470 research outputs found

    Field-Induced Ferromagnetic Order and Colossal Magnetoresistance in La_{1.2}Sr_{1.8}Mn_2O_7: a ^{139}La NMR study

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    In order to gain insights into the origin of colossal magneto-resistance (CMR) in manganese oxides, we performed a ^{139}La NMR study in the double-layered compound La_{1.2}Sr_{1.8}Mn_2O_7. We find that above the Curie temperature T_C=126 K, applying a magnetic field induces a long-range ferromagnetic order that persists up to T=330 K. The critical field at which the induced magnetic moment is saturated coincides with the field at which the CMR effect reaches to a maximum. Our results therefore indicate that the CMR observed above T_C in this compound is due to the field-induced ferromagnetism that produces a metallic state via the double exchange interaction

    A High-Resolution Compton Scattering Study of the Electron Momentum Density in Al

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    We report high-resolution Compton profiles (CP's) of Al along the three principal symmetry directions at a photon energy of 59.38 keV, together with corresponding highly accurate theoretical profiles obtained within the local-density approximation (LDA) based band-theory framework. A good accord between theory and experiment is found with respect to the overall shapes of the CP's, their first and second derivatives, as well as the anisotropies in the CP's defined as differences between pairs of various CP's. There are however discrepancies in that, in comparison to the LDA predictions, the measured profiles are lower at low momenta, show a Fermi cutoff which is broader, and display a tail which is higher at momenta above the Fermi momentum. A number of simple model calculations are carried out in order to gain insight into the nature of the underlying 3D momentum density in Al, and the role of the Fermi surface in inducing fine structure in the CP's. The present results when compared with those on Li show clearly that the size of discrepancies between theoretical and experimental CP's is markedly smaller in Al than in Li. This indicates that, with increasing electron density, the conventional picture of the electron gas becomes more representative of the momentum density and that shortcomings of the LDA framework in describing the electron correlation effects become less important.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, regular articl

    A new double-layered kagome antiferromagnet ScFe6_6Ge4_4

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    ScFe6_6Ge4_4 with the LiFe6_6Ge4_4-type structure (space group R3ˉmR{\bar{3}}m), which has a double-layered kagome lattice (18hh site) of Fe crystallographically equivalent to that of a well-known topological ferromagnet Fe3_3Sn2_2, is newly found to be antiferromagnetic (AFM) with a high N\'eel temperature of TN650T_{\rm{N}} \approx 650 K, in contrast to the ferromagnetic (FM) ground state previously proposed in a literature. 45^{45}Sc nuclear magnetic resonance experiment revealed the absence of a hyperfine field at the Sc site, providing microscopic evidence for the AFM state and indicating AFM coupling between the bilayer kagome blocks. The stability of the AFM structure under the assumption of FM intra-bilayer coupling is verified by DFT calculations.Comment: 13 pages, 1 tables, 4 figure

    Measurement of stratospheric and mesospheric winds with a submillimeter wave limb sounder: results from JEM/SMILES and simulation study for SMILES-2

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    Satellite missions for measuring winds in the troposphere and thermosphere will be launched in a near future. There is no plan to observe winds in the altitude range between 30-90 km, though middle atmospheric winds are recognized as an essential parameter in various atmospheric research areas. Sub-millimetre limb sounders have the capability to fill this altitude gap. In this paper, we summarize the wind retrievals obtained from the Japanese Superconducting Submillimeter Wave Limb Emission Sounder (SMILES) which operated from the International Space Station between September 2009 and April 2010. The results illustrate the potential of such instruments to measure winds. They also show the need of improving the wind representation in the models in the Tropics, and globally in the mesosphere. A wind measurement sensitivity study has been conducted for its successor, SMILES-2, which is being studied in Japan. If it is realized, sub-millimeter and terahertz molecular lines suitable to determine line-of-sight winds will be measured. It is shown that with the current instrument definition, line-of-sight winds can be observed from 20 km up to more than 160 km. Winds can be retrieved with a precision better than 5 m s(-1) and a vertical resolution of 2-3 km between 35-90 km. Above 90 km, the precision is better than 10 m s(-1) with a vertical resolution of 3-5 km. Measurements can be performed day and night with a similar sensitivity. Requirements on observation parameters such as the antenna size, the satellite altitude are discussed. An alternative setting for the spectral bands is examined. The new setting is compatible with the general scientific objectives of the mission and the instrument design. It allows to improve the wind measurement sensitivity between 35 to 90 km by a factor 2. It is also shown that retrievals can be performed with a vertical resolution of 1 km and a precision of 5-10 m s(-1) between 50 and 90 km. RAGAM A, 1953, PHYSICAL REVIEW, V92, P144

    A Novel 2D Folding Technique for Enhancing Fermi Surface Signatures in the Momentum Density: Application to Compton Scattering Data from an Al-3at%Li Disordered Alloy

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    We present a novel technique for enhancing Fermi surface (FS) signatures in the 2D distribution obtained after the 3D momentum density in a crystal is projected along a specific direction in momentum space. These results are useful for investigating fermiology via high resolution Compton scattering and positron annihilation spectroscopies. We focus on the particular case of the (110) projection in an fcc crystal where the standard approach based on the use of the Lock-Crisp-West (LCW) folding theorem fails to give a clear FS image due to the strong overlap with FS images obtained through projection from higher Brillouin zones. We show how these superposed FS images can be disentangled by using a selected set of reciprocal lattice vectors in the folding process. The applicability of our partial folding scheme is illustrated by considering Compton spectra from an Al-3at%Li disordered alloy single crystal. For this purpose, high resolution Compton profiles along nine directions in the (110) plane were measured. Corresponding highly accurate theoretical profiles in Al-3at%Li were computed within the local density approximation (LDA)-based Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker coherent potential approximation (KKR-CPA) first-principles framework. A good level of overall accord between theory and experiment is obtained, some expected discrepancies reflecting electron correlation effects notwithstanding, and the partial folding scheme is shown to yield a clear FS image in the (110) plane in Al-3%Li.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    "Gtool5": a Fortran90 library of input/output interfaces for self-descriptive multi-dimensional numerical data

