251 research outputs found

    Next-to-leading order static gluon self-energy for anisotropic plasmas

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    In this paper the structure of the next-to-leading (NLO) static gluon self energy for an anisotropic plasma is investigated in the limit of a small momentum space anisotropy. Using the Ward identities for the static hard-loop (HL) gluon polarization tensor and the (nontrivial) static HL vertices, we derive a comparatively compact form for the complete NLO correction to the structure function containing the space-like pole associated with magnetic instabilities. On the basis of a calculation without HL vertices, it has been conjectured that the imaginary part of this structure function is nonzero, rendering the space-like poles integrable. We show that there are both positive and negative contributions when HL vertices are included, highlighting the necessity of a complete numerical evaluation, for which the present work provides the basis.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Equation of state of the hot dense matter in a multi-phase transport model

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    Within the framework of a multi-phase transport model, we study the equation of state and pressure anisotropy of the hot dense matter produced in central relativistic heavy ion collisions. Both are found to depend on the hadronization scheme and scattering cross sections used in the model. Furthermore, only partial thermalization is achieved in the produced matter as a result of its fast expansion

    The 3-graviton vertex function in thermal quantum gravity

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    The high temperature limit of the 3-graviton vertex function is studied in thermal quantum gravity, to one loop order. The leading (T4T^4) contributions arising from internal gravitons are calculated and shown to be twice the ones associated with internal scalar particles, in correspondence with the two helicity states of the graviton. The gauge invariance of this result follows in consequence of the Ward and Weyl identities obeyed by the thermal loops, which are verified explicitly.Comment: 19 pages, plain TeX, IFUSP/P-100

    Instabilities of an anisotropically expanding non-Abelian plasma: 1D+3V discretized hard-loop simulations

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    Non-Abelian plasma instabilities play a crucial role in the nonequilibrium dynamics of a weakly coupled quark-gluon plasma and they importantly modify the standard perturbative bottom-up thermalization scenario in heavy-ion collisions. Using the auxiliary-field formulation of the hard-loop effective theory, we study numerically the real time evolution of instabilities in an anisotropic collisionless Yang-Mills plasma expanding longitudinally in free streaming. In this first real-time lattice simulation we consider the most unstable modes, long-wavelength coherent color fields that are constant in transverse directions and which therefore are effectively 1+1-dimensional in spacetime, except for the auxiliary fields which also depend on discretized momentum rapidity and transverse velocity components. We reproduce the semi-analytical results obtained previously for the Abelian regime and we determine the nonlinear effects which occur when the instabilities have grown such that non-Abelian interactions become important.Comment: 28 pages, 10 figures; v2 minor updates to figures and text; v3 streamlined notation, minor additions to tex

    Thermalization and the chromo-Weibel instability

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    Despite the apparent success of ideal hydrodynamics in describing the elliptic flow data which have been produced at Brookhaven National Lab's Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider, one lingering question remains: is the use of ideal hydrodynamics at times t < 1 fm/c justified? In order to justify its use a method for rapidly producing isotropic thermal matter at RHIC energies is required. One of the chief obstacles to early isotropization/thermalization is the rapid longitudinal expansion of the matter during the earliest times after the initial nuclear impact. As a result of this expansion the parton distribution functions become locally anisotropic in momentum space. In contrast to locally isotropic plasmas anisotropic plasmas have a spectrum of soft unstable modes which are characterized by exponential growth of transverse chromo-magnetic/-electric fields at short times. This instability is the QCD analogue of the Weibel instability of QED. Parametrically the chromo-Weibel instability provides the fastest method for generation of soft background fields and dominates the short-time dynamics of the system.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, Invited plenary talk given at the 19th International Conference on Ultrarelativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions: Quark Matter 2006 (QM 2006), Shanghai, China, 14-20 Nov 200

    Non-Abelian plasma instabilities: SU(3) vs. SU(2)

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    We present the first 3+1 dimensional simulations of non-Abelian plasma instabilities in gauge-covariant Boltzmann-Vlasov equations for the QCD gauge group SU(3) as well as for SU(4) and SU(5). The real-time evolution of instabilities for a plasma with stationary momentum-space anisotropy is studied using a hard-loop effective theory that is discretized in the velocities of hard particles. We find that the numerically less expensive calculations using the group SU(2) essentially reproduce the nonperturbative dynamics of non-Abelian plasma instabilities with higher rank gauge groups provided the mass parameters of the corresponding hard-loop effective theories are the same. In particular we find very similar spectra for the turbulent cascade that forms in the strong-field regime, which is associated with an approximately linear growth of energy in collective fields. The magnitude of the linear growth however turns out to increase with the number of colors.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures; v2: minor changes; accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    The graviton self-energy in thermal quantum gravity

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    We show generally that in thermal gravity, the one-particle irreducible 2-point function depends on the choice of the basic graviton fields. We derive the relevant properties of a physical graviton self-energy, which is independent of the parametrization of the graviton field. An explicit expression for the graviton self-energy at high-temperature is given to one-loop order.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure

    Electric fields in plasmas under pulsed currents

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    Electric fields in a plasma that conducts a high-current pulse are measured as a function of time and space. The experiment is performed using a coaxial configuration, in which a current rising to 160 kA in 100 ns is conducted through a plasma that prefills the region between two coaxial electrodes. The electric field is determined using laser spectroscopy and line-shape analysis. Plasma doping allows for 3D spatially resolved measurements. The measured peak magnitude and propagation velocity of the electric field is found to match those of the Hall electric field, inferred from the magnetic-field front propagation measured previously.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figures, submitted to PR

    Energy loss in a strongly coupled anisotropic plasma

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    We study the energy loss of a rotating infinitely massive quark moving, at constant velocity, through an anisotropic strongly-coupled N=4 plasma from holography. It is shown that, similar to the isotropic plasma, the energy loss of the rotating quark is due to either the drag force or radiation with a continuous crossover from drag-dominated regime to the radiation dominated regime. We find that the anisotropy has a significant effect on the energy loss of the heavy quark, specially in the crossover regime. We argue that the energy loss due to radiation in anisotropic media is less than the isotropic case. Interestingly this is similar to analogous calculations for the energy loss in weakly coupled anisotropic plasma.Comment: 26+1 pages, 10 figures, typos fixe

    Inverse magnetic catalysis in dense holographic matter

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    We study the chiral phase transition in a magnetic field at finite temperature and chemical potential within the Sakai-Sugimoto model, a holographic top-down approach to (large-N_c) QCD. We consider the limit of a small separation of the flavor D8-branes, which corresponds to a dual field theory comparable to a Nambu-Jona Lasinio (NJL) model. Mapping out the surface of the chiral phase transition in the parameter space of magnetic field strength, quark chemical potential, and temperature, we find that for small temperatures the addition of a magnetic field decreases the critical chemical potential for chiral symmetry restoration - in contrast to the case of vanishing chemical potential where, in accordance with the familiar phenomenon of magnetic catalysis, the magnetic field favors the chirally broken phase. This "inverse magnetic catalysis" (IMC) appears to be associated with a previously found magnetic phase transition within the chirally symmetric phase that shows an intriguing similarity to a transition into the lowest Landau level. We estimate IMC to persist up to 10^{19} G at low temperatures.Comment: 42 pages, 11 figures, v3: extended discussion; new appendix D; references added; version to appear in JHE
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