353 research outputs found

    Effects of Aqueous White Grubs Extract on Some Markers of Liver Injury in Guinea Pigs

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    The effects of aqueous white grubs extract on some markers of liver injury was studied in guinea pigs with CCl4-induced liver damage. Serum levels of aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine amino transferase (ALT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), cholesterol and triglyceride were analysed in guinea pigs after subcutaneous administration of 100mg/kg CCl4 followed by oral treatment with 0.834g/kg of white grub extract in order to asses the curative effect of the extract against liver damage. Guinea pigs treated with 0.834g/kg extract for 48 hours following subcutaneous injection of 100mg/kgCCl4 had serum AST, ALT and ALP levels not statistically different compared to normal control (at p>0.05) but decreased significantly compared to toxicity control (p>0.05). The serum levels of cholesterol and triglyceride in the test showed no statistical difference (at P>0.05) compared to normal control. However, comparing the test values with toxicity control shows a significant increase in both cholesterol and triglyceride levels (at P<0.05). The serum levels of AST, ALT, ALP, cholesterol and triglyceride when the treatment was extended to 96 hours also showed no statistical difference compared to normal control (at P>0.05). However, there was a significant decrease in serum AST, ALT and ALP while serum cholesterol and triglyceride were significantly increased compared to toxicity control (at P<0.05). This result clearly indicates aqueous that white grubs’ aqueous extract possess hepatoprotective property against CCl4 induced liver damaged in guinea pigs

    Relationship between physicochemical parameters and zooplanktons in Karidna reservoir, Kaduna state

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    The study was conducted for a period of one year between October 2013 and September 2014 with the aim to establish the relationship between physicochemical parameters and zooplanktons in Karidna Reservoir. Five sampling stations were chosen; the physicochemical and biological parameters were determined using standard methods, procedures and instruments. The results obtained for the physico-chemical parameters indicated thatpH (6.19-8.63),Temperature (25.94-31.54oC), Electrical Conductivity (38.20-64.20µS/cm), Total Dissolved Solids (19.20-37.20 mg/l), Transparency (19.40-40.10 cm) Dissolved Oxygen (2.40-6.81mg/L), Hardness ( 3.48-174.4mg/L) Calcium (2.14-3.86mg/L),Biological Oxygen Demand (2.91-40.85mg/L), Chloride (2.28-3.58mg/L) Phosphate-phosphorus (0.04-0.24mg/L), Nitrate- Nitrogen (0.14-0.30mg/L), Sulphate (0.06-0.21mg/L) Alkalinity (2.51-5.04mg/l). Po4-, NO3-,SO4-,EC,TDS,Transparency,D.O and B.O.D were highly significant at (P<0.01) between the seasons while non-significant differences were observed in Cl, Hardness, Alkalinity, Temperature and pH. It was only Calcium that was significant at (P>0.01).Zooplankton samples were collected with silk plankton net of 25cm diameter of 70µm meshes attached with a bottle of 50ml capacity at the base and collection of samples of zooplanktons through vertical hauling.Five different groups of zooplankton were identified in this study where Rotifera group represented as the most dominant group securing seven genus .Almost all groups of zooplankton were found at a higher number in the wet season whereas dry season represented the lowest number of them. Zooplanktons of all groups were positively correlated with calcium and pH. Effective monitoring of the parameters of the reservoir and regulation of domestic activities in and around the reservoir are recommended in order to slow down the aging process and conserve its biodiversity for a longer period. Keywords: Zooplanktons, Karidna Reservoir, Physicochemical Parameters, Plankton net, Hanan Instrumen

    Proximate composition and mineral analysis of Brysocarpus coccineus grass

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    The proximate and some mineral compositions of Brysocarpus Coccineus in Nigeria were investigated. The grass was found contain 7.56 ± 0.06% moisture, 15.30 ± 0.22% Ash, 7.30 ± 0.26% crude lipid, 4.62 ± 0.11% crude fibre, 3.35 ± 0.22% crude protein, and 61.220 ± 0.90% was determined using standard methods. The mineral content showed 0.06 ± 0.02mg/100g calcium and 0.16 ± 0.08mg/100g magnesium using EDTA titration and 9.28 ± 0.26mg/100g sodium using flame photometer. The results indicated that Brysocarpus Cocccineus is not rich in crude protein, but found to be rich in carbohydrate and total ash content. The higher amount of total ash suggests a high value mineral composition comprising calcium, sodium and magnesium as the main elements. The present study inferred that Brysocarpus Coccineus would not serve as source of protein but a good source of energy.Keywords: Brysocarpus Coccineus, Grass, Mineral analysis, Proximat

