12,279 research outputs found

    Finding evolved stars in the inner Galactic disk with Gaia

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    The Bulge Asymmetries and Dynamical Evolution (BAaDE) survey will provide positions and line-of-sight velocities of ~20,000 evolved, maser bearing stars in the Galactic plane. Although this Galactic region is affected by optical extinction, BAaDE targets may have Gaia cross-matches, eventually providing additional stellar information. In an initial attempt to cross-match BAaDE targets with Gaia, we have found more than 5,000 candidates. Of these, we may expect half to show SiO emission, which will allow us to obtain velocity information. The cross-match is being refined to avoid false positives using different criteria based on distance analysis, flux variability, and color assessment in the mid- and near-IR. Once the cross-matches can be confirmed, we will have a unique sample to characterize the stellar population of evolved stars in the Galactic bulge, which can be considered fossils of the Milky Way formation.Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of the IAU Symposium No. 330: "Astrometry and Astrophysics in the Gaia sky

    Astrometric Galactic maser measurements cross-matched with Gaia

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    Using the VLBA, the BeSSeL survey has provided distances and proper motions of young massive stars, allowing an accurate measure of the Galactic spiral structure. By the same technique, we are planning to map the inner Galaxy using positions and velocities of evolved stars (provided by the BAaDE survey). These radio astrometric measurements (BeSSeL and BAaDE) will be complementary to Gaia results and the overlap will provide important clues on the intrinsic properties and population distribution of the stars in the bulge.Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of the IAU Symposium No. 334: "Rediscovering our Galaxy

    Maser, infrared and optical emission for late-type stars in the Galactic plane

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    Radio astrometric campaigns using VLBI have provided distances and proper motions for masers associated with young massive stars (BeSSeL survey). The ongoing BAaDE project plans to obtain astrometric information of SiO maser stars located in the inner Galaxy. These stars are associated with evolved, mass-losing stars. By overlapping optical (Gaia), infrared (2MASS, MSX and WISE) and radio (BAaDE) sources, we expect to obtain important clues on the intrinsic properties and population distribution of late-type stars. Moreover, a comparison of the Galactic parameters obtained with Gaia and VLBI can be done using radio observations on different targets: young massive stars (BeSSeL) and evolved stars (BAaDE).Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of the IAU Symposium No. 336: Astrophysical Masers: Unlocking the Mysteries of the Univers

    Actividades de la Cátedra empresa ANEFA de la E.T.S. de Ingenieros de Minas de Madrid

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    La Cátedra ANEFA de Tecnología de Áridos, es una de las Cátedras Universidad-Empresa de la E.T.S de Ingenieros de Minas de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). Fue creada hace diez años y está patrocinada por ANEFA (Asociación Nacional de Empresarios Fabricantes de Áridos). Desde su creación se han realizado numerosas actividades, fundamentalmente de formación en materias del sector de los áridos, tanto a los alumnos de los últimos cursos de la Escuela de Minas, como a alumnos de postgrado que quieran una actualización de conocimientos, incorporando los últimos avances tecnológicos. Esta última formación se realiza de forma semipresencial, empleando una plataforma de Internet de la UPM para seguimiento de la enseñanza no presencial. También se han realizado cursos y jornadas de uno o dos días de duración, en temáticas de actualidad e interés para los profesionales y empresarios del sector. Así como impartición de conferencias en diferentes foros universitarios, profesionales o escolares. Otra actividad importante es el fomento y apoyo a la investigación dentro del sector de los árido

    Laparoscopic appendectomy in a second trimester pregnant patient due to acute appendicitis: a case report

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    Acute appendicitis is the most frequent surgical procedure of general surgery during pregnancy, which occurs in 0.04 to 0.2% of all pregnancies; this represents 25% of non-obstetric operations performed during pregnancy. A 33-year-old female patient with a second-trimester pregnancy, which goes to the Emergency Department for abdominal pain, when performing the anamnesis and physical examination, the suggestive picture of acute appendicitis is integrated, for which additional laboratory and cabinet studies are carried out, according to the clinical suspicion it is decided to perform diagnostic laparoscopy and management according to findings; cecal erythematosus appendix is evident, so appendectomy is performed, finding proximal appendicolitis. Later with good evolution and satisfactory exit for the binomial. This procedure has been associated with shorter surgery times, shorter hospital stays and fewer complications compared to open surgery

    La frontera hispano-francesa : ensayo para su rectificación

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    Copia digital. España : Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte. Subdirección General de Coordinación bibliotecaria, 201

    New Superhard Phases for 3D C60-based Fullerites

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    We have explored new possible phases of 3D C60-based fullerites using semiempirical potentials and ab-initio density functional methods. We have found three closely related structures - two body centered orthorhombic and one body centered cubic - having 52, 56 and 60 tetracoordinated atoms per molecule. These 3D polymers result in semiconductors with bulk moduli near 300 GPa, and shear moduli around 240 GPa, which make them good candidates for new low density superhard materials.Comment: To be published in Physical Review Letter