378 research outputs found

    Physics at e-e- Colliders

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    An overview of the physics motivations for e-e- colliders is presented.Comment: 10 pages. Opening lecture of the 3nd International Workshop on Electron-Electron Interactions at TeV Energies (e-e-99), University of California, Santa Cruz, 10-12 December 199

    Decay of the Z Boson into Scalar Particles

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    In extensions of the standard model, light scalar particles are often possible because of symmetry considerations. We study the decay of the Z boson into such particles. In particular, we consider for illustration the scalar sector of a recently proposed model of the 17-keV neutrino which satisfies all laboratory, astrophysical, and cosmological constraints.Comment: 11 pages (2 figures, not included) (Revised, Oct 1992). Some equations have been corrected and 1 figure has been eliminate

    CP Violation in the Top-Quark Pair Production at a Next Linear Collider

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    We provide a detailed, model-independent, study for CP violation effects due to the T-odd top-quark electric dipole moment (EDM) and weak dipole moment (WDM) in the top-quark pair production via e+ee^+e^- and two-photon annihilation at a next e+ee^+e^- linear collider (NLC). There are two methods in detecting CP violation effects in these processes. One method makes use of measurements of various spin correlations in the final decay products of the produced top-quark pair, while the other is to measure various CP-odd polarization asymmetry effects of the initial states. In the e+ee^+e^- case only the first method can be used, and in the γγ\gamma\gamma case both methods can be employed. We provide a complete classification of angular correlations of the tt and tˉ\bar{t} decay products under CP and CP\tilde{T} which greatly faciliate CP tests in the e+ee^+e^- mode. Concentrating on the second method with the Compton back-scattered high-energetic laser light off the electron or positron beam in the two-photon mode, we construct two CP-odd and CP\tilde{T}-even initial polarization configurations and apply them to investigating CP-violating effects due to the top-quark EDM. With a typical set of experimental parameters at the NLC, we compare the 1-\sigma sensitivities to the top-quark EDM and WDM in the e+ee^+e^- mode and the two-photon mode. Some model expectation values of the T-odd parameters are compared with the results.Comment: 45 pages(LaTeX), 10 eps figures, uses epsfig.st

    Frodo Links Dishevelled to the p120-Catenin/Kaiso Pathway: Distinct Catenin Subfamilies Promote Wnt Signals

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    Summaryp120-catenin is an Arm repeat protein that interacts with varied components such as cadherin, small G proteins, kinases, and the Kaiso transcriptional repressor. Despite recent advances in understanding the roles that p120-catenin and Kaiso play in downstream modulation of Wnt/β-catenin signaling, the identity of the upstream regulators of the p120-catenin/Kaiso pathway have remained unclear. Here, we find that p120-catenin binds Frodo, which itself interacts with the Wnt pathway protein Dishevelled (Dsh). In Xenopus laevis, we demonstrate that Wnt signals result in Frodo-mediated stabilization of p120-catenin, which, in turn, promotes Kaiso sequestration or removal from the nucleus. Our results point to Dsh and Frodo as upstream regulators of the p120-catenin/Kaiso signaling pathway. Importantly, this suggests that Wnt signals acting through Dsh regulate the stability of p120-catenin in addition to that of β-catenin, and that each catenin promotes its respective signal in parallel to regulate distinct, as well as shared, direct downstream gene targets

    Constraints on Light Top Squark from B0B^0-Bˉ0\bar{B}^0 mixing

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    We discuss the constraints on the mass of the lighter top squark from \bbbar\ mixing in the minimal supersymmetric standard model. A light top squark whose mass is less than half of the Z0Z^0-boson mass has not yet been excluded from direct search experiments at LEP. However, the existence of the light top squark may exceedingly enhance \bbbar\ mixing, owing to the box diagrams exchanging the charginos and the up-type squarks. We show that for a sizable region of parameter space the light top squark contribution to \bbbar\ mixing becomes the same order of magnitude as the standard WW-boson contribution. Taking into account the experimental results for \bbbar\ and \kkbar\ mixings, the existence of the light top squark is excluded in an appreciable region of the parameter space which LEP experiments have not ruled out.Comment: 8 pages latex file, 2 figure

