13,694 research outputs found

    Angular Momentum Conservation Law for Randall-Sundrum Models

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    In Randall-Sundrum models, by the use of general Noether theorem, the covariant angular momentum conservation law is obtained with the respect to the local Lorentz transformations. The angular momentum current has also superpotential and is therefore identically conserved. The space-like components JijJ_{ij} of the angular momentum for Randall-Sundrum models are zero. But the component J04J_{04} is infinite.Comment: 10 pages, no figures, accepted by Mod. Phys. Lett.

    Disclination in Lorentz Space-Time

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    The disclination in Lorentz space-time is studied in detail by means of topological properties of ϕ\phi -mapping. It is found the space-time disclination can be described in term of a Dirac spinor. The size of the disclination, which is proved to be the difference of two sets of su(2)% -like monopoles expressed by two mixed spinors, is quantized topologically in terms of topological invariants−-winding number. The projection of space-time disclination density along an antisymmetric tensor field is characterized by Brouwer degree and Hopf index.Comment: Revtex, 7 page

    Self-Dual Vortices in the Fractional Quantum Hall System

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    Based on the ϕ\phi-mapping theory, we obtain an exact Bogomol'nyi self-dual equation with a topological term, which is ignored in traditional self-dual equation, in the fractional quantum Hall system. It is revealed that there exist self-dual vortices in the system. We investigate the inner topological structure of the self-dual vortices and show that the topological charges of the vortices are quantized by Hopf indices and Brouwer degrees. Furthermore, we study the branch processes in detail. The vortices are found generating or annihilating at the limit points and encountering, splitting or merging at the bifurcation points of the vector field ϕ⃗\vec\phi.Comment: 13 pages 10 figures. accepted by IJMP

    Classical simulation of quantum many-body systems with a tree tensor network

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    We show how to efficiently simulate a quantum many-body system with tree structure when its entanglement is bounded for any bipartite split along an edge of the tree. This is achieved by expanding the {\em time-evolving block decimation} simulation algorithm for time evolution from a one dimensional lattice to a tree graph, while replacing a {\em matrix product state} with a {\em tree tensor network}. As an application, we show that any one-way quantum computation on a tree graph can be efficiently simulated with a classical computer.Comment: 4 pages,7 figure

    Energy-momentum for Randall-Sundrum models

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    We investigate the conservation law of energy-momentum for Randall-Sundrum models by the general displacement transform. The energy-momentum current has a superpotential and are therefore identically conserved. It is shown that for Randall-Sundrum solution, the momentum vanishes and most of the bulk energy is localized near the Planck brane. The energy density is ϵ=ϵ0e−3k∣y∣\epsilon = \epsilon_0 e^{-3k \mid y \mid}.Comment: 13 pages, no figures, v4: introduction and new conclusion added, v5: 11 pages, title changed and references added, accepted by Mod. Phys. Lett.

    Topological structure of the many vortices solution in Jackiw-Pi model

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    We construct an M-solitons solutions in Jackiw-Pi model depends on 5M parameters(two positions, one scale, one phase per solition and one charge of each solution). By using \phi -mapping method, we discuss the topological structure of the self-duality solution in Jackiw-Pi model in terms of gauge potential decomposition. We set up relationship between Chern-Simons vortices solution and topological number which is determined by Hopf indices and and Brouwer degrees. We also give the quantization of flux in this case.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Exploiting the Composite Step Strategy to the BiconjugateA-Orthogonal Residual Method for Non-Hermitian Linear Systems

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    The Biconjugate A-Orthogonal Residual (BiCOR) method carried out in finite precision arithmetic by means of the biconjugate A-orthonormalization procedure may possibly tend to suffer from two sources of numerical instability, known as two kinds of breakdowns, similarly to those of the Biconjugate Gradient (BCG) method. This paper naturally exploits the composite step strategy employed in the development of the composite step BCG (CSBCG) method into the BiCOR method to cure one of the breakdowns called as pivot breakdown. Analogously to the CSBCG method, the resulting interesting variant, with only a minor modification to the usual implementation of the BiCOR method, is able to avoid near pivot breakdowns and compute all the well-defined BiCOR iterates stably on the assumption that the underlying biconjugate A-orthonormalization procedure does not break down. Another benefit acquired is that it seems to be a viable algorithm providing some further practically desired smoothing of the convergence history of the norm of the residuals, which is justified by numerical experiments. In addition, the exhibited method inherits the promising advantages of the empirically observed stability and fast convergence rate of the BiCOR method over the BCG method so that it outperforms the CSBCG method to some extent

    Quantum three-body system in D dimensions

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    The independent eigenstates of the total orbital angular momentum operators for a three-body system in an arbitrary D-dimensional space are presented by the method of group theory. The Schr\"{o}dinger equation is reduced to the generalized radial equations satisfied by the generalized radial functions with a given total orbital angular momentum denoted by a Young diagram [μ,ν,0,...,0][\mu,\nu,0,...,0] for the SO(D) group. Only three internal variables are involved in the functions and equations. The number of both the functions and the equations for the given angular momentum is finite and equal to (μ−ν+1)(\mu-\nu+1).Comment: 16 pages, no figure, RevTex, Accepted by J. Math. Phy
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