254,775 research outputs found

    Shock Waves and Noise in the Collapse of a Cloud of Cavitation Bubbles

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    Calculations of the collapse dynamics of a cloud of cavitation bubbles confirm the speculations of Morch and his co-workers and demonstrate that collapse occurs as a result of the inward propagation of a shock wave which grows rapidly in magnitude. Results are presented showing the evolving dynamics of the cloud and the resulting far-field acoustic noise

    The Noise Generated by the Collapse of a Cloud of Cavitation Bubbles

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    The focus of this paper is the numerical simulation of the dynamics and acoustics of a cloud of cavitating bubbles. The prototypical problem solved considers a finite cloud of nuclei that is exposed to a decrease in the ambient pressure which causes the cloud to cavitate. A subsequent pressure recovery then causes the cloud to collapse. This is typical of the perturbation experienced by a bubble cloud as it passes a headform or the blade of a ship propeller. The simulations employ the fully non-linear, non-barotropic, homogeneous flow equations coupled with the Rayleigh-Plesset dynamics for individual bubbles. This set of equations is solved numerically by an integral method. The computational results confirm the early speculation of Morch and his co-workers (Morch 1980 & 1981, Hanson et al. 1981) that an inwardly propagating shock wave may be formed in the collapse of a cavitating cloud. The structure of the shock is found to be similar to that of the steady planar shocks analyzed by Noordij and van Wijngaarden (1974). The shock wave grows rapidly not only because of the geometric effect of an inwardly propagating spherical shock but also because of the coupling of the single bubble dynamics with the global dynamics of the flow through the pressure and velocity fields (see also Wang and Brennen 1994). The specific circumstances which lead to the formation of such a shock are explored. Moreover, the calculations demonstrate that the acoustic impulse produced by the cloud is significantly enhanced by this shock-focusing process. Major parameters which affect the dynamics and acoustics of the cloud are found to be the cavitation number, [sigma], the initial void fraction, [alpha-zero], the minimum pressure coefficient of the flow, [C Pmin], the natural frequencies of the cloud, and the ratio of the length scale of low pressure perturbation to the initial radius of the cloud, [D/A-zero], where D can be, for example, the radius of the headform or chord length of the propeller blade. We examine how some of these parameters affect the far field acoustic noise produced by the volumetric acceleration of the cloud. The non-dimensional far-field acoustic impulse produced by the cloud collapse is shown to depend, primarily, on the maximum total volume of the bubbles in the cloud normalized by the length scale of the low pressure perturbation. Also, this maximum total volume decreases quasi-linearly with the increase of the cavitation number. However, the slope of the dependence, in turn, changes with the initial void fraction and other parameters. Non-dimensional power density spectra for the far-field noise are presented and exhibit the [equation] behavior, where n is between 0.5 and 2. After several collapse cycles, the cloud begins to oscillate at its natural frequency and contributes harmonic peaks in its spectrum

    Shock Wave Development in the Collapse of a Cloud of Bubbles

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    A numerical simulation of the collapse of a cloud of bubbles has been used to demonstrate the development of an inwardly propagating shock wave which grows rapidly in magnitude. The fully non-linear nonbarotropic homogeneous flow equations are coupled with single bubble dynamics and solved by a stable numerical scheme. The computational results demonstrate the structure of the shock wave as well as its strengthening effect due to the coupling of the single bubble dynamics with the global dynamics of the flow through the pressure and velocity fields. This appears to confirm the speculation of Morch and his co-workers that such shock formation is an important part of cloud collapse

