103 research outputs found

    Hubungan Jumlah Curahan Air Dari Sistem Irigasi Boom Dengan Munculnya Gejala Awal Penyakit Hawar Daun Bakteri Di Pembibitan Tanaman Akasia (Acacia Crassicarpa Cunn Ex Benth)

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    This study aims to determine the relationship of the amount of water flow from the boom irrigation system with an attack of bacterial leaf blight in seedlings A. crassicarpa. This research has been conducted in Kerinci Central Nursery (KCN) Plant Nursery Acacia PT Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper (RAPP) in the District of Pangkalan Kerinci, Pelalawan Riau from September to November 2014. The study was conducted experimentally using correlation method to determine the relationship of the amount of water flow irrigation systems boom (x) with an attack of bacterial leaf blight (y). The research was done by measuring the amount of water flow from irrigation boom during watering. Data were statistically analyzed by simple linear regression analysis. The results showed that the relationship the amount of water flow from the irrigation system is positively correlated boom of 36.8% (increases linearly and have not yet reached the optimum point) to the emergence of the first symptoms of bacterial lea

    Deteksi Perubahan Tutupan Mangrove dengan Menggunakan Citra Multisensor di Sungai Liong Pulau Bengkalis

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    This research has been done on Liong river, located in Bengkalis Island on December 2013 by using ALOS AVNIR-2 2009th and RapidEye 2011th. The aims of this research is to know the mangrove cover change on Liong river start from 2009thuntil 2011th. The research method are red green methode then continued by using classification maximum likelihood method and for the accuracy mapping was evaluated by confusion matrix. The results showed that the mangrove's cover on Liong river has changed and increase. In 2009 mangrove cover from 792,01 ha and increase becoming 812,61 ha. It showed that the rate of mangrove cover located in Liong river which represent increase of 20,6 ha in two years periode

    Analisis Daya Minat Pengunjung terhadap Ekowisata Air Terjun Temburun Kecamatan Siantan Kabupaten Kepulauan Anambas Provinsi Kepulauan Riau

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    Indonesia has the potential of megabiodiversity because it has the most completely in the world's biodiversity. Many potentials of tourism scattered through out Indonesia archipelago which can be calculated fairly gobal appeal. One of the districts located in kepulauan Riau Province is kepulauan Anambas regency. Kepulauan Anambas Regency has natural forest and potential of nature ecotourism in the form of temburun waterfall flowing directly into the sea as the greatest potential in Anambas Regency as tourism attraction. This study aims to know the leisure of visitors to Temburun Waterfall Kepulauan Anambas Regency Kepulauan Riau Province and analyze the condition on infrastructure in Temburun waterfall Kepulauan Anambas Regency in kepulauan Riau province. This study using observation, quitionnaire and literature study. The result showed that visitor's leisure in ecotourism Temburun waterfall Anambas regency relatively high with percentage of 92% of the 100% visitors who visited temburun waterfall and the infrastructure is something that influence each other and can not be separated by the sustainablity of tourism activities, for the state of infrastructure at the site of Temburun waterfall is quite good

    Pengembangan Hutan Rakyat Berbasis Tanaman Karet (Hevea Brasilliensis) Di Kecamatan Tanah Putih Kabupaten Rokan Hilir

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    The rubber plant is the second commodity after palm plants in the village of Sedinginan and Banjar XII, but there are problems with low productivity because a lot of rubber plant been old and damaged thereby inhibiting the development of community forest based on rubber plant. The sampling method using the simple random sample.The collection of data used were primary and secondary data. The results of the research aspects of socio-cultural and economic impact on farmers in developing community forestbased on rubber plant, assessed from the age of farmers belonging to a productive and has experience in planting and maintenance of rubber plant.The low productivity of rubber plant, makes the net income of farmer is not enough for every day. The farmer factor do not conduct replanting,because some of rubber crop still young and no farmer budget do not conduct replanting. Strategies SWOT Analysis can be taken is to use superior seeds qualified and revive the tradition of rubber plant. In order for the production of rubber plants is better role of the Department of Forestry and required Plantation

    Identifikasi Jenis dan Karakteristik Pohon Penghasil Buah-buahan di Hutan Larangan Adat Kenegerian Rumbio Kecamatan Kampar Kabupaten Kampar Provinsi Riau

