18,276 research outputs found

    Semiclassical Theory of Chaotic Quantum Transport

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    We present a refined semiclassical approach to the Landauer conductance and Kubo conductivity of clean chaotic mesoscopic systems. We demonstrate for systems with uniformly hyperbolic dynamics that including off-diagonal contributions to double sums over classical paths gives a weak-localization correction in quantitative agreement with results from random matrix theory. We further discuss the magnetic field dependence. This semiclassical treatment accounts for current conservation.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Frustrated spin-12\frac{1}{2} Heisenberg magnet on a square-lattice bilayer: High-order study of the quantum critical behavior of the J1J_{1}--J2J_{2}--J1J_{1}^{\perp} model

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    The zero-temperature phase diagram of the spin-12\frac{1}{2} J1J_{1}--J2J_{2}--J1J_{1}^{\perp} model on an AAAA-stacked square-lattice bilayer is studied using the coupled cluster method implemented to very high orders. Both nearest-neighbor (NN) and frustrating next-nearest-neighbor Heisenberg exchange interactions, of strengths J1>0J_{1}>0 and J2κJ1>0J_{2} \equiv \kappa J_{1}>0, respectively, are included in each layer. The two layers are coupled via a NN interlayer Heisenberg exchange interaction with a strength J1δJ1J_{1}^{\perp} \equiv \delta J_{1}. The magnetic order parameter MM (viz., the sublattice magnetization) is calculated directly in the thermodynamic (infinite-lattice) limit for the two cases when both layers have antiferromagnetic ordering of either the N\'{e}el or the striped kind, and with the layers coupled so that NN spins between them are either parallel (when δ0\delta 0) to one another. Calculations are performed at nnth order in a well-defined sequence of approximations, which exactly preserve both the Goldstone linked cluster theorem and the Hellmann-Feynman theorem, with n10n \leq 10. The sole approximation made is to extrapolate such sequences of nnth-order results for MM to the exact limit, nn \to \infty. By thus locating the points where MM vanishes, we calculate the full phase boundaries of the two collinear AFM phases in the κ\kappa--δ\delta half-plane with κ>0\kappa > 0. In particular, we provide the accurate estimate, (κ0.547,δ0.45\kappa \approx 0.547,\delta \approx -0.45), for the position of the quantum triple point (QTP) in the region δ<0\delta < 0. We also show that there is no counterpart of such a QTP in the region δ>0\delta > 0, where the two quasiclassical phase boundaries show instead an ``avoided crossing'' behavior, such that the entire region that contains the nonclassical paramagnetic phases is singly connected

    Metal-Insulator Transition of the LaAlO3-SrTiO3 Interface Electron System

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    We report on a metal-insulator transition in the LaAlO3-SrTiO3 interface electron system, of which the carrier density is tuned by an electric gate field. Below a critical carrier density n_c ranging from 0.5-1.5 * 10^13/cm^2, LaAlO3-SrTiO3 interfaces, forming drain-source channels in field-effect devices are non-ohmic. The differential resistance at zero channel bias diverges within a 2% variation of the carrier density. Above n_c, the conductivity of the ohmic channels has a metal-like temperature dependence, while below n_c conductivity sets in only above a threshold electric field. For a given thickness of the LaAlO3 layer, the conductivity follows a sigma_0 ~(n - n_c)/n_c characteristic. The metal-insulator transition is found to be distinct from that of the semiconductor 2D systems.Comment: 4 figure

    Learning Dilation Factors for Semantic Segmentation of Street Scenes

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    Contextual information is crucial for semantic segmentation. However, finding the optimal trade-off between keeping desired fine details and at the same time providing sufficiently large receptive fields is non trivial. This is even more so, when objects or classes present in an image significantly vary in size. Dilated convolutions have proven valuable for semantic segmentation, because they allow to increase the size of the receptive field without sacrificing image resolution. However, in current state-of-the-art methods, dilation parameters are hand-tuned and fixed. In this paper, we present an approach for learning dilation parameters adaptively per channel, consistently improving semantic segmentation results on street-scene datasets like Cityscapes and Camvid.Comment: GCPR201

    Acoustic Emission Monitoring of the Syracuse Athena Temple: Scale Invariance in the Timing of Ruptures

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    We perform a comparative statistical analysis between the acoustic-emission time series from the ancient Greek Athena temple in Syracuse and the sequence of nearby earthquakes. We find an apparent association between acoustic-emission bursts and the earthquake occurrence. The waiting-time distributions for acoustic-emission and earthquake time series are described by a unique scaling law indicating self-similarity over a wide range of magnitude scales. This evidence suggests a correlation between the aging process of the temple and the local seismic activit

    Dynamic Adaptation on Non-Stationary Visual Domains

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    Domain adaptation aims to learn models on a supervised source domain that perform well on an unsupervised target. Prior work has examined domain adaptation in the context of stationary domain shifts, i.e. static data sets. However, with large-scale or dynamic data sources, data from a defined domain is not usually available all at once. For instance, in a streaming data scenario, dataset statistics effectively become a function of time. We introduce a framework for adaptation over non-stationary distribution shifts applicable to large-scale and streaming data scenarios. The model is adapted sequentially over incoming unsupervised streaming data batches. This enables improvements over several batches without the need for any additionally annotated data. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed framework, we modify associative domain adaptation to work well on source and target data batches with unequal class distributions. We apply our method to several adaptation benchmark datasets for classification and show improved classifier accuracy not only for the currently adapted batch, but also when applied on future stream batches. Furthermore, we show the applicability of our associative learning modifications to semantic segmentation, where we achieve competitive results