    Observations of Shock Waves in Cloud Cavitation

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    This paper describes an investigation of the dynamics and acoustics of cloud cavitation, the structures which are often formed by the periodic breakup and collapse of a sheet or vortex cavity. This form of cavitation frequently causes severe noise and damage, though the precise mechanism responsible for the enhancement of these adverse effects is not fully understood. In this paper, we investigate the large impulsive surface pressures generated by this type of cavitation and correlate these with the images from high-speed motion pictures. This reveals that several types of propagating structures (shock waves) are formed in a collapsing cloud and dictate the dynamics and acoustics of collapse. One type of shock wave structure is associated with the coherent collapse of a well-defined and separate cloud when it is convected into a region of higher pressure. This type of global structure causes the largest impulsive pressures and radiated noise. But two other types of structure, termed 'crescent-shaped regions' and 'leading-edge structures' occur during the less-coherent collapse of clouds. These local events are smaller and therefore produce less radiated noise but the interior pressure pulse magnitudes are almost as large as those produced by the global events. The ubiquity and severity of these propagating shock wave structures provides a new perspective on the mechanisms reponsible for noise and damage in cavitating flows involving clouds of bubbles. It would appear that shock wave dynamics rather than the collapse dynamics of single bubbles determine the damage and noise in many cavitating flows

    Delay-induced multiple stochastic resonances on scale-free neuronal networks

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    We study the effects of periodic subthreshold pacemaker activity and time-delayed coupling on stochastic resonance over scale-free neuronal networks. As the two extreme options, we introduce the pacemaker respectively to the neuron with the highest degree and to one of the neurons with the lowest degree within the network, but we also consider the case when all neurons are exposed to the periodic forcing. In the absence of delay, we show that an intermediate intensity of noise is able to optimally assist the pacemaker in imposing its rhythm on the whole ensemble, irrespective to its placing, thus providing evidences for stochastic resonance on the scale-free neuronal networks. Interestingly thereby, if the forcing in form of a periodic pulse train is introduced to all neurons forming the network, the stochastic resonance decreases as compared to the case when only a single neuron is paced. Moreover, we show that finite delays in coupling can significantly affect the stochastic resonance on scale-free neuronal networks. In particular, appropriately tuned delays can induce multiple stochastic resonances independently of the placing of the pacemaker, but they can also altogether destroy stochastic resonance. Delay-induced multiple stochastic resonances manifest as well-expressed maxima of the correlation measure, appearing at every multiple of the pacemaker period. We argue that fine-tuned delays and locally active pacemakers are vital for assuring optimal conditions for stochastic resonance on complex neuronal networks.Comment: 7 two-column pages, 5 figures; accepted for publication in Chao

    Pseudo-magnetoexcitons in strained graphene bilayers without external magnetic fields

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    The structural and electronic properties of graphene leads its charge carriers to behave like relativistic particles, which is described by a Dirac-like Hamiltonian. Since graphene is a monolayer of carbon atoms, the strain due to elastic deformations will give rise to so-called `pseudomagnetic fields (PMF)' in graphene sheet, and that has been realized experimentally in strained graphene sample. Here we propose a realistic strained graphene bilayer (SGB) device to detect the pseudo-magnetoexcitons (PME) in the absence of external magnetic field. The carriers in each graphene layer suffer different strong PMFs due to strain engineering, which give rise to Landau quantization. The pseudo-Landau levels (PLLs) of electron-hole pair under inhomogeneous PMFs in SGB are analytically obtained in the absence of Coulomb interactions. Based on the general analytical optical absorption selection rule for PME, we show that the optical absorption spectrums can interpret the corresponding formation of Dirac-type PME. We also predict that in the presence of inhomogeneous PMFs, the superfluidity-normal phase transition temperature of PME is greater than that under homogeneous PMFs.}Comment: 16 pages, 6 figure

    Curate and storyspace: an ontology and web-based environment for describing curatorial narratives

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    Existing metadata schemes and content management systems used by museums focus on describing the heritage objects that the museum holds in its collection. These are used to manage and describe individual heritage objects according to properties such as artist, date and preservation requirements. Curatorial narratives, such as physical or online exhibitions tell a story that spans across heritage objects and have a meaning that does not necessarily reside in the individual heritage objects themselves. Here we present curate, an ontology for describing curatorial narratives. This draws on structuralist accounts that distinguish the narrative from the story and plot, and also a detailed analysis of two museum exhibitions and the curatorial processes that contributed to them. Storyspace, our web based interface and API to the ontology, is being used by curatorial staff in two museums to model curatorial narratives and the processes through which they are constructed

