36 research outputs found

    Picture Word Inductive Model Effective Research as the Media for Increasing Students' Writing Aility in Descriptive Text

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah siswa yang diajar dengan picture word inductive model memiliki keterampilan menulis teks deskriptif lebih baik dari pada siswa yang diajar dengan gambar biasa. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian eks5perimen semu; nonequivalent control group pre-posttest design. Sampel penelitian adalah kelas VIII.1 dan VIII.2. Kelas VIII.1 merupakan kelas control yang diajar dengan menggunakan picture biasa sedangkan kelas VIII.2 merupakan kelas experimen yang diajar dengan menggunakan picture word inductive model. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data penelitian adalah tes menulis teks deskriptif. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan independent t-test. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa siswa yang diajar dengan picture word inductive model mempunyai keterampilan menulis teks deskriptif lebih besar daripada siswa yang diajar dengan gambar biasa

    Konservasi Damar Mata Kucing (Shorea Javanica) Berbasis Masyarakat Di Zona Tradisional Taman Nasional Bukit Barisan Selatan

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    Potential damar tree (Shorea javanica) in the traditional zone of Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park (BBSNP). Based on the results of the analysis of vegetation data is conducted by making 50 plots, the abundance distribution in phase 56 individual trees / hectare. Shorea javanica tree is located in the zone of the trees that was planted with resin by Krui community. The value of dominance species was of 13.1 m² / ha. Potential of tree sap resin, which was produced in the tradisional, was estimated 59 kg per hectare. Distribution of the resin in the traditional zone TNBBS was about 446 hectare which was located along the Liwa-Krui. Management form for the resin treee in the research villages, Pekon Labuhan Mandi and Pekon Penengahan, was relatively the same. The altitude difference in growth trees and age affected production of latex. Based on the factor analysis results, factor 1 was the greatest influence factor for the decision-gum resin cat eye. Variables in a single factor, income and broad repong, were the most influential variable than the other factors. Development of agroforestry activities in BBSNP be in implementation as a priority policy direction and management strategies TN Under Regulation No. 28 of 2011 on the Management of Nature Reserves and Nature Conservation in Article 35 paragraph 1 and paragraph 2 letter f Efforts to improve the welfare of forest communities through conservation amber Shorea javanica and community-based sustainability and maintain the diversity of plants and wildlife

    Derajat Bahaya Penggunaan Air Abu, Boraks Dan Formalin Pada Kuliner Mie Aceh Yang Beredar Di Kota X Provinsi Aceh Terhadap Manusia

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    Mie Aceh is the noodle that formulated with special spices and raw materials wet noodle. Mie Aceh greatly favored by the Aceh\u27s peoples. This research is conducted by using analysis of titrimetri, photometri and qualitative. The issue of using ash water, borax and formaldehyde of Mie Aceh which circulate at X\u27s City in Aceh province been examined. After interview with 10 respondents noodle manufacture in X\u27s City, there were three factors were identified that make them use “air abu” and formaldehyde. The three factors were economics factor, knowledge factor and the dough needs factor. Laboratory analysis was done to see the content of ash water, borax and formaldehyde in Mie Aceh. Theresults of the 25 samples (100%) containing ash water with sodium carbonate test indicators ranges from 0.22% b/b - 0.27 %b/b, borax test results of 25 samples of noodles (100%) showed a negative result. Formalin test on 25 samples showed that positive test results (100%) of formaldehyde content of each sample was >4 mg/L. The results show that Mie Aceh circulating in X\u27s City was less safe for consumption and dangerous for public health

    Dampak Struktur Kepemilikan dan Corporate Governance terhadap Profitabilitas Bank

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    This study aims to determine the impact of the ownership structure and corporate governance to profitability. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. The sample used is a company engaged in the conventional banking sector listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) and follows corporate governance ratings by The Indonesian Institute for Corporate Governance (IICG) in the period 2010 to 2014. Profitability is measured using return on assets (ROA) and Return on Equity (ROE). The results showed that private ownership has significantly negative effect on ROA and corporate governance have a significant negative impact on ROA and ROE. Variable control of Non-performing loans negatively affect ROE and positive effect on the firm size of ROA and ROE. This research is expected to help managers increase profitability by considering several factors such as private ownership, Corporate Governance Perception Index (CGPI), non-performing loan (NPL) and firm size

    Preferensi Masyarakat Pesantren terhadap Bank Syariah (Studi Kasus DKI Jakarta)

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    Sebagai basis pendidikan Islam, pondok pesantren berpotensi besar dalam pertumbuhan perbankan syariah di Indonesia khususnya di DKI Jakarta. Namun potensi tersebut belum diperhatikan secara maksimal oleh praktisi perbankan syariah. Hal ini dapat diindikasikan dengan masih minimnya masyarakat pesantren yang menjadi nasabah bank syariah. Tulisan ini ingin melihat sejauh mana preferensi masyarakat pesantren terhadap bank syariah khususnya di DKI Jakarta, dengan menggunakan metode regresi logistik (Logit) yang terdiri dari variable dependen ( Y0 = Non-nasabah dan Y1 = Nasabah) dan beberapa variable independen yang terdiri dari pendidikan, penghasilan, pengetahuan, akses, profesionalitas, fasilitas, popularitas dan bunga bank. Dari hasil hasill analisis yang dilakukan diketahui bahwa pengetahuan dan akses sanggat berpengaruh positif terhadap masyarakat pesantren. Sementara profesionalitas dan fasilitas justru berpengaruh negatif, hal ini dikarenakan masih minimnya pengetahuan masyarakat pesantren terhadap bank syariah sehingga mereka tidak berminat menggunakan bank syariah bahkan lebih cenderung menggunakan bank konvensional. Sosialisasi akan perbankan syariah di Indonesia khususnya di DKI Jakarta terhadap masyarakat masih sangat minim khususnya masyarakat pesantren, dibutuhkannya peran dari seluruh stake holder untuk mendukung serta mensosialisasikan perbankan syariah secara berkelanjutan dan tepat sasaran.JEL Classification : G2

    Comparing Conventional Bank Credit Vis a Vis Shariah Bank Musharakah: Experimental Economic Approach

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    Central Bank of Indonesia with dual banking system – i.e Shariah and Conventional Bank – keep on developing system that considered as an answer to generate the national economic growth. One of the banking activities that emphasized by the Central Bank of Indonesia is fund distribution through either conventional bank credit or shariah bank fi nancing. Having the Experimental Economic Approach based on Induced Value Theory and employing ANOVA, this paper found that shariah bank musharakah fi nancing system would come up with higher profi t opportunity compare to conventional credit system. One main reason is that musharakah fi nancing in shariah bank applies profi t and lost sharing (PLS) scheme so that will not be a burden to the customer when he fi nd low profi t

    Peran Perbankan Syariah Dalam Mendorong Agro Investasi

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    Indonesia is an agrarian country. More of 40 percent of citizens are in theresector. However, it is not easy to face the challenges in agriculture. One of primary problemin agriculture sector is about capital endorsement. This paper tries to analyze the chanceof financing agriculture sector may be given by Islamic banking industries in Indonesia, thechallenges and steps that will be done, using descriptive statistic. The results show that shariafinancing scheme has potentially very powerful prospect as an alternative within agriculturesector problems in Indonesia. To motivate the implementation, we hope that sharia bankingindustries braver and more incessant give the financing by existing various scheme. Forrecommendation, Bank Indonesia as monetary authority could offer full support by givingincentives they need