    Fermionic decays of sfermions: a complete discussion at one-loop order

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    We present a definition of an on-shell renormalization scheme for the sfermion and chargino-neutralino sector of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM). Then, apply this renormalization framework to the interaction between charginos/neutralinos and sfermions. A kind of universal corrections is identified, which allow to define effective chargino/neutralino coupling matrices. In turn, these interactions generate (universal) non-decoupling terms that grow as the logarithm of the heavy mass. Therefore the full MSSM spectrum must be taken into account in the computation of radiative corrections to observables involving these interactions. As an application we analyze the full one-loop electroweak radiative corrections to the partial decay widths \Gamma(\tilde{f} -> f\neut) and \Gamma(\tilde{f} -> f'\cplus) for all sfermion flavours and generations. These are combined with the QCD corrections to compute the corrected branching ratios of sfermions. It turns out that the electroweak corrections can have an important impact on the partial decay widths, as well as the branching ratios, in wide regions of the parameter space. The precise value of the corrections is strongly dependent on the correlation between the different particle masses.Comment: LaTeX 53 pages, 22 figures, 3 tables. Typos correcte

    Role of Light Vector Mesons in the Heavy Particle Chiral Lagrangian

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    We give the general framework for adding "light" vector particles to the heavy hadron effective chiral Lagrangian. This has strong motivations both from the phenomenological and aesthetic standpoints. An application to the already observed D \rightarrow \overbar{K^*} weak transition amplitude is discussed.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX documen

    Chiral Estimates of Strong CP Violation Revisited

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    The effects of the CP violating θ\theta term in the QCD Lagrangian upon low energy hadronic phenomenology are reconsidered. Strong CP violating interactions among Goldstone bosons and octet baryons are incorporated into an effective chiral Lagrangian framework. The θ\theta term's impact upon the decays ηππ\eta\to\pi\pi and π0γγ\pi^0\to\gamma\gamma is then investigated but found to be extremely small. A refined model independent estimate of nonanalytic contributions to the neutron electric dipole moment is also determined using velocity dependent Baryon Chiral Perturbation Theory. We obtain the approximate upper bound θ<4.5×1010|\theta| < 4.5 \times 10^{-10}.Comment: 11 pages with 3 figures not included but available upon request, CALT-68-184

    Effects of Possible ΔB=ΔQ\Delta B =- \Delta Q Transitions in Neutral BB Meson Decays}

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    We explore the possibility that the existing data on like-sign dileptons at the Υ(4S)\Upsilon (4S) resonance consist of events arising from Bd0Bˉd0B_{d}^0 -\bar B_{d}^0 mixing and also from ΔB=ΔQ\Delta B = - \Delta Q transitions. The consequences of these nonstandard transitions for certain time-asymmetries which are likely to be measured at the BB factories are studied.Comment: {\LARGE \bf 10 pages, no figures, process using latex, TIFR/TH/93-5

    Quantum-Chromodynamic Potential Model for Light-Heavy Quarkonia and the Heavy Quark Effective Theory

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    We have investigated the spectra of light-heavy quarkonia with the use of a quantum-chromodynamic potential model which is similar to that used earlier for the heavy quarkonia. An essential feature of our treatment is the inclusion of the one-loop radiative corrections to the quark-antiquark potential, which contribute significantly to the spin-splittings among the quarkonium energy levels. Unlike ccˉc\bar{c} and bbˉb\bar{b}, the potential for a light-heavy system has a complicated dependence on the light and heavy quark masses mm and MM, and it contains a spin-orbit mixing term. We have obtained excellent results for the observed energy levels of D0D^0, DsD_s, B0B^0, and BsB_s, and we are able to provide predicted results for many unobserved energy levels. Our potential parameters for different quarkonia satisfy the constraints of quantum chromodynamics. We have also used our investigation to test the accuracy of the heavy quark effective theory. We find that the heavy quark expansion yields generally good results for the B0B^0 and BsB_s energy levels provided that M1M^{-1} and M1lnMM^{-1}\ln M corrections are taken into account in the quark-antiquark interactions. It does not, however, provide equally good results for the energy levels of D0D^0 and DsD_s, which indicates that the effective theory can be applied more accurately to the bb quark than the cc quark.Comment: 17 pages of LaTeX. To appear in Physical Review D. Complete PostScript file is available via WWW at http://gluon.physics.wayne.edu/wsuhep/jim/heavy.p