41 research outputs found

    A theory of normed simulations

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    In existing simulation proof techniques, a single step in a lower-level specification may be simulated by an extended execution fragment in a higher-level one. As a result, it is cumbersome to mechanize these techniques using general purpose theorem provers. Moreover, it is undecidable whether a given relation is a simulation, even if tautology checking is decidable for the underlying specification logic. This paper introduces various types of normed simulations. In a normed simulation, each step in a lower-level specification can be simulated by at most one step in the higher-level one, for any related pair of states. In earlier work we demonstrated that normed simulations are quite useful as a vehicle for the formalization of refinement proofs via theorem provers. Here we show that normed simulations also have pleasant theoretical properties: (1) under some reasonable assumptions, it is decidable whether a given relation is a normed forward simulation, provided tautology checking is decidable for the underlying logic; (2) at the semantic level, normed forward and backward simulations together form a complete proof method for establishing behavior inclusion, provided that the higher-level specification has finite invisible nondeterminism.Comment: 31 pages, 10figure

    Centre Equation

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    A symbolic decision procedure for cryptographic protocols with time stamp

    Temporal Logic for Stabilizing Systems

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    . This paper links two formerly disjoint research areas: temporal logic and stabilization. Temporal logic is a widely acknowledged language for the specification and verification of concurrent systems. Stabilization is a vitally emerging paradigm in fault tolerant distributed computing. In this paper we give a brief introduction to stabilizing systems and present fair transition systems for their formal description. Then we give a formal definition of stabilization in linear temporal logic and provide a set of temporal proof rules specifically tailored towards the verification of stabilizing systems. By exploiting the semantical characteristics of stabilizing systems the presented proof rules are considerably simpler than the general temporal logic proof rules for program validity, yet we prove their completeness for the class of stabilizing systems. These proof rules replace the hitherto informal reasoning in the field of stabilization and constitute the basis for machine-supported ve..

    Completing the Picture: Soundness of Formal Encryption in the Presence of Active Adversaries

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    In this paper, we extend previous results relating the Dolev-Yao model and the computational model. We add the possibility to exchange keys and consider cryptographic primitives such as signature. This work can be applied to check protocols in the computational model by using automatic verification tools in the formal model. To obtain this result, we introduce a precise definition for security criteria which leads to a nice reduction theorem. The reduction theorem is of interest on its own as it seems to be a powerful tool for proving equivalences between security criteria. Also, the proof of this theorem uses original ideas that seem to be applicable in other situations

    Computing abstractions of infinite state systems compositionally and automatically

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    We present a method for computing abstractions of infinite state systems compositionally and automatically. Given a concrete system S = S1 k \Delta \Delta \Delta k Sn of programs and given an abstraction function ff, using our method one can compute an abstract system S a = Sa 1 k \Delta \Delta \Delta k S a n such that S simulates S a. A distinguishing feature of our method is that it does not produce a single abstract state graph but rather preserves the structure of the concrete system. This feature is a prerequisite to benefit from the techniques developed in the context of model-checking for mitigating the state explosion. Moreover, our method has the advantage that the process of constructing the abstract system does not depend on whether the computation model is synchronous or asynchronous

    Formal methods and tools: introduction and overview

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    (De)Compositions of Cryptographic Schemes and their Applications to Protocols

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    The main result of this paper is that the Dolev-Yao model is a safe abstraction of the computational model for security protocols including those that combine asymmetric and symmetric encryption, signature and hashing