1,251 research outputs found

    Multi-scale interactions between turbulence and magnetic islands and parity mixture-a review

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    Special Issue on the 2018 Joint Varenna-Lausanne International Workshop on the Theory of Fusion Plasmas.This paper presents a review of multi-scale interactions between small-scale turbulence and large scale magnetic islands. In finite beta plasmas, zonal flows are relatively weak, and thus another electromagnetic coherent structure formation such as magnetic islands becomes important for regulating turbulence. In multi-scale interactions, large-scale modes dominate turbulent fluctuations even when the growth rate of the large-scale mode is much smaller than small-scale modes. On the other hand, small-scale modes influence large-scale modes when the large-scale modes are stable/marginally stable. Thus, the multi-scale interactions are categorized according to the stability of tearing mode (TM), which drives large-scale magnetic islands. When the TM is unstable, wide magnetic islands are produced, and as a result of the multi-scale interactions, the turbulent transport is significantly enhanced inside the separatrix of the island, because large-scale stable modes are excited by mutual interactions between turbulence and the island. On the other hand, a steep temperature gradient is formed around the separatrix of the island, which is consistent with zonal flow shear appearing at the separatrix. When the TM is stable/marginally stable, turbulence drives and sustains magnetic islands of width equal to multiples of the Larmor radius. This excitation of islands by turbulence can be related to the seed island formation of neo-classical TMs. The parity of fluctuations plays crucial role in the multi-scale nonlinear interactions, because pure twisting parity mode does not satisfy the nonlinear fluid/gyrokinetic equations. Magnetic islands belongs to the tearing parity mode and drift-wave instabilities normally belong to the twisting parity mode, and each parity is conserved in the linear growth of the instability. However, when the amplitude of the twisting parity mode becomes finite, the nonlinear energy transfer takes place from the twisting parity to tearing parity modes. Through this nonlinear parity mixture, the magnetic islands are produced by the turbulence. The influence of anomalous current drive and polarization current on the multi-scale interactions is discussed as well

    Calculation of renormalized viscosity and resistivity in magnetohydrodynamic turbulence

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    A self-consistent renormalization (RG) scheme has been applied to nonhelical magnetohydrodynamic turbulence with normalized cross helicity σc=0\sigma_c =0 and σc1\sigma_c \to 1. Kolmogorov's 5/3 powerlaw is assumed in order to compute the renormalized parameters. It has been shown that the RG fixed point is stable for ddc2.2d \ge d_c \approx 2.2. The renormalized viscosity ν\nu^* and resistivity η\eta^* have been calculated, and they are found to be positive for all parameter regimes. For σc=0\sigma_c=0 and large Alfv\'{e}n ratio (ratio of kinetic and magnetic energies) rAr_A, ν=0.36\nu^*=0.36 and η=0.85\eta^*=0.85. As rAr_A is decreased, ν\nu^* increases and η\eta^* decreases, untill rA0.25r_A \approx 0.25 where both ν\nu^* and η\eta^* are approximately zero. For large dd, both ν\nu^* and η\eta^* vary as d1/2d^{-1/2}. The renormalized parameters for the case σc1\sigma_c \to 1 are also reported.Comment: 19 pages REVTEX, 3 ps files (Phys. Plasmas, v8, 3945, 2001

    Plasma beta dependence of turbulent transport suggesting an advantage of weak magnetic shear from local and global gyrokinetic simulations

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    A higher plasma β is desirable for realizing high performance fusion reactor, in fact, one of the three goals of JT-60SA project is to achieve a high-β regime. We investigate key physical processes that regulate the β dependence of turbulent transport in L-mode plasmas by means of both local and global gyrokinetic simulations. From local simulations, we found that the turbulent transport does not decrease as β increases, because the electromagnetic stabilizing effect is canceled out by the increase of the Shafranov shift. This influence of the Shafranov shift is suppressed when the magnetic shear is weak, and thus the electromagnetic stabilization is prominent in weak shear plasmas, suggesting an advantage of weak magnetic shear plasmas for achieving a high-β regime. In high β regime, local gyrokinetic simulations are suffered from the non-saturation of turbulence level. In global simulations, by contrast, the electromagnetic turbulence gets saturated by the entropy advection in the radial direction to avoid the zonal flow erosion due to magnetic fluctuations. This breakthrough enables us to explore turbulent transport at a higher β regime by gyrokinetic simulations

