644 research outputs found

    <Session 3: Biomedical Technology>Bio-Signal Electrodes Having Electro-Chemical Power Generation Capability Aimed for Operating Power of Intra-Corporeal Capsule-Telemeter Transmitter

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    19–22 May 2022 Kyoto, JapanPlease provide a brief abstract here of approximately 200 words. To distinguish it from the main text, please place the abstract in cursive text - font size 10, Times New Roman

    Abundance of Cosmological Relics in Low-Temperature Scenarios

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    We investigate the relic density n_\chi of non-relativistic long-lived or stable particles \chi in cosmological scenarios in which the temperature T is too low for \chi to achieve full chemical equilibrium. The case with a heavier particle decaying into \chi is also investigated. We derive approximate solutions for n_\chi(T) which accurately reproduce numerical results when full thermal equilibrium is not achieved. If full equilibrium is reached, our ansatz no longer reproduces the correct temperature dependence of the \chi number density. However, it does give the correct final relic density, to an accuracy of about 3% or better, for all cross sections and initial temperatures.Comment: 26 pages, 8 figures, comments added, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Update on Fermion Mass Models with an Anomalous Horizontal U(1) Symmetry

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    We reconsider models of fermion masses and mixings based on a gauge anomalous horizontal U(1) symmetry. In the simplest model with a single flavon field and horizontal charges of the same sign for all Standard Model fields, only very few charge assignements are allowed when all experimental data, including neutrino oscillation data, is taken into account. We show that a precise description of the observed fermion masses and mixing angles can easily be obtained by generating sets of the order one parameters left unconstrained by the U(1) symmetry. The corresponding Yukawa matrices show several interesting features which may be important for flavour changing neutral currents and CP violation effects in supersymmetric models.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figure

    Twisted Split Fermions

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    The observed flavor structure of the standard model arises naturally in "split fermion" models which localize fermions at different places in an extra dimension. It has, until now, been assumed that the bulk masses for such fermions can be chosen to be flavor diagonal simultaneously at every point in the extra dimension, with all the flavor violation coming from the Yukawa couplings to the Higgs. We consider the more natural possibility in which the bulk masses cannot be simultaneously diagonalized, that is, that they are twisted in flavor space. We show that, in general, this does not disturb the natural generation of hierarchies in the flavor parameters. Moreover, it is conceivable that all the flavor mixing and CP-violation in the standard model may come only from twisting, with the five-dimensional Yukawa couplings taken to be universal.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figur

    Gauge Coupling Unification in GUT with Anomalous U(1) Symmetry

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    We show that in the framework of grand unified theory (GUT) with anomalous U(1)AU(1)_A gauge symmetry, the success of the gauge coupling unification in the minimal SU(5) GUT is naturally explained, even if the mass spectrum of superheavy fields does not respect SU(5) symmetry. Because the unification scale for most realizations of the theory becomes smaller than the usual GUT scale, it suggests that the present level of experiments is close to that sufficient to observe proton decay via dimension 6 operators, pe+πp\to e+\pi.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX, to appear in Phys.Rev.Let

    Democratic (S)fermions and Lepton Flavor Violation

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    The democratic approach to account for fermion masses and mixing is known to be successful not only in the quark sector but also in the lepton sector. Here we extend this ansatz to supersymmetric standard models, in which the K\"ahler potential obeys underlying S_3 flavor symmetries. The requirement of neutrino bi-large mixing angles constrains the form of the K\"ahler potential for left-handed lepton multiplets. We find that right-handed sleptons can have non-degenerate masses and flavor mixing, while left-handed sleptons are argued to have universal and hence flavor-blind masses. This mass pattern is testable in future collider experiments when superparticle masses will be measured precisely. Lepton flavor violation arises in this scenario. In particular, \mu \to e \gamma is expected to be observed in a planning future experiment if supersymmetry breaking scale is close to the weak scale.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figure