393 research outputs found

    The second-phase development of the China JinPing underground Laboratory

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    During 2013-2015 an expansion of the China JinPing underground Laboratory (CJPL) will be undertaken along a main branch of a bypass tunnel in the JinPing tunnel complex. This second phase of CJPL will increase laboratory space to approximately 96,000 m^3, which can be compared to the existing CJPL-I volume of 4,000 m^3. One design configuration has eight additional hall spaces, each over 60 m long and approximately 12 m in width, with overburdens of about 2.4 km of rock, oriented parallel to and away from the main water transport and auto traffic tunnels. Concurrent with the excavation activities, planning is underway for dark matter and other rare-event detectors, as well as for geophysics/engineering and other coupled multi-disciplinary sensors. In the town meeting on 8 September, 2013 at Asilomar, CA, associated with the 13th International Conference on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics (TAUP), presentations and panel discussions addressed plans for one-ton expansions of the current CJPL germanium detector array of the China Darkmatter EXperiment (CDEX) collaboration and of the duel-phase xenon detector of the Panda-X collaboration, as well as possible new detector initiatives for dark matter studies, low-energy solar neutrino detection, neutrinoless double beta searches, and geoneutrinos. JinPing was also discussed as a site for a low-energy nuclear astrophysics accelerator. Geophysics/engineering opportunities include acoustic and micro-seismic monitoring of rock bursts during and after excavation, coupled-process in situ measurements, local, regional, and global monitoring of seismically induced radon emission, and electromagnetic signals.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures. 13th International Conference on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics, TAUP 201

    Parametrical modeling and design optimization of blood plasma separation device with microchannel mechanism

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    This paper presents an analysis of biofluid behavior in a T-shaped microchannel device and a design optimization for improved biofluid performance in terms of particle liquid separation. The biofluid is modeled with single phase shear rate non-Newtonian flow with blood property. The separation of red blood cell from plasma is evident based on biofluid distribution in the microchannels against various relevant effects and findings, including Zweifach-Fung bifurcation law, Fahraeus effect, Fahraeus-Lindqvist effect and cell free phenomenon. The modeling with the initial device shows that this T-microchannel device can separate red blood cell from plasma but the separation efficiency among different bifurcations varies largely. In accordance with the imbalanced performance, a design optimization is conducted. This includes implementing a series of simulations to investigate the effect of the lengths of the main and branch channels to biofluid behavior and searching an improved design with optimal separation performance. It is found that changing relative lengths of branch channels is effective to both uniformity of flow rate ratio among bifurcations and reduction of difference of the flow velocities between the branch channels, whereas extending the length of the main channel from bifurcation region is only effective for uniformity of flow rate ratio

    Inhibition of Pyk2 blocks lung inflammation and injury in a mouse model of acute lung injury

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Proline-rich tyrosine kinase 2 (Pyk2) is essential in neutrophil degranulation and chemotaxis in vitro. However, its effect on the process of lung inflammation and edema formation during LPS induced acute lung injury (ALI) remains unknown. The goal of the present study was to determine the effect of inhibiting Pyk2 on LPS-induced acute lung inflammation and injury in vivo.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>C57BL6 mice were given either 10 mg/kg LPS or saline intratracheally. Inhibition of Pyk2 was effected by intraperitoneal administration TAT-Pyk2-CT 1 h before challenge. Bronchoalveolar lavage analysis of cell counts, lung histology and protein concentration in BAL were analyzed at 18 h after LPS treatment. KC and MIP-2 concentrations in BAL were measured by a mouse cytokine multiplex kit. The static lung compliance was determined by pressure-volume curve using a computer-controlled small animal ventilator. The extravasated Evans blue concentration in lung homogenate was determined spectrophotometrically.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Intratracheal instillation of LPS induced significant neutrophil infiltration into the lung interstitium and alveolar space, which was attenuated by pre-treatment with TAT-Pyk2-CT. TAT-Pyk2-CT pretreatment also attenuated 1) myeloperoxidase content in lung tissues, 2) vascular leakage as measured by Evans blue dye extravasation in the lungs and the increase in protein concentration in bronchoalveolar lavage, and 3) the decrease in lung compliance. In each paradigm, treatment with control protein TAT-GFP had no blocking effect. By contrast, production of neutrophil chemokines MIP-2 and keratinocyte-derived chemokine in the bronchoalveolar lavage was not reduced by TAT-Pyk2-CT. Western blot analysis confirmed that tyrosine phosphorylation of Pyk2 in LPS-challenged lungs was reduced to control levels by TAT-Pyk2-CT pretreatment.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These results suggest that Pyk2 plays an important role in the development of acute lung injury in mice and that pharmacological inhibition of Pyk2 might provide a potential therapeutic strategy in the pretreatment for patients at imminent risk of developing acute lung injury.</p

