1,785 research outputs found

    New Josephson Plasma Modes in Underdoped YBa2Cu3O6.6 Induced by Parallel Magnetic Field

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    The c-axis reflectivity spectrum of underdoped YBa2Cu3O6.6 (YBCO) is measured below Tc=59K in parallel magnetic fields H//CuO2 up to 7T. Upon application of a parallel field, a new peak appears at finite frequency in the optical conductivity at the expense of suppression of c-axis condensate weight. We conclude that the dramatic change originates from different Josephson coupling strengths between bilayers with and without Josephson vortices. We find that the 400cm^-1 broad conductivity peak in YBCO gains the spectral weight under parallel magnetic field; this indicates that the condensate weight at \omega =0 is distributed to the intra-bilayer mode as well as to the new optical Josephson mode.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Kagom\'{e} ice state in the dipolar spin ice Dy_{2}Ti_{2}O_{7}

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    We have investigated the kagom\'{e} ice behavior of the dipolar spin-ice compound Dy_{2}Ti_{2}O_{7} in magnetic field along a [111] direction using neutron scattering and Monte Carlo simulations. The spin correlations show that the kagom\'{e} ice behavior predicted for the nearest-neighbor (NN) interacting model, where the field induces dimensional reduction and spins are frustrated in each two-dimensional kagom\'{e} lattice, occurs in the dipole interacting system. The spins freeze at low temperatures within the macroscopically degenerate ground states of the NN model.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, submitted to PR

    Polarization phenomena in hyperon-nucleon scattering

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    We investigate polarization observables in hyperon-nucleon scattering by decomposing scattering amplitudes into spin-space tensors, where each component describes scattering by corresponding spin-dependent interactions, so that contributions of the interactions in the observables are individually identified. In this way, for elastic scattering we find some linear combinations of the observables sensitive to particular spin-dependent interactions such as symmetric spin-orbit (LS) interactions and antisymmetric LS ones. These will be useful to criticize theoretical predictions of the interactions when the relevant observables are measured. We treat vector analyzing powers, depolarizations, and coefficients of polarization transfers and spin correlations, a part of which is numerically examined in Σ+p\Sigma^{+} p scattering as an example. Total cross sections are studied for polarized beams and targets as well as for unpolarized ones to investigate spin dependence of imaginary parts of forward scattering amplitudes.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure

    Anomalous Anisotropic Magnetoresistance in Heavy-Fermion PrFe4P12

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    We have investigated the anisotropy of the magnetoresistance in the Pr-based HF compound PrFe4P12. The large anisotropy of effective mass and its strong field dependence have been confirmed by resistivity measurements. Particularly for H||[111], where the effective mass is most strongly enhanced, the non-Fermi liquid behavior has been observed. Also, we have found the angular dependence of the magnetoresistance sharply enhanced at H||[111], which is evidently correlated with both the non-Fermi liquid behavior and the high-field ordered state (B-phase).Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures. J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. Vol.77, No.8, in pres

    Influence of Topological Edge States on the Properties of Al/Bi2Se3/Al Hybrid Josephson Devices

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    In superconductor-topological insulator-superconductor hybrid junctions, the barrier edge states are expected to be protected against backscattering, to generate unconventional proximity effects, and, possibly, to signal the presence of Majorana fermions. The standards of proximity modes for these types of structures have to be settled for a neat identification of possible new entities. Through a systematic and complete set of measurements of the Josephson properties we find evidence of ballistic transport in coplanar Al-Bi2Se3-Al junctions that we attribute to a coherent transport through the topological edge state. The shunting effect of the bulk only influences the normal transport. This behavior, which can be considered to some extent universal, is fairly independent of the specific features of superconducting electrodes. A comparative study of Shubnikov - de Haas oscillations and Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy gave an experimental signature compatible with a two dimensional electron transport channel with a Dirac dispersion relation. A reduction of the size of the Bi2Se3 flakes to the nanoscale is an unavoidable step to drive Josephson junctions in the proper regime to detect possible distinctive features of Majorana fermions.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figure

    Magnetization under High Pressure in MnSi

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    The magnetization M(H) has been measured in the weakly helimagnetic itinerant compound MnSi under high pressure up to 10.2 kbar and high magnetic field up to 9 Tesla. We interpret the simultaneous decrease under pressure of the saturated magnetization, psp_s, and the Curie temperature, % T_c in the frame of the self-consistent renormalization theory (SCR) of spin fluctuations. From the analysis of the so-called Arrot-plot (H/p[H,T]H/p [ H,T ] versus p2[H,T]p^2[ H,T ] ) and the respective volume dependence of psp_s and TcT_c, we estimate the evolution of the characteristic spin fluctuation temperatures, T0T_0 and TAT_A when the system approaches its critical pressure, PcP_c=15 kbar, corresponding to the disappearance of the long range magnetic order at T=0.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Ordered phase and scaling in ZnZ_n models and the three-state antiferromagnetic Potts model in three dimensions

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    Based on a Renormalization-Group picture of ZnZ_n symmetric models in three dimensions, we derive a scaling law for the ZnZ_n order parameter in the ordered phase. An existing Monte Carlo calculation on the three-state antiferromagnetic Potts model, which has the effective Z6Z_6 symmetry, is shown to be consistent with the proposed scaling law. It strongly supports the Renormalization-Group picture that there is a single massive ordered phase, although an apparently rotationally symmetric region in the intermediate temperature was observed numerically.Comment: 5 pages in REVTEX, 2 PostScript figure

    Evidence for unconventional superconducting fluctuations in heavy-fermion compound CeNi2Ge2

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    We present evidence for unconventional superconducting fluctuations in a heavy-fermion compound CeNi2_2Ge2_2. The temperature dependence of the 73^{73}Ge nuclear-spin-lattice-relaxation rate 1/T11/T_1 indicates the development of magnetic correlations and the formation of a Fermi-liquid state at temperatures lower than TFL=0.4T_{\rm FL}=0.4 K, where 1/T1T1/T_1T is constant. The resistance and 1/T1T1/T_1T measured on an as-grown sample decrease below Tconset=0.2T_{\rm c}^{\rm onset} = 0.2 K and TcNQR=0.1T_{\rm c}^{\rm NQR} = 0.1 K, respectively; these are indicative of the onset of superconductivity. However, after annealing the sample to improve its quality, these superconducting signatures disappear. These results are consistent with the emergence of unconventional superconducting fluctuations in close proximity to a quantum critical point from the superconducting to the normal phase in CeNi2_2Ge2_2.Comment: 4pages,5figures,to appear in J. Phys. Soc. Jp