    An Equilibrium for Frustrated Quantum Spin Systems in the Stochastic State Selection Method

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    We develop a new method to calculate eigenvalues in frustrated quantum spin models. It is based on the stochastic state selection (SSS) method, which is an unconventional Monte Carlo technique we have investigated in recent years. We observe that a kind of equilibrium is realized under some conditions when we repeatedly operate a Hamiltonian and a random choice operator, which is defined by stochastic variables in the SSS method, to a trial state. In this equilibrium, which we call the SSS equilibrium, we can evaluate the lowest eigenvalue of the Hamiltonian using the statistical average of the normalization factor of the generated state. The SSS equilibrium itself has been already observed in un-frustrated models. Our study in this paper shows that we can also see the equilibrium in frustrated models, with some restriction on values of a parameter introduced in the SSS method. As a concrete example, we employ the spin-1/2 frustrated J1-J2 Heisenberg model on the square lattice. We present numerical results on the 20-, 32-, 36-site systems, which demonstrate that statistical averages of the normalization factors reproduce the known exact eigenvalue in good precision. Finally we apply the method to the 40-site system. Then we obtain the value of the lowest energy eigenvalue with an error less than 0.2%.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figure

    Frustrated Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the honeycomb lattice: Spin gap and low-energy parameters

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    We use the coupled cluster method implemented to high orders of approximation to investigate the frustrated spin-12\frac{1}{2} J1J_{1}--J2J_{2}--J3J_{3} antiferromagnet on the honeycomb lattice with isotropic Heisenberg interactions of strength J1>0J_{1} > 0 between nearest-neighbor pairs, J2>0J_{2}>0 between next-nearest-neighbor pairs, and J3>0J_{3}>0 between next-next-neareast-neighbor pairs of spins. In particular, we study both the ground-state (GS) and lowest-lying triplet excited-state properties in the case J3=J2κJ1J_{3}=J_{2} \equiv \kappa J_{1}, in the window 0κ10 \leq \kappa \leq 1 of the frustration parameter, which includes the (tricritical) point of maximum classical frustration at κcl=12\kappa_{{\rm cl}} = \frac{1}{2}. We present GS results for the spin stiffness, ρs\rho_{s}, and the zero-field uniform magnetic susceptibility, χ\chi, which complement our earlier results for the GS energy per spin, E/NE/N, and staggered magnetization, MM, to yield a complete set of accurate low-energy parameters for the model. Our results all point towards a phase diagram containing two quasiclassical antiferromagnetic phases, one with N\'eel order for κ<κc1\kappa < \kappa_{c_{1}}, and the other with collinear striped order for κ>κc2\kappa > \kappa_{c_{2}}. The results for both χ\chi and the spin gap Δ\Delta provide compelling evidence for a quantum paramagnetic phase that is gapped over a considerable portion of the intermediate region κc1<κ<κc2\kappa_{c_{1}} < \kappa < \kappa_{c_{2}}, especially close to the two quantum critical points at κc1\kappa_{c_{1}} and κc2\kappa_{c_{2}}. Each of our fully independent sets of results for the low-energy parameters is consistent with the values κc1=0.45±0.02\kappa_{c_{1}} = 0.45 \pm 0.02 and κc2=0.60±0.02\kappa_{c_{2}} = 0.60 \pm 0.02, and with the transition at κc1\kappa_{c_{1}} being of continuous (and probably of the deconfined) type and that at κc2\kappa_{c_{2}} being of first-order type

    The Stochastic State Selection Method Combined with the Lanczos Approach to Eigenvalues in Quantum Spin Systems

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    We describe a further development of the stochastic state selection method, a new Monte Carlo method we have proposed recently to make numerical calculations in large quantum spin systems. Making recursive use of the stochastic state selection technique in the Lanczos approach, we estimate the ground state energy of the spin-1/2 quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a 48-site triangular lattice. Our result for the upper bound of the ground state energy is -0.1833 +/- 0.0003 per bond. This value, being compatible with values from other work, indicates that our method is efficient in calculating energy eigenvalues of frustrated quantum spin systems on large lattices.Comment: 11 page

    The Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the kagome lattice with arbitrary spin: A high-order coupled cluster treatment

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    Starting with the sqrt{3} x sqrt{3} and the q=0 states as reference states we use the coupled cluster method to high orders of approximation to investigate the ground state of the Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the kagome lattice for spin quantum numbers s=1/2,1,3/2,2,5/2, and 3. Our data for the ground-state energy for s=1/2 are in good agreement with recent large-scale density-matrix renormalization group and exact diagonalization data. We find that the ground-state selection depends on the spin quantum number s. While for the extreme quantum case, s=1/2, the q=0 state is energetically favored by quantum fluctuations, for any s>1/2 the sqrt{3} x sqrt{3} state is selected. For both the sqrt{3} x sqrt{3} and the q=0 states the magnetic order is strongly suppressed by quantum fluctuations. Within our coupled cluster method we get vanishing values for the order parameter (sublattice magnetization) M for s=1/2 and s=1, but (small) nonzero values for M for s>1. Using the data for the ground-state energy and the order parameter for s=3/2,2,5/2, and 3 we also estimate the leading quantum corrections to the classical values.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure