10,637 research outputs found

    Evolution of Surface Deformations of Weakly-Bound Nuclei in the Continuum

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    We study weakly-bound deformed nuclei based on the coordinate-space Skyrme Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov approach, in which a large box is employed for treating the continuum and surface diffuseness. Approaching the limit of core-halo deformation decoupling, calculations found an exotic "egg"-like structure consisting of a spherical core plus a prolate halo in 38^{38}Ne, in which the resonant continuum plays an essential role. Generally the halo probability and the decoupling effect in heavy nuclei are reduced compared to light nuclei, due to denser level densities around Fermi surfaces. However, deformed halos in medium-mass nuclei are possible with sparse levels of negative parity, for example, in 110^{110}Ge. The surface deformations of pairing density distributions are also influenced by the decoupling effect and are sensitive to the effective pairing Hamiltonian.Comment: 5 pages and 5 figure

    Generalized Second-Order Thomas-Fermi Method for Superfluid Fermi Systems

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    Using the \hbar-expansion of the Green's function of the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov equation, we extend the second-order Thomas-Fermi approximation to generalized superfluid Fermi systems by including the density-dependent effective mass and the spin-orbit potential. We first implement and examine the full correction terms over different energy intervals of the quasiparticle spectra in calculations of finite nuclei. Final applications of this generalized Thomas-Fermi method are intended for various inhomogeneous superfluid Fermi systems.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figures, PR

    Candida and invasive candidiasis: Back to basics.

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    The ubiquitous Candida spp. is an opportunistic fungal pathogen which, despite treatment with antifungal drugs, can cause fatal bloodstream infections (BSIs) in immunocompromised and immunodeficient persons. Thus far, several major C. albicans virulence factors have been relatively well studied, including morphology switching and secreted degradative enzymes. However, the exact mechanism of Candida pathogenesis and the host response to invasion are still not well elucidated. The relatively recent discovery of the quorum-sensing molecule farnesol and the existence of quorum sensing as a basic regulatory phenomenon of the C. albicans population behavior has revolutionized Candida research. Through population density regulation, the quorum-sensing mechanism also controls the cellular morphology of a C. albicans population in response to environmental factors, thereby, effectively placing morphology switching downstream of quorum sensing. Thus, the quorum-sensing phenomenon has been hailed as the 'missing piece' of the pathogenicity puzzle. Here, we review what is known about Candida spp. as the etiological agents of invasive candidiasis and address our current understanding of the quorum-sensing phenomenon in relation to virulence in the host

    Near term measurements with 21 cm intensity mapping: neutral hydrogen fraction and BAO at z<2

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    It is shown that 21 cm intensity mapping could be used in the near term to make cosmologically useful measurements. Large scale structure could be detected using existing radio telescopes, or using prototypes for dedicated redshift survey telescopes. This would provide a measure of the mean neutral hydrogen density, using redshift space distortions to break the degeneracy with the linear bias. We find that with only 200 hours of observing time on the Green Bank Telescope, the neutral hydrogen density could be measured to 25% precision at redshift 0.54<z<1.09. This compares favourably to current measurements, uses independent techniques, and would settle the controversy over an important parameter which impacts galaxy formation studies. In addition, a 4000 hour survey would allow for the detection of baryon acoustic oscillations, giving a cosmological distance measure at 3.5% precision. These observation time requirements could be greatly reduced with the construction of multiple pixel receivers. Similar results are possible using prototypes for dedicated cylindrical telescopes on month time scales, or SKA pathfinder aperture arrays on day time scales. Such measurements promise to improve our understanding of these quantities while beating a path for future generations of hydrogen surveys.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev. D. Addressed reviewer comments. Changed figure format, added more detailed technical discussion, and added forecasts for aperture arrays. Added references

    Abstraction of analytical models from cognitive models of human control of robotic swarms

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    In order to formally validate cyber-physical systems, analytically tractable models of human control are desirable. While those models can be abstracted directly from human data, limitations on the amount and reliability of data can lead to over-fitting and lack of generalization. We introduce a methodology for deriving formal models of human control of cyberphysical systems based on the use of cognitive models. Analytical models such as Markov models can be derived from an instance-based learning model of the task built using the ACT-R cognitive architecture. The approach is illustrated in the context of a robotic control task involving the choice of two options to control a robotic swarm. The cognitive model and various forms of the analytical model are validated against each other and against human performance data. The current limitations of the approach are discussed as well as its implications for the automated validation of cyber-physical systems