    Powerful sets: a generalisation of binary matroids

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    A set S{0,1}ES\subseteq\{0,1\}^E of binary vectors, with positions indexed by EE, is said to be a \textit{powerful code} if, for all XEX\subseteq E, the number of vectors in SS that are zero in the positions indexed by XX is a power of 2. By treating binary vectors as characteristic vectors of subsets of EE, we say that a set S2ES\subseteq2^E of subsets of EE is a \textit{powerful set} if the set of characteristic vectors of sets in SS is a powerful code. Powerful sets (codes) include cocircuit spaces of binary matroids (equivalently, linear codes over F2\mathbb{F}_2), but much more besides. Our motivation is that, to each powerful set, there is an associated nonnegative-integer-valued rank function (by a construction of Farr), although it does not in general satisfy all the matroid rank axioms. In this paper we investigate the combinatorial properties of powerful sets. We prove fundamental results on special elements (loops, coloops, frames, near-frames, and stars), their associated types of single-element extensions, various ways of combining powerful sets to get new ones, and constructions of nonlinear powerful sets. We show that every powerful set is determined by its clutter of minimal nonzero members. Finally, we show that the number of powerful sets is doubly exponential, and hence that almost all powerful sets are nonlinear.Comment: 19 pages. This work was presented at the 40th Australasian Conference on Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing (40ACCMCC), University of Newcastle, Australia, Dec. 201

    Observational Bounds on Modified Gravity Models

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    Modified gravity provides a possible explanation for the currently observed cosmic accelaration. In this paper, we study general classes of modified gravity models. The Einstein-Hilbert action is modified by using general functions of the Ricci and the Gauss-Bonnet scalars, both in the metric and in the Palatini formalisms. We do not use an explicit form for the functions, but a general form with a valid Taylor expansion up to second order about redshift zero in the Riemann-scalars. The coefficients of this expansion are then reconstructed via the cosmic expansion history measured using current cosmological observations. These are the quantities of interest for theoretical considerations relating to ghosts and instabilities. We find that current data provide interesting constraints on the coefficients. The next-generation dark energy surveys should shrink the allowed parameter space for modifed gravity models quite dramatically.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figures, uses RevTe

    Edge Enhancement Investigations by Means of Experiments and Simulations

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    Standard neutron imaging procedures are based on the “shadow” of the transmitted radiation, attenuated by the sample material. Under certain conditions significant deviations from pure transmission can be found in the form of enhancement or depression at the edges of the samples. These effects can limit the quantification process in the related regions. Otherwise, an enhancement and improvement of visibility can be achieved e.g. in defect analysis. In systematic studies we investigated the dependency of these effects on the specific material (mainly for common metals), such as the sample-to-detector distance, the beam collimation, the material thickness and the neutron energy. The beam lines ICON and BOA at PSI and ANTARES at TU München were used for these experiments due to their capability for neutron imaging with highest possible spatial resolution (6.5 to 13.5 micro-meter pixel size, respectively) and their cold beam spectrum. Next to the experimental data we used a McStas tool for the description of refraction and reflection features at edges for comparison. Even if minor contributions by coherent in-line propagation phase contrast are underlined, the major effect can be described by refraction of the neutrons at the sample-void interface. Ways to suppress and to magnify the edge effects can be derived from these findings.Fil: Lehmann, E.. Paul Scherrer Institut; SuizaFil: Schulz, M.. Technische Universitat Munchen; AlemaniaFil: Wang, Y.. China Insititute of Atomic Energy; ChinaFil: Tartaglione, Aureliano. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin