1,701 research outputs found

    Evolution of O Abundance Relative to Fe

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    We present a three-component mixing model for the evolution of O abundance relative to Fe, taking into account the contributions of the first very massive (> 100 solar masses) stars formed from Big Bang debris. We show that the observations of O and Fe abundances in metal-poor stars in the Galaxy by Israelian et al. and Boesgaard et al. can be well represented both qualitatively and quantitatively by this model. Under the assumption of an initial Fe ([Fe/H] = -3) and O inventory due to the prompt production by the first very massive stars, the data at -3 < [Fe/H] < -1 are interpreted to result from the addition of O and Fe only from type II supernovae (SNII) to the prompt inventory. At [Fe/H] = -1, SNII still contribute O while both SNII and type Ia supernovae contribute Fe. During this later stage, (O/Fe) sharply drops off to an asymptotic value of 0.8(O/Fe)_sun. The value of (O/Fe) for the prompt inventory at [Fe/H] = -3 is found to be (O/Fe) = 20(O/Fe)_sun. This result suggests that protogalaxies with low ``metallicities'' should exhibit high values of (O/Fe). The C/O ratio produced by the first very massive stars is expected to be much less than 1 so that all the C should be tied up as CO and that C dust and hydrocarbon compounds should be quite rare at epochs corresponding to [Fe/H] < -3.Comment: 25 pages, 8 postscript figures, to appear in Ap

    A Model for Abundances in Metal-Poor Stars

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    It is argued that the abundances of r-process related elements in stars with -3<[Fe/H]<-1 can be explained by the contributions of three sources. The sources are: the first generations of very massive (>100 solar masses) stars that are formed from Big Bang debris and are distinct from SNII, and two types of SNII, the H and L events, which can occur only at [Fe/H]>-3. The H events are of high frequency and produce dominantly heavy (A>130) r-elements but no Fe (presumably leaving behind black holes). The L events are of low frequency and produce Fe and dominantly light (A<130) r-elements (essentially none above Ba). By using the observed abundances in two ultra-metal-poor stars and the solar r-abundances, the initial or prompt inventory of elements produced by the first generations of very massive stars and the yields of H and L events can be determined. The abundances of a large number of elements in a star can then be calculated from the model by using only the observed Eu and Fe abundances. To match the model results and the observational data for stars with -3<[Fe/H]<-1 requires that the solar r-abundances for Sr, Y, Zr, and Ba must be significantly increased from the standard values. Whether the solar r-components of these elements used here to obtain a fit to the stellar data can be reconciled with those obtained from solar abundances by subtracting the s-components calculated from models is not clear.Comment: 47 pages, 19 figures, to appear in Ap

    Prompt Iron Enrichment, Two r-Process Components, and Abundances in Very Metal-Poor Stars

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    We present a model to explain the wide range of abundances for heavy r-process elements (mass number A > 130) at low [Fe/H]. This model requires rapid star formation and/or an initial population of supermassive stars in the earliest condensed clots of matter to provide a prompt or initial Fe inventory. Subsequent Fe and r-process enrichment was provided by two types of supernovae: one producing heavy r-elements with no Fe on a rather short timescale and the other producing light r-elements (A < or = 130) with Fe on a much longer timescale.Comment: 5 pages, 2 postscript figures, to appear in ApJ

    Langevin Analysis of Eternal Inflation

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    It has been widely claimed that inflation is generically eternal to the future, even in models where the inflaton potential monotonically increases away from its minimum. The idea is that quantum fluctuations allow the field to jump uphill, thereby continually revitalizing the inflationary process in some regions. In this paper we investigate a simple model of this process, pertaining to inflation with a quartic potential, in which analytic progress may be made. We calculate several quantities of interest, such as the expected number of inflationary efolds, first without and then with various selection effects. With no additional weighting, the stochastic noise has little impact on the total number of inflationary efoldings even if the inflaton starts with a Planckian energy density. A "rolling" volume factor, i.e. weighting in proportion to the volume at that time, also leads to a monotonically decreasing Hubble constant and hence no eternal inflation. We show how stronger selection effects including a constraint on the initial and final states and weighting with the final volume factor can lead to a picture similar to that usually associated with eternal inflation.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figure