    Characteristics of constrained turbulent transport in flux-driven toroidal plasmas

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    We study the dynamics of turbulence transport subject to a constraint on the profile formation and relaxation, dominated by the ion temperature gradient modes, within the framework of adiabatic electron response using a flux-driven global gyro-kinetic toroidal code, GKNET. We observe exponentially constrained profiles, with two different scale lengths, that are spatially constant in each region in higher input power regimes. The profiles are smoothly connected in the knee region located at 1/2−2/3 of the minor radius, outside which the gradient is steepened and shows a weak confinement improvement. Based on the probability density function analysis of heat flux eddies, the power law demonstrates a dependence on the eddy size S, as P∼S[−α], which distinguishes events into diffusive and non-diffusive parts including the validation of quasi-linear hypotheses. Radially localized avalanches and global bursts, which exhibit different spatial scales, play central roles in giving rise to constrained profiles on an equal footing. It is also found that the E×B shear layers are initiated by the global bursts, which evolve downward on a slow time scale across the knee region and play a role in adjusting the profile by increasing the gradient

    Influence of plasma boundary shape on helical core/long-lived mode in tokamak plasmas

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    Helical distortion of the core part of tokamak plasma, which is called a helical core or a long-lived mode, is investigated by means of three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic equilibrium calculations. It is found that the magnitude of the helical distortion strongly depends on the shape of the plasma boundary for weakly reversed shear plasmas. The triangularity of the boundary enhances the amplitude of helical distortion. In addition, reversed D-shape plasmas also exhibit a helical core. It is also found that the triangularity lowers the critical β for the onset of a helical core; furthermore, the critical β vanishes when the triangularity exceeds a certain value. On the other hand, the influence of the ellipticity on the amplitude of helical distortion strongly depends on β. The ellipticity enhances the amplitude at high β, while it reduces the amplitude at low β

    Global gyrokinetic nonlinear simulations of kinetic infernal modes in reversed shear tokamaks

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    The nonlinear evolution of electromagnetic instabilities in reversed shear plasmas is investigated by means of global gyrokinetic simulations. It is found that the kinetic infernal mode (KIM), which is a pressure-driven instability with low to intermediate toroidal mode number excited in a region of low magnetic shear, is unstable at high β, while the ion temperature gradient mode is unstable at low β, where β is the ratio of the plasma kinetic pressure to the magnetic pressure. The β threshold of the KIM is much lower than that of the kinetic ballooning mode (KBM) appearing in a normal shear plasma, while both the KIM and KBM are strong at the unfavorable curvature region, and the KIM has the same parity as the KBM. Nonlinear simulations show that the KIM gets saturated by exciting strong zonal flows and fluctuations of low toroidal mode number. The amplitude of the KIM turbulence is similar to that of the KBM turbulence in spite of the fact that the linear growth rate of the KIM is much higher than that of the KBM. This is because the excitation of zonal flows and fluctuations at low toroidal mode number is stronger in the reversed shear plasma than that of the normal shear plasma. On the other hand, the energy flux and particle flux due to the KIM turbulence are about two or three times larger than those by the KBM turbulence

    Multi-machine analysis of turbulent transport in helical systems via gyrokinetic simulation

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    We have investigated drift-wave instability and nonlinear turbulent transport in two configurations with different magnetic field structures by means of electromagnetic gyrokinetic simulations. Here, one is the neoclassically optimized Large Helical Device (LHD) plasma and the other is the Heliotron J (HJ) plasma. First, we show that the validation against the turbulent transport in the LHD plasma is successful, and that the neoclassically optimized configuration has smaller turbulent transport. Second, the neoclassical optimization through an enhanced toroidal mirror ratio, which is a capability of non-axisymmetric plasma, is found to improve the turbulent transport in the HJ plasma, which is qualitatively consistent with the observation in the HJ. Hence, the neoclassical optimization reduces the turbulent transport in both the LHD and HJ plasmas. Third, as a trial in evaluating the performance of a helical system designed with different concepts for stability, we compared turbulent transport in these plasmas and found that both the mixing-length-estimated diffusion and nonlinear turbulent transport of the HJ plasma are smaller than those of the LHD plasma in gyro-Bohm units. The significant difference is stronger zonal flows in the HJ plasma than in the LHD plasma