28 research outputs found

    Studi Fasies Formasi Endapan Danau untuk Menentukan Lingkungan Pengendapan Danau Limboto

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    The research area located in the lowland zone and the corrugated hilly zone which is dominated by sedimentary rocks. Therefore, this study aims to determine the geological features of the research area and the study of depositional environmental facies of the Lake Deposits Formation as an analysis of the depositional environment of Limboto Lake. The research method used is the surface geological mapping, measuring a section of stratigraphic and laboratory analysis. Field data consists of stratigraphical features of the research area. Laboratory analysis consists of petrography and stratigraphy-sedimentology analysis. It can be concluded facies and stratigraphy of research from older to youngest, consists of clastic limestones unit formed in Late Miocene-late Early Pliocene age, reef limestones formed in Late Miocene-early Late Pliocene age, sandstones unit formed in Late Pliocene-Pleistocene age, clay unit, and sandy clay unit are deposited in Holocene. Overall the study site consisted of marine, transitional and terrestrial deposition environment with Lake Deposits Formation facies is lake margin clastic deposits and meandering-stream environment deposits

    Pseudorapidity dependence of parton energy loss in relativistic heavy ion collisions

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    We analyze the recent data from the BRAHMS Collaboration on the pseudorapidity dependence of nuclear modification factors in Au+Au collisions at sNN\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 200 GeV by using the full three dimensional hydrodynamic simulations for the density effects on parton energy loss. We first compute the transverse spectra at η=0\eta=0 and 2.2, and next take a ratio Rη=RAA(η=2.2)/RAA(η=0)R_{\eta}=R_{AA}(\eta=2.2)/R_{AA}(\eta=0), where RAAR_{AA} is a nuclear modification factor. It is shown that hydrodynamic components account for Rη≃1R_{\eta}\simeq 1 at low pTp_\mathrm{T} and that quenched pQCD components lead Rη<1R_{\eta} < 1 at high pTp_\mathrm{T} which are consistent with the data. Strong suppression at η=2.2\eta=2.2 is compatible with the parton energy loss in the final state.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures; one figure adde

    Comparison of space-time evolutions of hot/dense matter in sNN\sqrt{s_{NN}}=17 and 130 GeV relativistic heavy ion collisions based on a hydrodynamical model

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    Based on a hydrodynamical model, we compare 130 GeV/AA Au+Au collisions at RHIC and 17 GeV/AA Pb+Pb collisions at SPS. The model well reproduces the single-particle distributions of both RHIC and SPS. The numerical solution indicates that huge amount of collision energy in RHIC is mainly used to produce a large extent of hot fluid rather than to make a high temperature matter; longitudinal extent of the hot fluid in RHIC is much larger than that of SPS and initial energy density of the fluid is only 5% higher than the one in SPS. The solution well describes the HBT radii at SPS energy but shows some deviations from the ones at RHIC.Comment: 28 pages, 21 figures, REVTeX4, one figure is added and some figures are replace

    The risk reduction of recurrent periodontal pathogens of local application minocycline HCl 2% gel, used as an adjunct to scaling and root planing for chronic periodontitis treatment

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    Y Soeroso,1,2 T Akase,3 H Sunarto,1,2 Y Kemal,1 R Salim,1 M Octavia,1 A Viandita,1 J Setiawan,1 BM Bachtiar2,4 1Department of Periodontology, Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia; 2Oral Sciences Research Center, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia; 3R&amp;D, Oral Care Company, Sunstar Group, Takatsuki City, Japan; 4Department of Oral Biology, Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical and microbiological effects of local application minocycline HCl 2% gel, used as an adjunct to scaling and root planing (SRP) for treatment of chronic periodontitis (CP). CP is an inflammation of periodontal tissue that is caused mainly by bacterial infection, where periodontal destruction such as loss of attachment and bone destruction occurred. Methods: A total of 81 subjects with moderate to severe periodontitis whose baseline clinical attachment loss (CAL) was &ge;4 mm were randomly assigned to receive SRP alone (control group, N=39) or SRP followed by four times of local application of minocycline HCl gel (Periocline) once a week (test group, N=42). Pocket depth, CAL, and papilla bleeding index were examined at baseline, 21 days, 2, 3, and 6 months. Subgingival plaque samples were collected with sterile curettes and were analyzed by real-time polymerase chain reaction for the presence of three periodontal pathogens (Porphyromonas gingivalis [P.g.], Tannerella forsythia [T.f.], and Treponema denticola [T.d.]) at baseline, 2, 3, and 6 months. Results: The number of bacteria was reduced in both groups at 2 months after baseline (SRP treatment). The changes (2&ndash;6 months) in T.d. and T.f. counts in the test group were significantly lower than those in the control group. In the control group, a significant regrowth of P.g., T.f., and T.d. was observed from 2 to 6 months and of P.g. and T.f. from 3 to 6 months. On the other hand, in the test group, the number of the three bacteria did not significantly increase during the 6-month period. Conclusion: The results showed that local application of minocycline, used as an adjunct to SRP, was effective for suppressing regrowth of periodontal pathogens, suggesting its risk reduction of recurrent periodontal pathogens in CP. Keywords: chronic periodontitis, minocycline, scaling and root planing, real-time PCR, periodontal pathoge