17 research outputs found


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    A total of 452 blood samples of cattle, sheep and goat collected in different regions of Altai Republic, Altai region, Novosibirsk and Irkutsk regions were examined on the presence of Anaplasma DNA using nested PCR with subsequent sequencing of PCR fragments. Anaplasma DNA was found in all examined blood samples of goat, 75.2 % samples of sheep, and 49.3 % samples of cattle. A molecular genetic analysis has demonstrated that intraerythrocytic Anaplasma ovis circulates in goat and sheep blood, while an intraerythrocytic Anaplasma sp. Omsk and a new intraerythrocytic Anaplasma sp. Sibl22, which cannot be attributed to any known species, circulate in cattle blood. In addition to intraerythrocytic Anaplasma, DNA of monocytic Anaplasma bovis was found in one blood sample of cattle

    Produkcja krzemu ze źródeł alternatywnych

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    During the process of the rice hulls pyrolysis at the pilot plant the silicacarbon (SC) was produced containing 51.2% of total carbon, 38.7% of silicon dioxide and 7.6% of hydrocarbons. Its secondary heat treatment with air supply resulted in generation of the two products: SC-1 (50.4% of SiO2; 48.2% of С; 0.56% of Са; and 0.4% of Fe), and SC-2 (76.45% of SiO2; 22.1% of С; 0.95% of Са; and 0.55% of Fe). After treatment with the 1% HCl solution the content of Са and Fe in these products decreased to 0.15% and 0.16%, respectively. Silica gel (88.4% of SiO2, 11.0% of Н2О) and carbon (95% of С, 4.5% of SiO2) were produced from SC after its treatment with the NaOH solution. Characteristics of the result products were studied using the infrared spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction analysis. SC is a composite alloy formed by nanoparticles of amorphous carbon (~500Å) and silicon dioxide (100–200 Å). Carbon is presented by graphite-like (Gph), polynaphthenic (Nph) and hydrocarbon (Hph) phases. Amorphous SiO2 is presented by opal. Three types of charging materials with SiO2:С~2.5 proportion were produced from SC-1 and SC-2, from SC-1 and quartz, and from quartz and silica gel. At the pressure of 20 MPascal briquettes were produced from each charging material, which upon drying at air (100°С) and furnacing (300°С) in the inert atmosphere had the strength of 25-38 kg/cm2. After smelting the briquettes in an electric arc furnace, the silicon product with the content of 98-99% Si was produced. In industrial conditions after ladle refining the content of Са and Fe in silicon will be reduced down to 0.3–0.4%.W procesie pirolizy łuski ryżowej w instalacji pilotowej wyprodukowano silikakarbon (SC) zawierający 51,2% całkowitego węgla, 38,7% dwutlenku krzemu i 7,6% węglowodorów. Jego wtórna obróbka cieplna za pomocą powietrza doprowadziła do wytworzenia dwóch produktów: SC-1 (50,4% SiO2, 48,2% C, 0,56% Ca i 0,4% Fe) i SC-2 (76,45% SiO2, 22,1% C, 0,95% Ca i 0,55% Fe). Po obróbce 1% roztworem HCl zawartość Са i Fe w tych produktach obniżyła się odpowiednio do 0,15% i 0,16%. Żel krzemionkowy (88,4% SiO2, 11,0% Н2О) i węgiel (95% S, 4,5% SiO2) wytworzono z SC po traktowaniu roztworem NaOH. Charakterystykę produktów badano przy użyciu spektroskopii w podczerwieni i analizy dyfrakcji rentgenowskiej. SC jest stopem kompozytowym utworzonym z nanocząstek bezpostaciowego węgla (~ 500Å) i dwutlenku krzemu (100–200 Å). Węgiel jest reprezentowany przez fazy grafitopodobne (Gph), polinefeninowe (Nph) i węglowodorowe (Hph). Amorficzny SiO2 jest prezentowany przez opal. Trzy rodzaje materiałów z udziałem SiO2: С 2,5 zostały wytworzone z SC-1 i SC-2, z SC-1 i kwarcu oraz z kwarcu i żelu krzemionkowego. Brykiety wytworzono pod ciśnieniem 20 MPa po wysuszeniu na powietrzu (100°С) i w piecu (300°С) w atmosferze obojętnej. Brykiety miały wytrzymałość 25-38 kg/cm2. Po wytopieniu brykietu w elektrycznym piecu łukowym wytworzono produkt krzemowy o zawartości 98–99% Si. W warunkach przemysłowych po rafinacji zawartość Са i Fe w krzemie zostanie zmniejszona do 0,3–0,4%

    Materiały węglowe z łupin ryżowych: produkcja i zastosowanie w przemyśle i rolnictwie

