9,191 research outputs found

    Is any awareness necessary for an Ne?

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    The Error-Related Negativity (Ne or ERN) is a reliable electrophysiological index of error processing, which has been found to be independent of whether a subject is aware of an error or not. A large Ne was equally seen after errors that were consciously detected (Aware errors) and those that were not (Unaware errors), compared to a small negativity for correct responses (CRN). This suggests a dissociation between an automatic, preconscious error processing mechanism and subjective evaluation. A common concern regarding this finding is that subjects could have been somewhat aware of their errors, but did not report them due to lack of confidence. Here we tested this possibility directly using a betting paradigm which allowed us to separate occasions in which the subjects were confident of their response and trials in which they were unsure. In a choice reaction time task, subjects directly judged the accuracy of each response (correct or error) and then bet on this judgment using a high, medium, or low amount of money. The bets were used to determine the level of confidence the subjects had of their response. The average across all subjects regardless of confidence (betting) measure replicated the reported finding of an equal Ne for Aware and Unaware errors which was larger than the CRN. However, when Ne measurement was confined to high confidence (high bet) trials in confident subjects, a prominent Ne was seen only for Aware errors, while confident Unaware errors (i.e., error trials on which subjects made high bets that they were correct) elicited a response that did not differ from the CRN elicited by truly correct answers. In contrast, for low confidence trials in unconfident subjects, an intermediate and equal Ne/CRN was elicited by CRN, Aware and Unaware errors. These results provide direct evidence that the Ne is related to error awareness, and suggest the amplitude of the Ne/CRN depends on individual differences in error reporting and confidence

    Position Measurements Obeying Momentum Conservation

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    We present a hitherto unknown fundamental limitation to a basic measurement: that of the position of a quantum object when the total momentum of the object and apparatus is conserved. This result extends the famous Wigner-Araki-Yanase (WAY) theorem, and shows that accurate position measurements are only practically feasible if there is a large momentum uncertainty in the apparatus

    Evaluating the Effectiveness of Shielding Material, Vehicle Shape and Astronaut Position for Deep Space Travel

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    Background: As future crewed, deep space missions are being planned, it is important to assess how spacecraft design can be used to minimize radiation exposure. Collectively with shielding material, vehicle shape and astronaut position must be used to protect astronauts from the two primary sources of space radiation: Galactic Cosmic Rays (GCRs) and Solar Particle Events (SPEs). Methods: The On-Line Tool for the Assessment of Radiation in Space (OLTARIS) version 4.1 analysis package is used to evaluate and analyze this detailed radiation field. Developed by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration\u27s (NASA) Langley Research Center, the tool enables engineering and research related space radiation calculations. Each configuration is evaluated in whole body effective dose equivalent (ED). This research evaluates 70 aerospace materials, 2 vehicle shapes and 3 astronaut positions. Results and Conclusions: The material analyses show that for metals, aluminum outperforms and therefore is the most feasible metal for deep space travel. But when evaluating all materials, polyethylene outperforms all feasible aerospace materials. The vehicle shape and astronaut position analyses show that moving a human phantom closer to a wall does significantly decrease the ED. This pattern is not dependent on material nor boundary condition, but the mean shielding thickness a source ray must travel through for the GCR boundary condition. For shielding thicknesses greater than 30 g/cm 2 for polyethylene and 100g/cm 2 for aluminum, the results suggest that having astronauts’ habitats and work areas located further from the center will help protect astronauts longer from deep space radiation.https://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/gradposters/1067/thumbnail.jp

    Weyl superconductors

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    We study the physics of the superconducting variant of Weyl semimetals, which may be realized in multilayer structures comprising topological insulators and superconductors. We show how superconductivity can split each Weyl node into two. The resulting Bogoliubov Weyl nodes can be pairwise independently controlled, allowing to access a set of phases characterized by different numbers of bulk Bogoliubov Weyl nodes and chiral Majorana surface modes. We analyze the physics of vortices in such systems, which trap zero energy Majorana modes only under certain conditions. We finally comment on possible experimental probes, thereby also exploiting the similarities between Weyl superconductors and 2-dimensional p + ip superconductors.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    Hydrostatic Equilibrium of a Perfect Fluid Sphere with Exterior Higher-Dimensional Schwarzschild Spacetime

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    We discuss the question of how the number of dimensions of space and time can influence the equilibrium configurations of stars. We find that dimensionality does increase the effect of mass but not the contribution of the pressure, which is the same in any dimension. In the presence of a (positive) cosmological constant the condition of hydrostatic equilibrium imposes a lower limit on mass and matter density. We show how this limit depends on the number of dimensions and suggest that Λ>0\Lambda > 0 is more effective in 4D than in higher dimensions. We obtain a general limit for the degree of compactification (gravitational potential on the boundary) of perfect fluid stars in DD-dimensions. We argue that the effects of gravity are stronger in 4D than in any other number of dimensions. The generality of the results is also discussed