova (BdHN) fully observed from the initial supernova appearance to the final emergence of the optical SN signal. It offers an unprecedented testing ground for the BdHN theory and it is here determined and further extended to additional gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). BdHNe comprise two subclasses of long GRBs with progenitors a binary system composed of a carbon-oxygen star (COcore_\textrm{core}) and a neutron star (NS) companion. The COcore_\textrm{core} explodes as a SN leaving at its center a newborn NS (ν\nuNS). The SN ejecta hypercritically accretes both on the ν\nuNS and the NS companion. BdHNe I are the tightest binaries where the accretion leads the companion NS to gravitational collapse into a black hole (BH). In BdHN II the accretion onto the NS is lower, so there is no BH formation. We observe the same structure of the afterglow for GRB 190114C and other selected examples of BdHNe I (GRB 130427A, GRB 160509A, GRB 160625B) and for BdHN II (GRB 180728A). In all the cases the explanation of the afterglow is reached via the synchrotron emission powered by the ν\nuNS: their magnetic fields structures and their spin are determined. For BdHNe I, we discuss the properties of the magnetic field embedding the newborn BH, inherited from the collapsed NS and amplified during the gravitational collapse process, and surrounded by the SN ejecta.Comment: 7 figures, 3 tables, submitted to Ap

    GRB 081024B and GRB 140402A: two additional short GRBs from binary neutron star mergers

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    Theoretical and observational evidences have been recently gained for a two-fold classification of short bursts: 1) short gamma-ray flashes (S-GRFs), with isotropic energy Eiso<1052E_{iso}<10^{52}~erg and no BH formation, and 2) the authentic short gamma-ray bursts (S-GRBs), with isotropic energy Eiso>1052E_{iso}>10^{52}~erg evidencing a BH formation in the binary neutron star merging process. The signature for the BH formation consists in the on-set of the high energy (0.10.1--100100~GeV) emission, coeval to the prompt emission, in all S-GRBs. No GeV emission is expected nor observed in the S-GRFs. In this paper we present two additional S-GRBs, GRB 081024B and GRB 140402A, following the already identified S-GRBs, i.e., GRB 090227B, GRB 090510 and GRB 140619B. We also return on the absence of the GeV emission of the S-GRB 090227B, at an angle of 71o71^{\rm{o}} from the \textit{Fermi}-LAT boresight. All the correctly identified S-GRBs correlate to the high energy emission, implying no significant presence of beaming in the GeV emission. The existence of a common power-law behavior in the GeV luminosities, following the BH formation, when measured in the source rest-frame, points to a commonality in the mass and spin of the newly-formed BH in all S-GRBs.Comment: 16 pages, submitted to ApJ, second version addressing the comments by the refere

    A common behavior in the late X-ray afterglow of energetic GRB-SN systems

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    The possibility to divide GRBs in different subclasses allow to understand better the physics underlying their emission mechanisms and progenitors. The induced gravitational collapse scenario proposes a binary progenitor to explain the time-sequence in GRBs-SNe. We show the existence of a common behavior of the late decay of the X-ray afterglow emission of this subclass of GRBs, pointing to a common physical mechanism of their late emission, consistent with the IGC picture.Comment: 3 pages, to appear in the proceedings of the Gamma-Ray Burst Symposium 2012 - IAA-CSIC - Marbella, editors: Castro-Tirado, A. J., Gorosabel, J. and Park, I.

    GRB 170817A-GW170817-AT 2017gfo and the observations of NS-NS, NS-WD and WD-WD mergers

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    The LIGO-Virgo Collaboration has announced the detection of GW170817 and has associated it with GRB 170817A. These signals have been followed after 11 hours by the optical and infrared emission of AT 2017gfo. The origin of this complex phenomenon has been attributed to a neutron star-neutron star (NS-NS) merger. In order to probe this association we confront our current understanding of the gravitational waves and associated electromagnetic radiation with four observed GRBs originating in binaries composed of different combinations NSs and white dwarfs (WDs). We consider 1) GRB 090510 the prototype of NS-NS merger leading to a black hole (BH); 2) GRB 130603B the prototype of a NS-NS merger leading to massive NS (MNS) with an associated kilonova; 3) GRB 060614 the prototype of a NS-WD merger leading to a MNS with an associated kilonova candidate; 4) GRB 170817A the prototype of a WD-WD merger leading to massive WD with an associated AT 2017gfo-like emission. None of these systems support the above mentioned association. The clear association between GRB 170817A and AT 2017gfo has led to introduce a new model based on on a new subfamily of GRBs originating from WD-WD mergers. We show how this novel model is in agreement with the exceptional observations in the optical, infrared, X- and gamma-rays of GRB 170817A-AT 2017gfo.Comment: version accepted for publication in JCAP. Missing references adde

    The newborn black hole in GRB 191014C proves that it is alive

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    A multi-decade theoretical effort has been devoted to finding an efficient mechanism to use the rotational and electrodynamical extractable energy of a Kerr-Newman black hole (BH), to power the most energetic astrophysical sources such as gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) and active galactic nuclei (AGN). We show an efficient general relativistic electrodynamical process which occurs in the "inner engine" of a binary driven hypernova (BdHN). The {inner engine} is composed of a rotating Kerr BH of mass MM and dimensionless spin parameter α\alpha, a magnetic field of strength B0B_0 aligned and parallel to the rotation axis, and a very low-density ionized plasma. Here, we show that the gravitomagnetic interaction between the BH and the magnetic field induces an electric field that accelerates electrons and protons from the environment to ultrarelativistic energies emitting synchrotron radiation. We show that in GRB 190114C the BH of mass M=4.4 M⊙M = 4.4~M_\odot, α=0.4\alpha= 0.4, and B0≈4×1010B_0 \approx 4\times 10^{10} G can lead to a high-energy (≳\gtrsimGeV) luminosity of 105110^{51} erg s−1^{-1}. The inner engine parameters are determined by requiring 1) that the BH extractable energy explains the GeV and ultrahigh-energy emission energetics, 2) that the emitted photons are not subjected to magnetic-pair production, and 3) that the synchrotron radiation timescale agrees with the observed high-energy timescale. We find for GRB 190114C a clear jetted emission of GeV energies with a semi-aperture angle of approximately 60∘60^\circ with respect to the BH rotation axis.Comment: Matches version to appear in A&
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