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    The Forest Reserve of Kenegerian Rumbio has potential as producing trees of forest fruit. Research on the identification of the type and characteristics of the fruit-producing trees in surrounding the Forest Reserve of Kenegerian Rumbio has not been done, so the data and clearer information of the fruit-producing trees has not been available. This study aims to determine the type and characteristics of the fruit-producing trees in Panoghan zone and Sialang Layang zone of the Forest Reserve of Kenegerian Rumbio. This research was conducted by using the method of track / transect with a width of 20 meters and a length of 500 meters. The transect position in the field was determined by using Purposive Sampling technique. Based on observations from both transects, 15 species of fruit-producing trees with the number of individuals 58 fruit-producing trees were found , which each transect has different individual number. Results of tree species diversity index of fruit-producing trees in Panoghan zone is 1.96 and Sialang Layang Zone is 2.3, which means included in the medium category

    Identifikasi Potensi Ekowisata di Hutan Larangan Adat Desa Rumbio Kematan Kampar Kabupaten Kampar

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    Ecotourism is one form of tourism which is managed by conservation approaches. Ecotourism as part of the concept of tourism development has progressed. with more and more interest in these types of tours based on environmental sustainability. Then in the development of natural tourist destinations obtained reciprocal relationship of mutual benefit between humans as creatures who enjoy nature in its activities with well-preserved nature. This research was conducted in the Hutan Larangan Adat village Rumbio, District Kampar, Province of Riau. This research was carried out for 1 month in November, 2015. Hutan Larangan Adat is a high heritage of indigenous peoples in Rumbio, stored in a variety of natural resources and flora and fauna typical of this area. Geographically situated between 0 ° 56\u2712 "north latitude and 1 ° 28\u2717" north latitude, 100 ° 56\u2710 "east longitude to 101 ° 43\u2726 \u27\u27 East Longitude and have an area of approximately 499.30 hectares in 2013. Based on the results of research on the identification of the tourism potential, it can be concluded that the area Hutan Larangan Adat in the village Rumbio very suitable to serve tourist sites include natural attractions like the river which is very clear, fruit trees, plants herbali, large trees are extremely rare in tropical rainforest, see and hear the chirping of various species of birds and other wildlife, as well as historical attractions such as the bulwark against Dutch colonialism

    Identifikasi Daerah Jelajah Beruk (Macaca Nemestrina Linnaeus, 1766) Menggunakan Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Geografis Di Kawasan Hutan Universitas Riau

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    Macaca nemestrina is one including appendix II containing list of endangered species. The research aims to understand home range to know daily behavior and mapping range of Macaca nemestrina in the area of Riau University forest and surrounding areas. This research using a method of direct observation by way of follow, noticed as well as record every activity performed by groups of Macaca nemestrina. The determination of the regional daily range in overlay using software arcgis 10.1. Daily activity were analysed by counting average time daily activity and percentage number of daily activity fauna. Home range Macaca nemestrina were analysed using kernel density estimation (KDE) located on program Geospatial Modelling Environment (GME) and ArcGis 10.1. Home range outermost Macaca nemestrina were analysed by the method of Minimum Convex Polygon (MCP). The result showed that Macaca nemestrina in the area of Riau University forest having broad areas of 176.553 m². Maps of the home range Macaca nemestrina having range regions core level very high density area of 7.916 m², high area of 11.344 m², mid 41.468 m², low area of 83.28 m² and level of density is very 32.542 m². The activity of Macaca nemestrina is eat, break, migrates, grooming and social interaction. The highest activity is break activity 36,68%, the lowest activity is grooming 4,10%. The percentage of eating 25,33%, social interaction 29,69% and devolve activity 4,20%. To scatter cruiser regions Macaca nemestrina in forest area of Riau University were on the point coordinates 101°22'44,565'BT–101°23'8,918'BT and 0°28'56,122'LU–0°28' 32,798'LU

    Kontribusi Pelestarian Hutan Mangrove terhadap Tingkat Pendapatan Anggota Kelompok Pengelola (Kpm) Belukap Desa Teluk Pambang Kecamatan Bantan Kabupaten Bengkalis Provinsi Riau

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    Mangrove forests are important life-supporting ecosistem in coastal areas. According to Macnae (1968), mangrove is defined as a group of vegetation that grow between the highest water level during high tide and the lowest water level during low tide. At Teluk Pambang village, an organization called Kelompok Pengelola Mangrove (KPM) Belukap was formed due to the anxiety of nearby people to further irresponsible demage of mangrove forests. After the co-fish project, a group was created to manage and project mangrove forests for fishery activities. This research aims to study the contribution of mangrove forest conservation to the income of KPM Belukap at Teluk Pambang village, Kecamatan Bantan, Kabupaten Bengkalis, Riau Province. Contribution of mangrove forest conservation and income data were collected, tabulated, analyzed. Income data were collected descriptively using survey papers. Analysis result show that the conservation of mangrove forests increase the income of KPM Belukap by 1,20% to 3,75%
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