325 research outputs found

    Collapses and revivals of exciton emission in a semiconductor microcavity: detuning and phase-space filling effects

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    We investigate exciton emission of quantum well embedded in a semiconductor microcavity. The analytical expressions of the light intensity for the cases of excitonic number state and coherent state are presented by using secular approximation. Our results show that the effective exciton-exciton interaction leads to the appearance of collapse and revival of the light intensity. The revival time is twice compared the coherent state case with that of the number state. The dissipation of the exciton-polariton lowers the revival amplitude but does not alter the revival time. The influences of the detuning and the phase-space filling are studied. We find that the effect of the higher-order exciton-photon interaction may be removed by adjusting the detuning.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Dimensionality dependence of optical nonlinearity and relaxation dynamics in cuprates

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    Femtosecond pump-probe measurements find pronounced dimensionality dependence of the optical nonlinearity in cuprates. Although the coherent two-photon absorption (TPA) and linear absorption bands nearly overlap in both quasi-one and two-dimensional (1D and 2D) cuprates, the TPA coefficient is one order of magnitude smaller in 2D than in 1D. Furthermore, picosecond recovery of optical transparency is observed in 1D cuprates, while the recovery in 2D involves relaxation channels with a time scales of tens of picoseconds. The experimental results are interpreted within the two-band extended Hubbard model.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    A Cooper pair light emitting diode

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    We demonstrate Cooper-pair's drastic enhancement effect on band-to-band radiative recombination in a semiconductor. Electron Cooper pairs injected from a superconducting electrode into an active layer by the proximity effect recombine with holes injected from a p-type electrode and dramatically accelerate the photon generation rates of a light emitting diode in the optical-fiber communication band. Cooper pairs are the condensation of electrons at a spin-singlet quantum state and this condensation leads to the observed enhancement of the electric-dipole transitions. Our results indicate the possibility to open up new interdisciplinary fields between superconductivity and optoelectronics.Comment: 5 pages (4 figures

    Analysis of the exciton-exciton interaction in semiconductor quantum wells

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    The exciton-exciton interaction is investigated for quasi-two-dimensional quantum structures. A bosonization scheme is applied including the full spin structure. For generating the effective interaction potentials, the Hartree-Fock and Heitler-London approaches are improved by a full two-exciton calculation which includes the van der Waals effect. With these potentials the biexciton formation in bilayer systems is investigated. For coupled quantum wells the two-body scattering matrix is calculated and employed to give a modified relation between exciton density and blue shift. Such a relation is of central importance for gauging exciton densities in experiments which pave the way toward Bose-Einstein condensation of excitons

    Superradiance of low density Frenkel excitons in a crystal slab of three-level atoms: Quantum interference effect

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    We systematically study the fluorescence of low density Frenkel excitons in a crystal slab containing NTN_T V-type three-level atoms. Based on symmetric quasi-spin realization of SU(3) in large NN limit, the two-mode exciton operators are invoked to depict various collective excitations of the collection of these V-type atoms starting from their ground state. By making use of the rotating wave approximation, the light intensity of radiation for the single lattice layer is investigated in detail. As a quantum coherence effect, the quantum beat phenomenon is discussed in detail for different initial excitonic states. We also test the above results analytically without the consideration of the rotating wave approximation and the self-interaction of radiance field is also included.Comment: 18pages, 17 figures. Resubmit to Phys. Rev.

    Semiconductor-cavity QED in high-Q regimes: Detuning effect

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    The non-resonant interaction between the high-density excitons in a quantum well and a single mode cavity field is investigated. An analytical expression for the physical spectrum of the excitons is obtained. The spectral properties of the excitons, which are initially prepared in the number states or the superposed states of the two different number states by the resonant femtosecond pulse pumping experiment, are studied. Numerical study of the physical spectrum is carried out and a discussion of the detuning effect is presented.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figure

    Approach to the semiconductor cavity QED in high-Q regimes with q-deformed boson

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    The high density Frenkel exciton which interacts with a single mode microcavity field is dealed with in the framework of the q-deformed boson. It is shown that the q-defomation of bosonic commutation relations is satisfied naturally by the exciton operators when the low density limit is deviated. An analytical expression of the physical spectrum for the exciton is given by using of the dressed states of the cavity field and the exciton. We also give the numerical study and compare the theoretical results with the experimental resultsComment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Drastic effects of damping mechanisms on the third-order optical nonlinearity

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    We have investigated the optical response of superradiant atoms, which undergoes three different damping mechanisms: radiative dissipation (γr\gamma_r), dephasing (γd\gamma_d), and nonradiative dissipation (γn\gamma_n). Whereas the roles of γd\gamma_d and γn\gamma_n are equivalent in the linear susceptibility, the third-order nonlinear susceptibility drastically depends on the ratio of γd\gamma_d and γn\gamma_n: When γdγn\gamma_d \ll \gamma_n, the third-order susceptibility is essentially that of a single atom. Contrarily, in the opposite case of γdγn\gamma_d \gg \gamma_n, the third-order susceptibility suffers the size-enhancement effect and becomes proportional to the system size.Comment: 5pages, 2figure

    Effective Hamiltonian for Excitons with Spin Degrees of Freedom

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    Starting from the conventional electron-hole Hamiltonian Heh{\cal H}_{eh}, we derive an effective Hamiltonian H~1s\tilde{\cal H}_{1s} for 1s1s excitons with spin degrees of freedom. The Hamiltonian describes optical processes close to the exciton resonance for the case of weak excitation. We show that straightforward bosonization of Heh{\cal H}_{eh} does not give the correct form of H~1s\tilde{\cal H}_{1s}, which we obtain by a projection onto the subspace spanned by the 1s1s excitons. The resulting relaxation and renormalization terms generate an interaction between excitons with opposite spin. Moreover, exciton-exciton repulsive interaction is greatly reduced by the renormalization. The agreement of the present theory with the experiment supports the validity of the description of a fermionic system by bosonic fields in two dimensions.Comment: 12 pages, no figures, RevTe

    Nonlinear Optical Response in two-dimensional Mott Insulators

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    We study the third-order nonlinear optical susceptibility χ(3)\chi^{(3)} and photoexcited states of two-dimensional (2D) Mott insulators by using an effective model in the strong-coupling limit of a half-filled Hubbard model. In the numerically exact diagonalization calculations on finite-size clusters, we find that the coupling of charge and spin degrees of freedom plays a crucial role in the distribution of the dipole-allowed states with odd parity and the dipole-forbidden states with even parity in the photoexcited states. This is in contrast with the photoexcited states in one dimension, where the charge and spin degrees of freedom are decoupled. In the third-harmonic generation (THG) spectrum, main contribution is found to come from the process of three-photon resonance associated with the odd-parity states. As a result, the two-photon resonance process is less pronounced in the THG spectrum. The calculated THG spectrum is compared with recent experimental data. We also find that χ(3)\chi^{(3)} with cross-polarized configuration of pump and probe photons shows spectral distributions similar to χ(3)\chi^{(3)} with co-polarized configuration, although the weight is small. These findings will help the analyses of the experimental data of χ(3)\chi^{(3)} in the 2D Mott insulators.Comment: 9 pages,5 figures,RevTeX