2,896 research outputs found

    Diagrammatic Approach for the High-Temperature Regime of Quantum Hall Transitions

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    We use a general diagrammatic formalism based on a local conductivity approach to compute electronic transport in continuous media with long-range disorder, in the absence of quantum interference effects. The method allows us then to investigate the interplay of dissipative processes and random drifting of electronic trajectories in the high-temperature regime of quantum Hall transitions. We obtain that the longitudinal conductance \sigma_{xx} scales with an exponent {\kappa}=0.767\pm0.002 in agreement with the value {\kappa}=10/13 conjectured from analogies to classical percolation. We also derive a microscopic expression for the temperature-dependent peak value of \sigma_{xx}, useful to extract {\kappa} from experiments.Comment: 4+epsilon pages, 5 figures, attached with Supplementary Material. A discussion and a plot of the temperature-dependent longitudinal conductance was added in the final versio

    Prion expression is activated by Adenovirus 5 infection and affects the adenoviral cycle in human cells

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    The prion protein is a cell surface glycoprotein whose physiological role remains elusive, while its implication in transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) has been demonstrated. Multiple interactions between the prion protein and viruses have been described: viruses can act as co-factors in TSEs and life cycles of different viruses have been found to be controlled by prion modulation. We present data showing that human Adenovirus 5 induces prion expression. Inactivated Adenovirus did not alter prion transcription, while variants encoding for early products did, suggesting that the prion is stimulated by an early adenoviral function. Down-regulation of the prion through RNA interference showed that the prion controls adenovirus replication and expression. These data suggest that the prion protein could play a role in the defense strategy mounted by the host during viral infection, in a cell autonomous manner. These results have implications for the study of the prion protein and of associated TSEs

    Abelian Chern-Simons Vortices and Holomorphic Burgers' Hierarchy

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    The Abelian Chern-Simons Gauge Field Theory in 2+1 dimensions and its relation with holomorphic Burgers' Hierarchy is considered. It is shown that the relation between complex potential and the complex gauge field as in incompressible and irrotational hydrodynamics, has meaning of the analytic Cole-Hopf transformation, linearizing the Burgers Hierarchy in terms of the holomorphic Schr\"odinger Hierarchy. Then the motion of planar vortices in Chern-Simons theory, appearing as pole singularities of the gauge field, corresponds to motion of zeroes of the hierarchy. Using boost transformations of the complex Galilean group of the hierarchy, a rich set of exact solutions, describing integrable dynamics of planar vortices and vortex lattices in terms of the generalized Kampe de Feriet and Hermite polynomials is constructed. The results are applied to the holomorphic reduction of the Ishimori model and the corresponding hierarchy, describing dynamics of magnetic vortices and corresponding lattices in terms of complexified Calogero-Moser models. Corrections on two vortex dynamics from the Moyal space-time non-commutativity in terms of Airy functions are found.Comment: 15 pages, talk presented in Workshop `Nonlinear Physics IV: Theory and Experiment`, 22-30 June 2006, Gallipoli, Ital

    The Genetic Basis of Tomato Aroma

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    Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) aroma is determined by the interaction of volatile compounds (VOCs) released by the tomato fruits with receptors in the nose, leading to a sensorial impression, such as “sweet”, “smoky”, or “fruity” aroma. Of the more than 400 VOCs released by tomato fruits, 21 have been reported as main contributors to the perceived tomato aroma. These VOCs can be grouped in five clusters, according to their biosynthetic origins. In the last decades, a vast array of scientific studies has investigated the genetic component of tomato aroma in modern tomato cultivars and their relatives. In this paper we aim to collect, compare, integrate and summarize the available literature on flavour-related QTLs in tomato. Three hundred and 5ifty nine (359) QTLs associated with tomato fruit VOCs were physically mapped on the genome and investigated for the presence of potential candidate genes. This review makes it possible to (i) pinpoint potential donors described in literature for specific traits, (ii) highlight important QTL regions by combining information from different populations, and (iii) pinpoint potential candidate genes. This overview aims to be a valuable resource for researchers aiming to elucidate the genetics underlying tomato flavour and for breeders who aim to improve tomato aroma.</p

    Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Siswa Menggunakan Media Realia dalam Pembelajaran Pkn Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar

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    This observational background is problem usufruct to study student while processes teaching and learning happen. Its aim is subject to be get media purpose picture realia to yielding step-up studies deep PKn\u27s learning brazes IV. SDN 03 sebangki. Observational method that is utilized is deskriftif\u27s method with kualitatif\u27s approaching. Observational observational action brazes. Data collecting utilizes observation tech, and result document studies. Tool that is utilized is observation and problem sheet essay. Research is done in two cycles. on IPKG\u27S i. cycle 1 as big as 2,7 and IPKG 2 as big as 2,18 then on cycle II. IPKG 1 as big as 3,6 and IPKG 2 as big as 3,25. Meanwhile On yielding i. cycle learned student, complete student 52% and that don\u27t complete 48%. On cycle II. result studies student, complete student 84% and that don\u27t complete 16%. It menunjukan that realia\u27s media purpose can increase student studying result in PKn\u27s learning sailor v SDN 03 sebangki