    Detailed abundances of a large sample of giant stars in M 54 and in the Sagittarius nucleus

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    Homogeneous abundances of light elements, alpha and Fe-group elements from high-resolution FLAMES spectra are presented for 76 red giant stars in M54, a massive globular cluster (GC) lying in the nucleus of the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy. We also derived detailed abundances for 27 red giants belonging to the Sgr nucleus. Our abundances assess the intrinsic metallicity dispersion (~0.19 dex, rms scatter) of M54, with the bulk of stars peaking at [Fe/H]~-1.6 and a long tail extending to higher metallicities, similar to omega Cen. The spread in these probable nuclear star clusters exceeds those of most GCs: these massive clusters are located in a region intermediate between normal GCs and dwarf galaxies. M54 shows the Na-O anticorrelation, typical signature of GCs, which is instead absent in the Sgr nucleus. The light elements (Mg, Al, Si) participating to the high temperature Mg-Al cycle show that the pattern of (anti)correlations produced by proton-capture reactions in H-burning is clearly different between the most metal-rich and most metal-poor components in the two most massive GCs in the Galaxy, confirming early result based on the Na-O anticorrelation. As in omega Cen, stars affected by most extreme processing, i.e. showing the signature of more massive polluters, are those of the metal-rich component. This can be understood if the burst of star formation giving birth to the metal-rich component was delayed by as much as 10-30 Myr with respect to the metal-poor one. The evolution of these massive GCs can be reconciled in the general scenario for the formation of GCs sketched in Carretta et al.(2010a) taking into account that omega Cen could have already incorporated the surrounding nucleus of its progenitor and lost the rest of the hosting galaxy while the two are still observable as distinct components in M54 and the surrounding field.Comment: 22 pages (3 pages of appendix), 25 figures. Tables 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7 are only available in electronic form at the CDS Accepted for publication on Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Supernovae versus Neutron Star Mergers as the Major r-Process Sources

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    I show that recent observations of r-process abundances in metal-poor stars are difficult to explain if neutron star mergers (NSMs) are the major r-process sources. In contrast, such observations and meteoritic data on Hf182 and I129 in the early solar system support a self-consistent picture of r-process enrichment by supernovae (SNe). While further theoretical studies of r-process production and enrichment are needed for both SNe and NSMs, I emphasize two possible direct observational tests of the SN r-process model: gamma rays from decay of r-process nuclei in SN remnants and surface contamination of the companion by SN r-process ejecta in binaries.Comment: 5 pages, to appear in ApJ

    The normal chemistry of multiple stellar populations in the dense globular cluster NGC 6093 (M 80)

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    We present the abundance analysis of 82 red giant branch stars in the dense, metal-poor globular cluster NGC 6093 (M 80), the largest sample of stars analyzed in this way for this cluster. From high resolution UVES spectra of 14 stars and intermediate resolution GIRAFFE spectra for the other stars we derived abundances of O, Na, Mg, Al, Si, Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Y, Zr, Ba, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu. On our UVES metallicity scale the mean metal abundance of M 80 is [Fe/H]=-1.791+/-0.006+/-0.076 (+/-statistical +/-systematic error) with rms=0.023 (14 stars). M 80 shows star to star variations in proton-capture elements, and the extension of the Na-O anticorrelation perfectly fit the relations with (i) total cluster mass, (ii) horizontal branch morphology, and (iii) cluster concentration previously found by our group. The chemistry of multiple stellar populations in M 80 does not look extreme. The cluster is also a typical representative of halo globular clusters for what concerns the pattern of alpha-capture and Fe-group elements. However we found that a significant contribution from the s-process is required to account for the distribution of neutron-capture elements. A minority of stars in M 80 seem to exhibit slightly enhanced abundances of s-process species, compatible with those observed in M 22 and NGC 1851, although further confirmation from larger samples is required.Comment: 18 pages, 21 figures, 10 tables; accepted for publication on Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Na-O Anticorrelation and HB. II. The Na-O anticorrelation in the globular cluster NGC 6752

