135 research outputs found

    Bioakumulasi Kadmium Pada Kerang Hijau (Perna Viridis) Dengan Aplikasi Perunut Radioaktif

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    Bioacumulation of Cadmium on Green Mussel (Perna viridis) Using Radiotracer. A laboratoryexperiment on the accumulation of Cadmium (Cd) by green mussel (Perna viridis) has beenconducted. Radiotracer 109Cd was applied in the study. The research aimed at evaluating theeffect of salinity, temperature and size on uptake of radiotracer 109Cd by green mussel (Pernaviridis) from dissolved phase. It was found that both salinity and temperature had significanteffect ( P< 0.001) on accumulation rate of 109Cd. The highest concentration factor of Cd (31,23-54,09) was appeared in water salinity of 29% and of water temperature 30oC. At the steady statecondition green mussel accumulated 72,21-107,80 Bq/gr Cd. It revealed that the small Pernaviridis (5.2 cm in length) accumulated 109Cd about 107,80 Bq/gr, whereas the bigger size ofPerna viridis (6.6 cm in length) had an uptake of about 72,21 Bq/gr

    Contamination and Characteristics of Visual Solid Waste in Coastal Ampalu District North Pariaman Pariaman City West Sumatra

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    This research was conducted in Agust 2015 at coastal Ampalu district NorthPariaman Pariaman City West Sumatra Province. T he purpose of this study was todetermine the level of contamination and the characteristics of solid waste. Thesurvey methode was applied in this research whicht are 2 station observation alongthe coast Ampalu then be calculated and weighed according to characteristic solidwaste.The results of research shaun that the solid waste in coastal Ampalu wascategorised in to lees contaminated (category B) and fairly contaminated (categoryC). Where the at station 1 lees contaminated, and then Station 2 is relative fairlycontaminated of visually, that generally solid waste consisted of plastics, paper,rubber, foam, jute sacks, leaves, and small pieces of wood. All Solid wasteindetyfield originated from land base waste

    Comparative Study on Characteristics of Solid Waste Black Water in Strait Meranti Islands

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    The amount of solid waste at station 1 to station more than 2 type of solid waste in the Black Water Strait of each station is almost the same, where the Black Water Strait is dominated by the type of waste plastic and small pieces of wood. In Black Water Strait encountered type of waste that generally consist of plastics, paper, rubber, foam, jute sacks, leaves, and small pieces of wood. From this we can conclude that the solid waste at both stations originate from the same source ie domestic waste. The strong tidal currents provide a direct influence on the amount of solid waste that are found in every point of the study and vice versa if the lower the pressure, the current is the entry-level waste into gear tends to be decreased

    Relationship of Oil Content with Epipelic Diatoms Abudance in Intertidal Sediment in the Water of Tanjung Buton Siak District Riau Province

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    A study on the effect of oil content on the epipelic diatom abundance weredone in march 2016 at Tanjung Buton intertidal. Three station were estabelishedare three replicades in calloting water as well as sediment sample. The analysis,identification and quantification of oil content and diatom abundance were carriedout in Marine Chemistry Laboratory and Marine Biology Laboratory, Faculty ofFisheries and Marine Science, University of Riau in Pekanbaru. It showed that oilcontent large apparentle the highest station 2 (1.224,10 ppm) and the lowest wasat station 1 (150,30 ppm). The highest abundance epipelic diatom of was found atstation 3 (15.752,33 Ind/cm2) and the lowest abundance was found at station 2(8.893,09 Ind/cm2). Epipelic diatom that were found in the water around theTanjung Buton Siak District Riau Province composing of 19 spesies. Rhizosoleniasp was the species with the highest abundance in all station. The epipelic diatomabundance was found to be during at different zone was in upper zone (15.313,65Ind/cm2), middle zone (13.638,73 Ind/cm2) and lower zone (11.325,72 Ind/cm2).Relationships between oil content with epipelic diatom abundance in TanjungButon Waters were y = -3,963x + 15.486, R2 = 0,400, r = 0,632. The oil contentand epipelic diatom abundance was negative correlation, which means in creasingof oil content will cause a decrease the abundance of epipelic diatom at TanjungButon waters