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    A solid carbonaceous material and a liquid product were produced by the rice husk pyrolysis. Chemical analysis and GC-MS were used to investigate the compositions of the prepared materials, respectively. X-ray, SEM, TEM, BET were applied to study the structure and textural properties of the carbonaceous material. It was determined that the solid product is a composite consisting of carbon (52%) and silicon dioxide (31%) nanoparticles. Therefore, it was named a silicon-carbon. The liquid product is a water solution containing various organic compounds (carboxylic acids, phenols, ketones, alcohols and ethers, cyclic aliphatic hydrocarbons, heterocyclic compounds). The possibility to apply the solid carbonaceous material as a reducing agent and a sorbent and the liquid organic product as a flotation reagent was determined in the electro thermal smelting process, sorption and flotation processes. Veterinary and toxicology studies were performed to estimate toxicity of solid carbonaceous material and possibility to apply it as a feed additive. It was shown, that due to its chemical composition the silicon-carbon is a complex raw material for metallurgical silicon, aluminum-free and titanium-free ferrosilicium, and silicon carbide production. The produced sorbent had high rare and heavy metals adsorption capacity. The solid carbonaceous material, that was found to be non-toxic, was an effective feed additive and improved quality of laying hens and broiler chickens. The liquid product had properties of a blowing agent in the flotation of lead-zinc ores. It was concluded that both rice husk derived solid and liquid carbonaceous materials are economically effective alternative materials for various technological processes and agriculture.Stały materiał węglowy i produkt płynny wytworzono prowadząc pirolizę łusek ryżu. Do zbadania składu otrzymanych materiałów wykorzystano odpowiednio analizę chemiczną i GC-MS. W celu zbadania struktury i budowy materiału węglowego zastosowano badania rentgenowskie, SEM, TEM i BET. Stwierdzono, że produkt stały jest kompozytem złożonym z węgla (52%) i nanocząstek dwutlenku krzemu (31%). Dlatego został nazwany krzemo-węglem. Produktem ciekłym był roztwór wodny zawierający różne związki organiczne (kwasy karboksylowe, fenole, ketony, alkohole i etery, cykliczne węglowodory alifatyczne, związki heterocykliczne). Zbadano możliwość nanoszenia stałego materiału węglowego jako środka redukującego i sorbentu, natomiast zastosowanie dla ciekłego produktu organicznego jako odczynnika flotacyjnego weryfikowano w procesie elektrotermicznego wytapiania oraz w procesach sorpcji i flotacji. Przeprowadzono również badania weterynaryjne i toksykologiczne w celu oceny toksyczności stałego materiału węglowego i możliwości jego zastosowania jako dodatku paszowego. Wykazano, że ze względu na skład chemiczny, krzemo-węgiel stanowi kompleksowy surowiec do produkcji metalurgicznego krzemu, węglika krzemu oraz żelazokrzemu bez dodatku glinu i tytanu. Produkowany sorbent miał dużą zdolność adsorpcji metali rzadkich i ciężkich. Stały materiał węglowy, który okazał się być nietoksyczny, był skutecznym dodatkiem do pasz poprawiając jakość kur niosek i brojlerów. Produkt ciekły wykazywał właściwości środka porotwórczego we flotacji rud ołowiu i cynku. Stwierdzono, że zarówno stały jak i ciekły materiał węglowy pochodzący z łupin ryżowych są ekonomicznie efektywnymi materiałami dla różnych procesów technologicznych i rolnictwa


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    The work, using Enam as an example, provides a new original evaluation method for hypotensive action of drugs. The method is based upon primary analysis of daily blood pressure monitoring data with subsequent transformation into a graphic form of BP values likelihood distribution over a plane. The authors called the image obtained in this manner hypertension areal. The authors distinguish a core and a peripheral part of hypertension areal, proposing an evaluation method for many characteristic parameters. Hypotensive action is evaluated by changes in areal square over time. Patients receiving Enam were divided into 3 groups depending on the extent of hypotensive effect, by means of a neural network. Hypotensive effect is characterized based on the proposed standpoints for each group

    Anomalously deep BSR related to a transient state of the gas hydrate system in the western Black Sea

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    A comprehensive characterization of the gas hydrate system offshore the western Black Sea was performed through an integrated analysis of geophysical data. We detected the Bottom Simulating Reflector (BSR), which marks, in this area, the base of gas hydrate stability. The observed BSR depth does not fit the theoretical steady-state base of gas hydrate stability zone (BGHSZ). We show that the disparity between the BSR and predicted BGHSZ is the result of a transient state of the hydrate system due to the ongoing re-equilibrium since the Last Glacial Maximum. When gas hydrates are brought outside the stability zone due to changes in temperature and sea level, their dissociation generates an increase in interstitial pore pressure. This process is favorable to the re-crystallization of gas hydrates and delays the upward migration of the hydrate stability zone explaining the anomalously deep BSR. The BSR depth, which is commonly used to derive geothermal gradient values by assuming steady state conditions, is used here to derive the maximum excess pore pressure at the base of the gas hydrate stability zone. Derived excess pore pressure values of 1-2 MPa are probably the result of the low permeability of hydrate-bearing sediments. Higher pore pressure values derived at the location of a fault system could cause hydro-fracturing enabling the free gas to cross the gas hydrate stability zone and emerge at the seafloor, forming the flares observed in close vicinity to where the shallow gas hydrates were sampled

    Apparent activation energies of protein–protein complex dissociation in the gas–phase determined by electrospray mass spectrometry

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    We have developed a method to determine apparent activation energies of dissociation for ionized protein–protein complexes in the gas phase using electrospray ionization mass spectrometry following the Rice-Ramsperger-Kassel-Marcus quasi-equilibrium theory. Protein–protein complexes were formed in solution, transferred into the gas phase, and separated from excess free protein by ion mobility filtering. Afterwards, complex disassembly was initiated by collision-induced dissociation with step-wise increasing energies. Relative intensities of ion signals were used to calculate apparent activation energies of dissociation in the gas phase by applying linear free energy relations. The method was developed using streptavidin tetramers. Experimentally determined apparent gas-phase activation energies for dissociation ( E#A m0gEA m0g# ) of complexes consisting of Fc parts from immunoglobulins (IgG-Fc) and three closely related protein G' variants (IgG-Fc•protein G'e, IgG-Fc•protein G'f, and IgG-Fc•protein G'g) show the same order of stabilities as can be inferred from their in-solution binding constants. Differences in stabilities between the protein–protein complexes correspond to single amino acid residue exchanges in the IgG-binding regions of the protein G' variants