189 research outputs found
Thouless-Anderson-Palmer equation for analog neural network with temporally fluctuating white synaptic noise
Effects of synaptic noise on the retrieval process of associative memory
neural networks are studied from the viewpoint of neurobiological and
biophysical understanding of information processing in the brain. We
investigate the statistical mechanical properties of stochastic analog neural
networks with temporally fluctuating synaptic noise, which is assumed to be
white noise. Such networks, in general, defy the use of the replica method,
since they have no energy concept. The self-consistent signal-to-noise analysis
(SCSNA), which is an alternative to the replica method for deriving a set of
order parameter equations, requires no energy concept and thus becomes
available in studying networks without energy functions. Applying the SCSNA to
stochastic network requires the knowledge of the Thouless-Anderson-Palmer (TAP)
equation which defines the deterministic networks equivalent to the original
stochastic ones. The study of the TAP equation which is of particular interest
for the case without energy concept is very few, while it is closely related to
the SCSNA in the case with energy concept. This paper aims to derive the TAP
equation for networks with synaptic noise together with a set of order
parameter equations by a hybrid use of the cavity method and the SCSNA.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure
Oscillator neural network model with distributed native frequencies
We study associative memory of an oscillator neural network with distributed
native frequencies. The model is based on the use of the Hebb learning rule
with random patterns (), and the distribution function of
native frequencies is assumed to be symmetric with respect to its average.
Although the system with an extensive number of stored patterns is not allowed
to get entirely synchronized, long time behaviors of the macroscopic order
parameters describing partial synchronization phenomena can be obtained by
discarding the contribution from the desynchronized part of the system. The
oscillator network is shown to work as associative memory accompanied by
synchronized oscillations. A phase diagram representing properties of memory
retrieval is presented in terms of the parameters characterizing the native
frequency distribution. Our analytical calculations based on the
self-consistent signal-to-noise analysis are shown to be in excellent agreement
with numerical simulations, confirming the validity of our theoretical
treatment.Comment: 9 pages, revtex, 6 postscript figures, to be published in J. Phys.
Response Functions Improving Performance in Analog Attractor Neural Networks
In the context of attractor neural networks, we study how the equilibrium
analog neural activities, reached by the network dynamics during memory
retrieval, may improve storage performance by reducing the interferences
between the recalled pattern and the other stored ones. We determine a simple
dynamics that stabilizes network states which are highly correlated with the
retrieved pattern, for a number of stored memories that does not exceed
, where depends on the global
activity level in the network and is the number of neurons.Comment: 13 pages (with figures), LaTex (RevTex), to appear on Phys.Rev.E (RC
Influence of synaptic depression on memory storage capacity
Synaptic efficacy between neurons is known to change within a short time
scale dynamically. Neurophysiological experiments show that high-frequency
presynaptic inputs decrease synaptic efficacy between neurons. This phenomenon
is called synaptic depression, a short term synaptic plasticity. Many
researchers have investigated how the synaptic depression affects the memory
storage capacity. However, the noise has not been taken into consideration in
their analysis. By introducing "temperature", which controls the level of the
noise, into an update rule of neurons, we investigate the effects of synaptic
depression on the memory storage capacity in the presence of the noise. We
analytically compute the storage capacity by using a statistical mechanics
technique called Self Consistent Signal to Noise Analysis (SCSNA). We find that
the synaptic depression decreases the storage capacity in the case of finite
temperature in contrast to the case of the low temperature limit, where the
storage capacity does not change
Bi-stability of mixed states in neural network storing hierarchical patterns
We discuss the properties of equilibrium states in an autoassociative memory
model storing hierarchically correlated patterns (hereafter, hierarchical
patterns). We will show that symmetric mixed states (hereafter, mixed states)
are bi-stable on the associative memory model storing the hierarchical patterns
in a region of the ferromagnetic phase. This means that the first-order
transition occurs in this ferromagnetic phase. We treat these contents with a
statistical mechanical method (SCSNA) and by computer simulation. Finally, we
discuss a physiological implication of this model. Sugase et al. analyzed the
time-course of the information carried by the firing of face-responsive neurons
in the inferior temporal cortex. We also discuss the relation between the
theoretical results and the physiological experiments of Sugase et al.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figure
An associative network with spatially organized connectivity
We investigate the properties of an autoassociative network of
threshold-linear units whose synaptic connectivity is spatially structured and
asymmetric. Since the methods of equilibrium statistical mechanics cannot be
applied to such a network due to the lack of a Hamiltonian, we approach the
problem through a signal-to-noise analysis, that we adapt to spatially
organized networks. The conditions are analyzed for the appearance of stable,
spatially non-uniform profiles of activity with large overlaps with one of the
stored patterns. It is also shown, with simulations and analytic results, that
the storage capacity does not decrease much when the connectivity of the
network becomes short range. In addition, the method used here enables us to
calculate exactly the storage capacity of a randomly connected network with
arbitrary degree of dilution.Comment: 27 pages, 6 figures; Accepted for publication in JSTA
Transient dynamics for sequence processing neural networks
An exact solution of the transient dynamics for a sequential associative
memory model is discussed through both the path-integral method and the
statistical neurodynamics. Although the path-integral method has the ability to
give an exact solution of the transient dynamics, only stationary properties
have been discussed for the sequential associative memory. We have succeeded in
deriving an exact macroscopic description of the transient dynamics by
analyzing the correlation of crosstalk noise. Surprisingly, the order parameter
equations of this exact solution are completely equivalent to those of the
statistical neurodynamics, which is an approximation theory that assumes
crosstalk noise to obey the Gaussian distribution. In order to examine our
theoretical findings, we numerically obtain cumulants of the crosstalk noise.