    Faktor Konsentrasi Pb, Cd, Cu, Ni, Zn Dalam Sedimen Perairan Pesisir Kota Dumai

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    Anthropological pollution threat to coastal and marine ecosystems Dumai City is intensifying with the acceleration of industrial development in various sectors. Aquatic ecosystem as a final address pollution supply of land will bear the burden of heavy metal contamination. Has been studied heavy metal concentrations in water, sediment and fish. The research aims to identify the heavy metal pollutants travel on ecosystem components and evaluate the security status of fish as a public consumption. Results showed that bottom sediment has accumulated Pb, Cd, Cu, Ni and Zn as indicated by Factor Concentration (doubling), consecutive 25-27, 13-18, 9-38, 74-93 and 34-162 times the heavy metal body of water. In fish flesh Gulama (Pseudociena amoyensis) undetected Pb, Cd, Cu and Zn, consecutive from 4.07 to 5.52; 0.09 to 0.19; 0.13 to 0.29 and from 5.64 to 7.56 tg / g. This value is still below the safe limit consumption of fish when referring to the standard DG POM. Keyword: Concetration Factor, heavy metal, sediment Ancaman pencemaran antropologis terhadap ekosistem pesisir dan laut Kota Dumai semakin meningkat sejalan dengan percepatan pembangunan industri berbagai sektor. Ekosistem perairan sebagai alamat akhir pencemaran daratan akan menanggung beban pasokan cemaran logam berat. Telah dilakukan penelitian konsentrasi logam berat pada badan air, sedimen dan ikan. Penelitian bertujuan menemukenali perjalanan pencemar logam berat pada komponen ekosistem dan mengevaluasi status keamanan ikan sebagai konsumsi masyarakat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sedimen dasar telah mengakumulasi Pb, Cd, Cu, Ni dan Zn yang ditunjukkan dengan Faktor Konsentrasi (pelipatgandaan), berturut turut 25-27, 13-18, 9-38, 74-93 dan 34-162 kali lipat dari logam berat badan air. Pada daging ikan Gulama (Pseudociena amoyensis) terdeteksi Pb, Cd, Cu dan Zn, berturut turut 4,07-5,52; 0,09-0,19; 0,13-0,29 dan 5,64-7,56 µg/g. Nilai ini masih dibawah batas aman konsumsi ikan bila merujuk standar Dirjen POM

    Annalysis of Pb, Cu and Zn Metal Contents in Red Chut-chut Snail (Cerithidea Obtusa) and Sediment in Mendol Island Kuala Kampar of Riau Province

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    The study was conducted in July 2018. Sampling of sedut snails (Cerithidea obtusa) which was carried out in the waters of Mendol Island, Kuala Kampar District, Pelalawan Regency was aimed to determine the differences in the content of Pb, Cu and Zn between slugs and sediments and to know the consumption limits and the level of heavy metal pollution in the waters of Mendol Island. The method used in this study is the survey method. Sampling was determined using purposive sampling. The results of this study indicate the value of the metal content of Pb, Cu, and Zn in sedut snail highest at station 2, respectively: 9,2633 µg / g, 72,040 µg / g, 111,748 µg / g. Whereas for Pb, Cu, and Zn metals, the highest sediment was found at station 2, namely: 23.990 µg / g, 4.795 µg / g, 48.587 µg / g The results of linear regression analysis of Pb metal concentrations in snail meat showed negative results, and the concentration of Zn and Cu metals in snail meat showed positive results. namely Pb with a value of 14.1930 kg / week on Zn metal with a value of 111.7483 kg / week, while Cu metal at station 2 with a value of 72.0400 kg / wee

    Analisis Determinan Daya Saing Ekonomi di Kabupaten Labuhanbatu Utara

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    Daya saing ekonomi merupakan kemampuan suatu perekonomian untuk mempertahankan Perusahaan-Perusahaan dengan kondisi yang stabil, diikuti dengan kemampuan untuk menciptakan pendapatan dan kesempatan kerja yang relatif tinggi dengan tetap terbuka terhadap persaingan domestik maupun Internasional sehingga meningkatkan standar kehidupan masyarakat yang berkelanjutan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi dan menjadi penentu tingkat daya saing ekonomi di Kabupaten Labuhanbatu Utara pada tahun 2014 dengan menggunakan metode Analisis Hierarki Proses (AHP). Dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling, penelitian ini menggunakan data primer berupa kuisioner dan wawancara terhadap 30 responden yang terdiri dari mahasiswa, pengajar, masyarakat umum, birokrasi, perbankan, non perbankan, dan pengusaha.Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu faktor perekonomian daerah menjadi faktor yang paling penting dalam meningkatkan daya saing ekonomi Kabupaten Labuhanbatu Utara dengan bobot sebesar 0,320, diikuti dengan faktor infrastruktur fisik (0,217), faktor tenaga kerja dan produktivitas (0,214), kemudian faktor dengan bobot yang cukup rendah yaitu faktor kelembagaan (0,132) dan yang terakhir yaitu faktor sosial politik (0,117)
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