    Uji Aktivitas Antifungal Kulit Manggis (Garcinia Mangostana) Dan Semangka (Citrullus Vulgaris)terhadap Trichophyton Mentagrophytes Penyebab Dermatomycosis

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    Dermatomycosis is the most common infection diseasesuffered by inhabitants of tropical countries and caused by Trichophyton mentagrophytes. Mangosteen and watermelon epicarp have high phytochemical compounds which is potential as antibacterial, antifungal and antioxidant. This study aimed to determine antifungal activity of mangosteen and watermelon epicarp against Trichophyton mentagrophytes. The study was conducted using completely randomizedfactorial design. Epicarp of mangosteen and watermelon were processed to fresh and dry extracts with concentration 40% and 80% (fresh extract) and 5%, 10% and 20% (dry extract). Dry extract were dissolved using 3 different solvent, e.g: aquabides, heated aquabides and etyl alcohol. Antifungal activity was tested using paper disc method. The results showed that almost all of watermelon and mangosteen epicarp dry extract had antifungal activity againts Trichophyton mentagrophytes, while fresh extract did not showed antifungal activity againts Trichophyton mentagrophytes. The highest antifungal activity of watermelon was showed in 20% extract in heated aquabides with inhibition zone diameter is 36,8 mm. The highest antifungal activity of mangosteen was showed in 10% extract in heated aquabides with inhibition zone diameter is 28,5 mm

    Peningkatan Aktivitas Belajar Menggunakan Model Cooperative Learning Tipe Stad Dalam Pembelajaran IPA

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    The purpose of the study to describe increased activity asks students, answer questions, express opinions and tasks in learning science by using STAD cooperative learning model of class IV Madrasah Darussalam Ibtidayah Matan Hilir Subdistrict South. The method used is descriptive method. Data analysis technique is the direct observation while the data collection tool is the observation sheet in the form of student activities and teacher observation sheet. The experiment was conducted as two cycles. The result of an increase in research activity is the activity asks students 60% and 80 % first cycle second cycle. Activities answer questions 80% and 86 % first cycle second cycle. Activity of expression 60% and 80% first cycle second cycle. Activity assignment of 73.33% of teachers and 80% first cycle second cycle. Overall a pretty good increase student activity. Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that an increase in the activity of students in learning science by using STAD cooperative learning model of class IV Madrasah Darussalam Ibtidayah Matan Hilir Subdistrict Sout

    Degenerate Four Virtual Soliton Resonance for KP-II

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    By using disipative version of the second and the third members of AKNS hierarchy, a new method to solve 2+1 dimensional Kadomtsev-Petviashvili (KP-II) equation is proposed. We show that dissipative solitons (dissipatons) of those members give rise to the real solitons of KP-II. From the Hirota bilinear form of the SL(2,R) AKNS flows, we formulate a new bilinear representation for KP-II, by which, one and two soliton solutions are constructed and the resonance character of their mutual interactions is studied. By our bilinear form, we first time created four virtual soliton resonance solution for KP-II and established relations of it with degenerate four-soliton solution in the Hirota-Satsuma bilinear form for KP-II.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, Talk on International Conference Nonlinear Physics. Theory and Experiment. III, 24 June-3 July, 2004, Gallipoli(Lecce), Ital

    Pengembangan Kedelai di Papua : Potensi Lahan, Strategi Pengembangan dan Dukungan Kebijakan

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    Soybean is one of startegies and important food crops in Indonesia. Soybean products are used for human consumption, animal feed, and a variety of non-food consumer and industrial products. They are considered a complete source of plant base protein because all of the essential amino acids are supplied. Soybean can be grown in a wide variety of soil and climate. More than 60% of Indonesia's soybean consumption still needs to be imported from a broad in case of Papua, about 25% soybean demands is originated from Java island. To meet the needs that important to enhance domestic soybean production. There foreadditional plantations will have to be develop outside Java island such as Papua. Papua hasmany assets favouring soybean growing. Notable among these are significan 2,75 million ha land area. A highly favorable climate with abundant rainfall, farmers with ample know-how, availability high yielding varieties, existing market potential and a satisfactory economic and government institutional support. In the utilization of land farmer's need to get coaching and accompanied by an intensively both in land preparation, cultivating maintenance harvesting and post-harvesting by agricultural extension by implementing a specific technology innovation particularly good or sertified seeds of high yielding adapted soybean variety. In line with those, the strategy priorties are development of a seed sector, rehabilitation of all the site previously developed for food crops growing areas, agricultural advice, mechanization at production and technology transfer, support for processing and marketing local price
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