    Proximate and Mineral Analyses of White Grubs (Phyllophyga specie)

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    White grubs (Phyllophyga specie) were obtained from Tambuwal local government area in Sokoto state Nigeria. The powdered sample of head and the body were used for the proximate composition showed that the value of ash and protein content was higher in the body 30.33±0.76% and 26.34±0.32% than in the head 21,17±1.04% and 25.23±0.81%  respectively, while the lipid, carbohydrate, moisture and fibre content were 18.33±1.26%, 22.78±1.54%, 8.20±1.26% and 4.33±0.81% respectively, were higher in the head compared to the body with 17.67±0.03% for Lipid, 16.76±2.46% for Carbohydrate, 6.67±1.26% for Moisture, 3.00±1.00% for Fibre. Minerals analysis revealed slight high values for sodium in the head (486.67±5.77mg/100g) compared with the body (485.00±8.66mg/100g). Similarly high values was recorded for potassium but much higher in the body (406.67±5.77mg/100g) compared with 388.33±7.64mg/100g in the head. Magnesium content in the body (0.17±0.00mg/100g) appeared higher than (0.14±0.01mg/100g) in the body. The analysis revealed thatconsumption of white grubs is useful diet supplements recommended for families. Keywords: Body, Head, Mineral, Proximate Analysis, White Grub

    Weed Control Efficiency of Management Practices of Lowland Paddy Production in Sudan Savanna Ecology

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    Two concurrent experiments were conducted during the wet season of 2012 and 2013 at research farms of the Irrigation Research Stations of Institute for Agricultural Research (I.A.R), Ahmadu Bello University, Talata Mafara (12o 34’ N; 06o 04’E) and Kadawa (11o39`N; 08o02’E ) in the Sudan Savanna ecological zone of Nigeria to assess the efficiency of rice production practices in controlling weeds in rice. The treatment consisted of four (4) weed management practice (Oxadiazon at 1.0 kg a.i ha-1 [pre-emergence], orizo-plus [propanil 360 g/l + 2,4-D 200 g/l] at 2.8 kg a.i ha-1 [post emergence at 3 WAS], manual weeding [at 3 and 6 WAS] and weedy check [control]); three (3) each of seeding method (Drilling, Dibbling and Broadcast) and seed rate (40 kg ha-1; 70 kg ha-1; 100 kg ha-1). The experiment was laid in a split plot design replicated three times. Weed management practice was assigned to the main plots while the combination of seeding method and seed rate to the subplots. The result indicated that weedy check was consistent in recording the highest weed growth in terms of weed dry weight and weed cover score. Manual weeding at 3 and 6 WAS was significantly more efficient in controlling the weeds followed by oxadiazon at 1.0 kg a.i ha-1 then orizoplus at 2.8 kg a.i ha-1. Broadcast method of seeding recorded significantly lower values for weed control efficiency and weed growth when compared with drilling and dibbling seeding methods at both locations and years of study. A higher than 40 kg ha-1seed  rate increased weed suppression by decreasing weed dry weight indicating better weed suppression. Keywords: Weed control efficiency, weed dry weight, lowland padd

    Optimal Control Strategies and Cost Effectiveness Analysis of a Malaria Transmission Model

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    In this paper, a non-linear model with three control parameters for household of malaria has been study. The disease free equilibrium is obtained and the basic reproduction number is computed using the next generation matrix. We carry out cost evaluation of the model to optimize the cost of the intervention in the objective functional using Pontryagins’s Maximum Principle (PMP). We apply the optimal control strategy to investigate and analyze the optimal cost for controlling the transmission of malaria using treated bednets, treatment and indoor residual spray as parameters. Numerical simulation has been carry out using Runge-Kutta of order four to calculate the incremental cost effectiveness ratio () for the implementation of various combinations of the parameters to determine the most cost effective strategy that check the spread of the disease. Our findings show that the most cost-effective strategy to check the spread of malaria is strategy F (the combination of treatment of infected individuals and indoor residual spray parameters). Keywords: Optimal Control, Malaria Transmission, Cost-Effectiveness, Treated Bednets, Treatment, Indoor Spra