    Neutrino-Mixing-Generated Lepton Asymmetry and the Primordial 4^4He Abundance

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    It has been proposed that an asymmetry in the electron neutrino sector may be generated by resonant active-sterile neutrino transformations during Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN). We calculate the change in the primordial 4^4He yield YY resulting from this asymmetry, taking into account both the time evolution of the νe\nu_e and νˉe\bar\nu_e distribution function and the spectral distortions in these. We calculate this change in two schemes: (1) a lepton asymmetry directly generated by νe\nu_e mixing with a lighter right-handed sterile neutrino νs\nu_s; and (2) a lepton asymmetry generated by a ντνs\nu_\tau\leftrightarrow\nu_s or νμνs\nu_\mu\leftrightarrow\nu_s transformation which is subsequently partially converted to an asymmetry in the νeνˉe\nu_e\bar\nu_e sector by a matter-enhanced active-active neutrino transformation. In the first scheme, we find that the percentage change in YY is between -1% and 9% (with the sign depending on the sign of the asymmetry), bounded by the Majorana mass limit m_{\nu_e}\la 1 eV. In the second scheme, the maximal percentage reduction in YY is 2%, if the lepton number asymmetry in neutrinos is positive; Otherwise, the percentage increase in YY is \la 5% for m^2_{\nu_\mu,\nu_\tau}-m^2_{\nu_s}\la 10^4 eV. We conclude that the change in the primordial 4^4He yield induced by a neutrino-mixing-generated lepton number asymmetry can be substantial in the upward direction, but limited in the downward direction.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, submitted to PR

    Implications of Color Gauge Symmetry For Nucleon Spin Structure

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    We study the chromodynamical gauge symmetry in relation to the internal spin structure of the nucleon. We show that 1) even in the helicity eigenstates the gauge-dependent spin and orbital angular momentum operators do not have gauge-independent matrix element; 2) the evolution equations for the gluon spin take very different forms in the Feynman and axial gauges, but yield the same leading behavior in the asymptotic limit; 3) the complete evolution of the gauge-dependent orbital angular momenta appears intractable in the light-cone gauge. We define a new gluon orbital angular momentum distribution Lg(x)L_g(x) which {\it is} an experimental observable and has a simple scale evolution. However, its physical interpretation makes sense only in the light-cone gauge just like the gluon helicity distribution Δg(x)\Delta g(x)y.Comment: Minor corrections are made in the tex

    Residual Chiral Symmetry Breaking in Domain-Wall Fermions

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    We study the effective quark mass induced by the finite separation of the domain walls in the domain-wall formulation of chiral fermion as the function of the size of the fifth dimension (LsL_s), the gauge coupling β\beta and the physical volume VV. We measure the mass by calculating the small eigenvalues of the hermitian domain-wall Dirac operator (HDWF(m0))H_{\rm DWF}(m_0)) in the topologically-nontrivial quenched SU(3) gauge configurations. We find that the induced quark mass is nearly independent of the physical volume, decays exponentially as a function of LsL_s, and has a strong dependence on the size of quantum fluctuations controlled by β\beta. The effect of the choice of the lattice gluon action is also studied.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Chaotic Amplification of Neutrino Chemical Potentials by Neutrino Oscillations in Big Bang Nucleosynthesis

