12 research outputs found

    Oral health knowledge and behavior among male health sciences college students in Kuwait

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    BACKGROUND: Health auxiliary personnel have an important role in oral health promotion when they graduate and start working in the health care system. This study aims to find out oral health knowledge and oral health behavior of male Health Sciences College students. METHODS: A questionnaire was distributed to all students at the male Health Sciences College in Kuwait (N = 153) during the academic year 2001/2002. The students filled the anonymous questionnaire in the class after the lecture. The response rate was 84% (n = 128). The questions consisted information on the general background, oral health behavior and oral health knowledge. RESULTS: Oral health knowledge seemed to be limited and very few background factors were associated with it. More than half of the students had visited a dentist during the previous 12 months, but only one third of students were brushing twice a day or more often. CONCLUSIONS: It may be concluded that the male Health Sciences College students seemed to have appropriate knowledge on some oral health topics, but limited knowledge on the others. Their toothbrushing practices are still far behind the international recommendation (twice a day) and also the knowledge, why it should be done so frequently also very limited

    Minimally invasive veneers: current state of the art

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    Burçin Akoğlu Vanlioğlu, Yasemin Kulak-Özkan University of Marmara, Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, Istanbul, TurkeyAbstract: Ceramic veneers are considered a conservative solution for patients requiring improvement of the shape, color, or position of their anterior teeth. Ceramic veneers have been extensively and successfully used to mask intrinsic staining, to give the appearance of straightening, and to correct minor malformations of anterior teeth without the removal of substantial amounts of sound tooth substance. The current literature was reviewed to search for the most important parameters determining the long-term success and correct application of ceramic veneers. Keywords: ceramic veneers, esthetic treatmen

    Bruksizm ve Implant Basarisi: Literat�r derleme | Bruxism and dental implants success: A literature review

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    ÖzetAMAÇ: Derlememizin amacı implant destekli rehabilitasyonlarda meydana gelen farklı komplikasyonlara bruksizmin risk faktörü olarak etkisinin literatürlerle sistematik olarak değerlendirilmesidir.MATERYAL METOD: 10 Mart 2014’te elektronik arama moturunda, İngiliz literatüründeki bruksizm dental implant komplikasyon iliskisini konu alan calışmalar aşağıda açıklanan arama stratejileri dahilinde araştırılmıştır. Literatürler PICO arama kriterlerine uygun olarak incelendi: P, populasyon/problem; I, müdahale/yapılan tedavi; C, karşılaştırma; O, sonuç. BULGULAR: Derlememize 14 makale dahil edilmiştir. Biyolojik açıdan, bruksizmin 9 çalışmadaki sonuçları çıkarım yapmak için yeterli bulunmamıştır. Mekanik komplikasyonlara gelince 5 çalışmada bruksizmle ilgili pozitif ilişki ortaya konmuştur.SONUÇ: Bruksizm dental implantlar etrafındaki biyolojik komplikasyonlar için risk faktörü oluşturmazken mekanik komplikasyonların oluşmasında potansiyel oluşturabilir.Anahtar kelimelerDental implant; bruksizm; mekanik-biyolojik komplikasyonla