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    We are studying the Na-O anticorrelation in several globular clusters of different Horizontal Branch (HB) morphology in order to derive a possible relation between (primordial) chemical inhomogeneities and morphological parameters of the cluster population. We used the multifiber spectrograph FLAMES on the ESO Very Large Telescope UT2 and derived atmospheric parameters and elemental abundances of Fe, O and Na for about 150 red giant stars in the Galactic globular cluster NGC 6752. The average metallicity we derive is [Fe/H]=-1.56, in agreement with other results from red giants, but lower than obtained for dwarfs or early subgiants. In NGC 6752 there is not much space for an intrinsic spread in metallicity: on average, the rms scatter in [Fe/H] is 0.037+/-0.003 dex, while the scatter expected on the basis of the major error sources is 0.039+/-0.003 dex. The distribution of stars along the Na-O anticorrelation is different to what was found in the first paper of this series for the globular cluster NGC 2808: in NGC 6752 it is skewed toward more Na-poor stars, and it resembles more the one in M 13. Detailed modeling is required to clarify whether this difference may explain the very different distributions of stars along the HB.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures; tables 2,3,5 available at CDS. Accepted for publication on A&

    The Na-O anticorrelation in horizontal branch stars. III. 47 Tuc and M 5

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    To check the impact of the multiple population scenario for globular clusters on their HB, we present an analysis of the composition of 110 red HB (RHB) stars in 47 Tucanae and of 61 blue HB (BHB) and 30 RHB stars in M5. In 47 Tuc we found tight relations between the colours of the stars and their abundances of p-capture elements. This strongly supports the idea that the He content - which is expected to be closely correlated with the abundances of p-capture elements - is the third parameter (after overall metallicity and age) that determines the colour of HB stars. However, the range in He abundance must be small (Delta Y<0.03) in 47 Tuc to reproduce our observations; this agrees with previous analyses. There is possibly a correlation between the abundances of p- and n-capture elements in 47 Tuc. If confirmed, this might suggest that AGB stars of moderate mass contributed to the gas from which second-generation stars formed. Considering the selection effects in our sample (which does not include stars warmer than 11000 K and RR Lyrae variables) is important to understand our results for M5. In this case, we find that, as expected, RHB stars are Na-poor and O-rich, and likely belong to the primordial population. There is a clear correlation of the [Na/O] ratio and N abundance with colour along the BHB. A derivation of the He abundance for these stars yields a low value of Y=0.22\pm 0.03. This is expected because HB stars of a putative He-rich population in this cluster should be warmer than 11000 K, and would accordingly not have been sampled by our analysis. However, we need some additional source of scatter in the total mass loss of stars climbing up the RGB to reproduce our results for M5. Finally, we found a C-star on the HB of 47 Tuc and a Ba-rich, fast-rotating, likely binary star on the HB of M5. These stars are among the brightest and coolest HB stars.Comment: Accepted on Astronomy and Astrophysics. 16 pages, 19 figure

    Determination of Nucleosynthetic Yields of Supernovae and Very Massive Stars from Abundances in Metal-Poor Stars

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    (Abridged) We determine the yields of Na to Ni for Type II supernovae (SNe II) and the yield patterns of the same elements for Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) and very massive (>100 M_sun) stars (VMS) using a phenomenological model of stellar nucleosynthesis and the data on a number of stars with -4<[Fe/H]<-3, a single star with [Fe/H]=-2.04, and the sun. We consider that there are two distinct kinds of SNe II: the high-frequency SNe II(H) and the low-frequency SNe II(L). We also consider that VMS were the dominant first-generation stars formed from big bang debris. The yield patterns of Na to Ni for SNe II(H), II(L), and Ia and VMS appear to be well defined. It is found that SNe II(H) produce almost none of these elements, that SNe II(L) can account for the entire solar inventory of Na, Mg, Si, Ca, Ti, and V, and that compared with SNe II(L), VMS underproduce Na, Al, V, Cr, and Mn, overproduce Co, but otherwise have an almost identical yield pattern. A comparison is made between the yield patterns determined here from the observational data and those from ab initio models of nucleosynthesis in SNe II and VMS. The evolution of the other elements relative to Fe is shown to involve three distinct stages, the earliest of which is directly related to the problems of early aggregation and dispersion of baryonic matter. It is argued that the VMS contributions should represent the typical composition of dispersed baryonic matter in the universe.Comment: 33 pages, 14 postscript figures, to appear in Ap