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    A Fortran90 input/output library, "gtool5", is developed for use with numerical simulation models in the fields of Earth and planetary sciences. The use of this library will simplify implementation of input/output operations into program code in a consolidated form independent of the size and complexity of the software and data. The library also enables simple specification of the metadata needed for post-processing and visualization of the data. These aspects improve the readability of simulation code, which facilitates the simultaneous performance of multiple numerical experiments with different software and efficiency in examining and comparing the numerical results. The library is expected to provide a common software platform to reinforce research on, for instance, the atmosphere and ocean, where a close combination of multiple simulation models with a wide variety of complexity of physics implementations from massive climate models to simple geophysical fluid dynamics models is required

    Larval rearing without aeration: a case study of the seven-band grouper Epinephelus septemfasciatus using a wave maker

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    マハタ種苗生産の初期減耗を軽減する飼育技法開発の基礎知見を得るために,通気による従来の飼育方法(容量1 kL,φ130 ㎝,水深70 ㎝:通気量200 mL/分)と,直径5 ㎝の球を水面で上下させて(1 Hz)水面に波を発生させる造波装置を用いた飼育方法で仔魚の生残を比較した。21 日間の飼育実験での造波装置の生残率は55.5%(n=1)で,対照区のそれ(11.6±14.3%, n=3)よりも顕著に高い値を示した。造波装置による水槽垂直断面の流れを計測したところ,波が水深とともに減衰していくのが確かめられた

    HCI and CIO Profiles Inside the Antarctic Vortex as Observed by Smiles in November 2009: Comparisons with MLS and ACE-FTS Instruments

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    We present vertical profiles of hydrogen chloride (HCl) and chlorine monoxide (ClO) as observed by the Superconducting Submillimeter-Wave Limb-Emission Sounder (SMILES) on the International Space Station (ISS) inside the Antarctic vortex on 19-24 November 2009. The SMILES HCl value reveals 2.8-3.1 ppbv between 450K and 500K levels in potential temperature (PT). The high value of HCl is highlighted since it is suggested that HCl is a main component of the total inorganic chlorine Cly, defined as Cly similar or equal to HCl + ClO + chlorine nitrate ClONO2, inside the Antarctic vortex in spring, owing to low ozone values. To confirm the quality of two SMILES level 2 (L2) data products provided by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and Japan\u27s National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), vis-a-vis the partitioning of Cly, comparisons are made using other satellite data from the Aura Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) and Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment Fourier Transform Spectrometer (ACE-FTS). HCl values from the SMILES NICT L2 product agree to within 10% (0.3 ppbv) with the MLS HCl data between 450 and 575K levels in PT and with the ACE-FTS HCl data between 425 and 575 K. The SMILES JAXA L2 product is 10 to 20% (0.2-0.5 ppbv) lower than that from MLS between 400 and 700K and from ACE-FTS between 500 and 700 K. For ClO in daytime, the difference between SMILES (JAXA and NICT) and MLS is less than ±0.05 ppbv (100 %) between 500K and 650K with the ClO values less than 0.2 ppbv. ClONO2 values as measured by ACE-FTS also reveal 0.2 ppbv at 475-500K level, resulting in the HCl/Cly ratios of 0.91-0.95. The HCl/Cly ratios derived from each retrieval agree to within -5 to 8% with regard to their averages. The high HCl values and HCl/Cly ratios observed by the three instruments in the lower stratospheric Antarctic vortex are consistent with previous observations in late Austral spring

    The Level 2 research product algorithms for the Superconducting Submillimeter-Wave Limb-Emission Sounder (SMILES)

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    This paper describes the algorithms of the level-2 research (L2r) processing chain developed for the Superconducting Submillimeter-Wave Limb-Emission Sounder (SMILES). The chain has been developed in parallel to the operational chain for conducting researches on calibration and retrieval algorithms. L2r chain products are available to the scientific community. The objective of version 2 is the retrieval of the vertical distribution of trace gases in the altitude range of 18–90 km. A theoretical error analysis is conducted to estimate the retrieval feasibility of key parameters of the processing: line-of-sight elevation tangent altitudes (or angles), temperature and ozone profiles. While pointing information is often retrieved from molecular oxygen lines, there is no oxygen line in the SMILES spectra, so the strong ozone line at 625.371 GHz has been chosen. The pointing parameters and the ozone profiles are retrieved from the line wings which are measured with high signal to noise ratio, whereas the temperature profile is retrieved from the optically thick line center. The main systematic component of the retrieval error was found to be the neglect of the non-linearity of the radiometric gain in the calibration procedure. This causes a temperature retrieval error of 5–10 K. Because of these large temperature errors, it is not possible to construct a reliable hydrostatic pressure profile. However, as a consequence of the retrieval of pointing parameters, pressure induced errors are significantly reduced if the retrieved trace gas profiles are represented on pressure levels instead of geometric altitude levels. Further, various setups of trace gas retrievals have been tested. The error analysis for the retrieved HOCl profile demonstrates that best results for inverting weak lines can be obtained by using narrow spectral windows