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    We investigate in detail the parameter space of active-sterile neutrino oscillations that amplifies neutrino chemical potentials at the epoch of Big Bang Nucleosynthesis. We calculate the magnitude of the amplification and show evidences of chaos in the amplification process. We also discuss the implications of the neutrino chemical potential amplification in the Big Bang Nucleosynthesis. It is shown that with a 1\sim 1 eV \nue, the amplification of its chemical potential by active-sterile neutrino oscillations can lower the effective number of neutrino species at Big Bang Nucleosynthesis to significantly below 3.Comment: Revtex 20 pages, 7 postscript figures. Also by ftp://astro.queensu.ca/pub/shi/ . Submitted to PR

    A New Dark Matter Candidate: Non-thermal Sterile Neutrinos

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    We propose a new and unique dark matter candidate: 100\sim 100 eV to 10\sim 10 keV sterile neutrinos produced via lepton number-driven resonant MSW (Mikheyev-Smirnov-Wolfenstein) conversion of active neutrinos. The requisite lepton number asymmetries in any of the active neutrino flavors range from 103^{-3} to 101^{-1} of the photon number - well within primordial nucleosynthesis bounds. The unique feature here is that the adiabaticity condition of the resonance strongly favors the production of lower energy sterile neutrinos. The resulting non-thermal (cold) energy spectrum can cause these sterile neutrinos to revert to non-relativistic kinematics at an early epoch, so that free-streaming lengths at or below the dwarf galaxy scale are possible. Therefore, the main problem associated with light neutrino dark matter candidates can be circumvented in our model.Comment: Latex 11 pages + 1 figur

    Revisiting the B {\to} {\pi} {\rho}, {\pi} {\omega} Decays in the Perturbative QCD Approach Beyond the Leading Order

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    We calculate the branching ratios and CP asymmetries of the BπρB \to \pi \rho, πω\pi\omega decays in the perturbative QCD factorization approach up to the next-to-leading-order contributions. We find that the next-to-leading-order contributions can interfere with the leading-order part constructively or destructively for different decay modes. Our numerical results have a much better agreement with current available data than previous leading-order calculations, e.g., the next-to-leading-order corrections enhance the B0π0ρ0B^0\rightarrow \pi^0\rho^0 branching ratios by a factor 2.5, which is helpful to narrow the gaps between theoretic predictions and experimental data. We also update the direct CP-violation parameters, the mixing-induced CP-violation parameters of these modes, which show a better agreement with experimental data than many of the other approaches.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figures, 4 table

    Alternative Splicing Events Identified in Human Embryonic Stem Cells and Neural Progenitors

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    Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) and neural progenitor (NP) cells are excellent models for recapitulating early neuronal development in vitro, and are key to establishing strategies for the treatment of degenerative disorders. While much effort had been undertaken to analyze transcriptional and epigenetic differences during the transition of hESC to NP, very little work has been performed to understand post-transcriptional changes during neuronal differentiation. Alternative RNA splicing (AS), a major form of post-transcriptional gene regulation, is important in mammalian development and neuronal function. Human ESC, hESC-derived NP, and human central nervous system stem cells were compared using Affymetrix exon arrays. We introduced an outlier detection approach, REAP (Regression-based Exon Array Protocol), to identify 1,737 internal exons that are predicted to undergo AS in NP compared to hESC. Experimental validation of REAP-predicted AS events indicated a threshold-dependent sensitivity ranging from 56% to 69%, at a specificity of 77% to 96%. REAP predictions significantly overlapped sets of alternative events identified using expressed sequence tags and evolutionarily conserved AS events. Our results also reveal that focusing on differentially expressed genes between hESC and NP will overlook 14% of potential AS genes. In addition, we found that REAP predictions are enriched in genes encoding serine/threonine kinase and helicase activities. An example is a REAP-predicted alternative exon in the SLK (serine/threonine kinase 2) gene that is differentially included in hESC, but skipped in NP as well as in other differentiated tissues. Lastly, comparative sequence analysis revealed conserved intronic cis-regulatory elements such as the FOX1/2 binding site GCAUG as being proximal to candidate AS exons, suggesting that FOX1/2 may participate in the regulation of AS in NP and hESC. In summary, a new methodology for exon array analysis was introduced, leading to new insights into the complexity of AS in human embryonic stem cells and their transition to neural stem cells