We verify that the third- and fourth-order cumulants are equal to zero, and
that the crosstalk noise is normally distributed even in the non-retrieval
case. We show that the results obtained by our theory agree with those obtained
by computer simulations. We have also found that the macroscopic unstable state
completely coincides with the separatrix.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figure
Associative memory storing an extensive number of patterns based on a network of oscillators with distributed natural frequencies in the presence of external white noise
We study associative memory based on temporal coding in which successful
retrieval is realized as an entrainment in a network of simple phase
oscillators with distributed natural frequencies under the influence of white
noise. The memory patterns are assumed to be given by uniformly distributed
random numbers on so that the patterns encode the phase differences
of the oscillators. To derive the macroscopic order parameter equations for the
network with an extensive number of stored patterns, we introduce the effective
transfer function by assuming the fixed-point equation of the form of the TAP
equation, which describes the time-averaged output as a function of the
effective time-averaged local field. Properties of the networks associated with
synchronization phenomena for a discrete symmetric natural frequency
distribution with three frequency components are studied based on the order
parameter equations, and are shown to be in good agreement with the results of
numerical simulations. Two types of retrieval states are found to occur with
respect to the degree of synchronization, when the size of the width of the
natural frequency distribution is changed.Comment: published in Phys. Rev.
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Implementation of earlier antibiotic administration in patients with severe sepsis and septic shock in Japan: a descriptive analysis of a prospective observational study.
BACKGROUND: Time to antibiotic administration is a key element in sepsis care; however, it is difficult to implement sepsis care bundles. Additionally, sepsis is different from other emergent conditions including acute coronary syndrome, stroke, or trauma. We aimed to describe the association between time to antibiotic administration and outcomes in patients with severe sepsis and septic shock in Japan. METHODS: This prospective observational study enrolled 1184 adult patients diagnosed with severe sepsis based on the Sepsis-2 criteria and admitted to 59 intensive care units (ICUs) in Japan between January 1, 2016, and March 31, 2017, as the sepsis cohort of the Focused Outcomes Research in Emergency Care in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Sepsis and Trauma (FORECAST) study. We compared the characteristics and in-hospital mortality of patients administered with antibiotics at varying durations after sepsis recognition, i.e., 0-60, 61-120, 121-180, 181-240, 241-360, and 361-1440 min, and estimated the impact of antibiotic timing on risk-adjusted in-hospital mortality using the generalized estimating equation model (GEE) with an exchangeable, within-group correlation matrix, with "hospital" as the grouping variable. RESULTS: Data from 1124 patients in 54 hospitals were used for analyses. Of these, 30.5% and 73.9% received antibiotics within 1 h and 3 h, respectively. Overall, the median time to antibiotic administration was 102 min [interquartile range (IQR), 55-189]. Compared with patients diagnosed in the emergency department [90 min (IQR, 48-164 min)], time to antibiotic administration was shortest in patients diagnosed in ICUs [60 min (39-180 min)] and longest in patients transferred from wards [120 min (62-226)]. Overall crude mortality was 23.4%, where patients in the 0-60 min group had the highest mortality (28.0%) and a risk-adjusted mortality rate [28.7% (95% CI 23.3-34.1%)], whereas those in the 61-120 min group had the lowest mortality (20.2%) and risk-adjusted mortality rates [21.6% (95% CI 16.5-26.6%)]. Differences in mortality were noted only between the 0-60 min and 61-120 min groups. CONCLUSIONS: We could not find any association between earlier antibiotic administration and reduction in in-hospital mortality in patients with severe sepsis
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