23 research outputs found

    Neutron scattering study of ferroelectric Sn2P2S6 under pressure

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    Ferroelectric phase transition in the semiconductor Sn2P2S6 single crystal has been studied by means of neutron scattering in the pressure-temperature range adjacent to the anticipated tricritical Lifshitz point (p=0.18GPa, T=296K). The observations reveal a direct ferroelectric-paraelectric phase transition in the whole investigated pressure range (0.18 - 0.6GPa). These results are in a clear disagreement with phase diagrams assumed in numerous earlier works, according to which a hypothetical intermediate incommensurate phase extends over several or even tens of degrees in the 0.5GPa pressure range. Temperature dependence of the anisotropic quasielastic diffuse scattering suggests that polarization fluctuations present above TC are strongly reduced in the ordered phase. Still, the temperature dependence of the (200) Bragg reflection intensity at p=0.18GPa can be remarkably well modeled assuming the order-parameter amplitude growth according to the power law with logarithmic corrections predicted for a uniaxial ferroelectric transition at the tricritical Lifshitz point

    A new picture of the Lifshitz critical behavior

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    New field theoretic renormalization group methods are developed to describe in a unified fashion the critical exponents of an m-fold Lifshitz point at the two-loop order in the anisotropic (m not equal to d) and isotropic (m=d close to 8) situations. The general theory is illustrated for the N-vector phi^4 model describing a d-dimensional system. A new regularization and renormalization procedure is presented for both types of Lifshitz behavior. The anisotropic cases are formulated with two independent renormalization group transformations. The description of the isotropic behavior requires only one type of renormalization group transformation. We point out the conceptual advantages implicit in this picture and show how this framework is related to other previous renormalization group treatments for the Lifshitz problem. The Feynman diagrams of arbitrary loop-order can be performed analytically provided these integrals are considered to be homogeneous functions of the external momenta scales. The anisotropic universality class (N,d,m) reduces easily to the Ising-like (N,d) when m=0. We show that the isotropic universality class (N,m) when m is close to 8 cannot be obtained from the anisotropic one in the limit d --> m near 8. The exponents for the uniaxial case d=3, N=m=1 are in good agreement with recent Monte Carlo simulations for the ANNNI model.Comment: 48 pages, no figures, two typos fixe

    Surface critical exponents at a uniaxial Lifshitz point

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    Using Monte Carlo techniques, the surface critical behaviour of three-dimensional semi-infinite ANNNI models with different surface orientations with respect to the axis of competing interactions is investigated. Special attention is thereby paid to the surface criticality at the bulk uniaxial Lifshitz point encountered in this model. The presented Monte Carlo results show that the mean-field description of semi-infinite ANNNI models is qualitatively correct. Lifshitz point surface critical exponents at the ordinary transition are found to depend on the surface orientation. At the special transition point, however, no clear dependency of the critical exponents on the surface orientation is revealed. The values of the surface critical exponents presented in this study are the first estimates available beyond mean-field theory.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures include

    Lattice models and Landau theory for type II incommensurate crystals

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    Ground state properties and phonon dispersion curves of a classical linear chain model describing a crystal with an incommensurate phase are studied. This model is the DIFFOUR (discrete frustrated phi4) model with an extra fourth-order term added to it. The incommensurability in these models may arise if there is frustration between nearest-neighbor and next-nearest-neighbor interactions. We discuss the effect of the additional term on the phonon branches and phase diagram of the DIFFOUR model. We find some features not present in the DIFFOUR model such as the renormalization of the nearest-neighbor coupling. Furthermore the ratio between the slopes of the soft phonon mode in the ferroelectric and paraelectric phase can take on values different from -2. Temperature dependences of the parameters in the model are different above and below the paraelectric transition, in contrast with the assumptions made in Landau theory. In the continuum limit this model reduces to the Landau free energy expansion for type II incommensurate crystals and it can be seen as the lowest-order generalization of the simplest Lifshitz-point model. Part of the numerical calculations have been done by an adaption of the Effective Potential Method, orginally used for models with nearest-neighbor interaction, to models with also next-nearest-neighbor interactions.Comment: 33 pages, 7 figures, RevTex, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Bulk and Boundary Critical Behavior at Lifshitz Points

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    Lifshitz points are multicritical points at which a disordered phase, a homogeneous ordered phase, and a modulated ordered phase meet. Their bulk universality classes are described by natural generalizations of the standard ϕ4\phi^4 model. Analyzing these models systematically via modern field-theoretic renormalization group methods has been a long-standing challenge ever since their introduction in the middle of the 1970s. We survey the recent progress made in this direction, discussing results obtained via dimensionality expansions, how they compare with Monte Carlo results, and open problems. These advances opened the way towards systematic studies of boundary critical behavior at mm-axial Lifshitz points. The possible boundary critical behavior depends on whether the surface plane is perpendicular to one of the mm modulation axes or parallel to all of them. We show that the semi-infinite field theories representing the corresponding surface universality classes in these two cases of perpendicular and parallel surface orientation differ crucially in their Hamiltonian's boundary terms and the implied boundary conditions, and explain recent results along with our current understanding of this matter.Comment: Invited contribution to STATPHYS 22, to be published in the Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Statistical Physics (STATPHYS 22) of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP), 4--9 July 2004, Bangalore, Indi

    Electronic structure of Sn2P2S6

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    The electronic properties of the ferroelectric compound Sn2P2S6 are investigated by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and soft x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy. Excellent agreement between theoretical calculations and experimental data for the electronic structure of the investigated compound is achieved. With help of the Sn core level spectra it is confirmed that the compound contains Sn2+ ions. The valence band mainly consists of five resolvable bands between 3.3 eV and 14.5 eV. Consistent with the results of band-structure calculation and the soft x-ray fluorescence spectra, Sn2P2S6 can be viewed as an ionic crystal, built of Sn2+ and the (P2S6)(4-) fragments. Within the latter, P-P and P-S bonds are largely covalent and characterized by sp hybridization