432 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Lindi Sampah Perkotaan Terhadap Kandungan Kimia Lempung Yang Dipadatkan Pada Kadar Air Yang Berbeda

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    This research focused on the effect of leachate from municipal waste disposal are (WDA) on the chemical constituents of the clay liner with varies water content. In this research, leachate was taken from Sukolilo WDA and clay for clay liner was taken from Karang Pilang, Surabaya. Clay was compacted with modified Proctor tests. From each of them, samples were prepared at different water content, those are; at optimum water content (wc opt), at wcwcopt. Falling head test using 0,005N CaSO4 was carried out. The k value was determined when the hydraulic conductivity was constant. Afterwards, the liquid was replaced with the leachate. Chemical constituents of clay liner were obserbed before and after test. The results show that most of the chemical constituents of clay liner, which permeated by leachate, increase corresponding to the dominant constituent of the leachate. This change is influenced by water content of the clay liner

    Analisis Perbandingan antara Desain Ulang Electric Submersible Pump dan Penggunaan Metode Gas Lift pada Sumur Beta-20 Lapangan Delta

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    Seiring dengan meningkatnya waktu produksi sumur, kemampuan sumur untukmemproduksikan fluida reservoir juga akan berkurang yang disebabkan oleh menurunnya tekananreservoir sumur tersebut. Salah satu solusi untuk mempertahankan atau meningkatkan produksiadalah dengan penggunaan teknik pengangkatan buatan.Efisiensi dan keekonomian daripengangkatan buatan adalah faktor yang sangat penting, Untuk mengetahui faktor itu, analisisperbandingan diterapkan pada dua jenis metode pengangkatan buatan yaitu ESP dan Gas Lift.SumurBeta-20 pada Lapangan Delta dipilih sebagai objek analisis. Saat ini sumur tersebut berproduksidengan menggunakan ESP. Dengan meninjau potensi gas yang mamadai dan tersedianya stasiunkompresor gas pada Lapangan Delta, Gas lift dipilih sebagai pembanding.Berdasarkan hasil desain,penerapan Gas Lift dirasa kurang tepat, mengingat bahwa tidak ada peningkatan laju produksi.Sedangkan existing ESP saat ini mengalami downthrust, jadi skenario yang dipilih yaitu denganmengganti existing ESP tipe REDA DN1750 60Hz 124 stage menjadi ESP tipe REDA D1150N 60Hz115 stage dengan optimum operating range yang lebih kecil sehingga titik kerja pompa tersebutberada pada titik efisiensi sebesar 59,5% yang mana mendekati titik maksimal efisiensi sebesar60%. Kemudian dapat dihitung harga lifting cost untuk masing-masing pompa sebagai perbandingan

    Pengaruh Kadar Air Dan Enerji Pemadatan Terhadap Hydraulic Conductivity Lempung Yang Dipadatkan

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    This research will observe the effect of water content and compaction effort to the hydraulic conductivity of Karang Pilang Surabaya Clay used for clay liner of municipal waste disposal area.In this research, clay was taken from Karang Pilang, Surabaya. Clay was compacted with Standard Proctor and Modified Proctor Tests. From each of them,five sample were prepared at different water content (wc apt),2 (two) at wc<wc apt (wet side). In order to obtain the hydraulic conductivity (k) of the clay liner, falling head test using 0.005 N CaSO4 was carried out.The result showed that hydraulic conductivity of compacted clays with the increasw of water content until ± 4 % over wopt. The hydraulic conductivity of compacted at wit side is lower than the clay compacted at dry side. The increase of compaction effort increasing density of clay results in the increase of hydraulic condctivity significantly. For different clays, higher density does not assurance lower hydraulic conductivity, the hydraulic conductivity is also influenced by plasticity of clays

    Esai Tentang Dampak Media Sosial terhadap Perkembangan Psikologis Siswa Karya Siswa SMA Unggulan Sekota Denpasar (Kajian Analisis Wacana Kritis)

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    This research aimed at analyzing macro structure, super structure and micro structure used by the students to deliver their ideas in the form of essay about the effect of social media on students' psychological development. The findings found were, firstly, the macro structure found on the essay about the effect of social media on students' psychological development was categorized by three classification, such as: (1) the theme used which expressed the students' positive point of view upon the social networking, (2) the theme used which expressed the students' negative point of view upon the social networking, and (3) the theme used which expressed the students' neutral point of view upon the social networking. Secondly, the super structure found on the essay about the implication of social media on students' psychological development was alike. Thirdly, the micro structure found on the essay about the effect of social media on students' psychological development was constructed from variety of semantic aspects, syntax aspects, stylistics aspects, and rhetoric aspects depended on students' characteristics. Key terms: discourse, critical discourse analysis, essa

    Struktur Dan Distribusi Pendapatan Di Pedesaan Sumatera Barat

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    Membicarakan masalah kemiskinan, baik langsung maupun tidak langsung, berarti membicarakan distribusi pendapatan. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui struktur dan distribusi pendapatan dikaitkan dengan luas pemilikan sawah di pedesaan Sumatera Barat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pendapatan dari sektor pertanian masih merupakan sumber pendapatan utama rumahtangga. Pendapatan rumahtangga pada daerah-daerah yang dominan menanam padi lebih rendah daripada daerah yang dominan sayuran atau tanaman keras. Luas pemilikan sawah mempengaruhi besar pendapatan dari sektor pertanian dan ada kecenderungan semakin luas pemilikan sawah pendapatan dari USAhatani juga semakin besar. Secara umum, daerah yang pendapatannya tertumpu pada lahan sawah terdapat ketimpangan pemilikan sawah diikuti oleh ketimpangan pendapatan
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