    Proximate and mineral composition of Jatropha curcas leaves

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    The proximate and mineral composition of jatropha curcas leaves were evaluated in dry sample to determine the Ash, carbohydrate, crude lipid, crude fiber, crude protein and mineral contents using standard method and atomic absorption spectrophotometry method. The result showed that jatropha curcas leaves contained (12.0±1.00%) Ash, (61.94±5.56%) carbohydrate, (7.00±0.43%) Fat, (16.5±0.1%) fibre, (2.56±0.23%) protein, (4.33±0.28%) moisture in dry sample respectively. The result also revealed that the concentration of potassium is (18.60±1.19mg/100g) sodium (11.50±0.39mg/ 100g), magnesium (58.17 ± 2.04mg/100g), cupper (4.23±0.12mg/ 100g), iron (2.85±0.04mg/100g) and calcium (93.42±0.48mg/100g) respectively which are the major minerals present in the sample. This indicated that Jatropha curcas leaves could serve as an alternative source of food for animal and human after quality processing.Keywords: Carbohydrate, Crude Protein, Jatropha curcas leaves, Mineral, Moisture Analysi

    Extraction and Formulation of Perfume from Locally Available Lemon Grass Leaves

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    The availability of wild plants and their use as economically efficient sources of food for man and animals is obvious. In most parts of Nigeria, plant materials whose edible use is not established are regarded as waste materials. Available materials like lemon grass leaves that contain  essential oils can be utilized in the production of perfumes that can mask body odours. Lemon grass extracts obtained using soxhlet extraction andsolvent extraction (maceration) were utilized in the formulation of perfume using methanol and ethanol as solvent media. An oil yield of 4.5% and 3.8% were obtained for solvent extraction and soxhlet extraction methods respectively. Physicochemical properties of the two formulations revealed that the essential oil has saponification value of 21.04mgKOH/g and the densities of the two formulations in methanol and ethanol were 0.768gcm-3 and 0.82gcm-3 at 60oc while the boiling point for both formulations was 85o. The essential oil can be profitably used for cosmetic grade and perfume formulations.Keywords: Essential oil, Extraction, Perfume, Physicochemical Parameter

    Patterns of Street-Begging, Support Services and Vocational Aspirations of People Living With Disabilities in Ilorin, Nigeria

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    This study investigated patterns of street-begging, support services and vocational aspirations of people living with disabilities in Ilorin, Nigeria. The research design adopted for this study was descriptive survey design. Purposive random and stratified sampling techniques were used in selecting street-beggars living with disabilities. The target population of this study was all street beggars living with disabilities in Ilorin, Nigeria. A total 131 male and female street-beggars including both young and old who are blind, hearing impaired (deaf), crippled, intellectually disabled, emotionally disabled etc were randomly selected from Ilorin, Nigeria. The results revealed that the street-begging among people living with disabilities occurred mostly at the entrance of stores, super markets and petrol stations, while the support services were derived from the family, and friends. It was recommended among others that in order to eradicate the incidence of street-begging in Nigeria, rehabilitation and vocational training centers should be established across 774 Local Governments Areas in Nigeria. It was also recommended among others, that street-begging should be banned in Nigeria

    Detection of Newcastle Disease antibodies amongst local chicken slaughtered in live bird markets in Kaduna, Nigeria

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    Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV) constitutes a major constraint to the poultry production system in Nigeria. This study was carried out to investigate the seroprevalence of NDV antibodies in local chickens (Gallus domesticus) slaughtered in five different live bird markets (LBMs) in Kaduna metropolis, Nigeria. Three hundred blood samples were collected and screened for antibodies against NDV using Haemagglutination Inhibition (HI). An overall seroprevalence rate of 23% (95%:CI18.5-28.0) was recorded in this study. Seroprevalence based on different LBMs revealed a higher prevalence of 28.3% (95% : Cl 18.0-40.7) in Sabo market, followed by Sokoto road market 26.7% (Cl:16.7-38.9), Kawo market 18.3% (95% Cl: 10.0-29.6), Railway market 13.3% (Cl:6.4-23.5), and the lowest prevalence was recorded in central market 11.7% (Cl:5.2-21.7). The difference in seroprevalence among the LBMs was not statistically significant (p > 0.05). Higher seroprevalence of NDV antibodies in female birds 30.5 % (Cl: 24.1-37.6) was recorded compared to male 13.9% (Cl: 8.3-21.4). The study indicated that NDV is endemic in the population. LBMs location had no significant influence on the seroprevalence of NDV in the study area. The difference in seroprevalence between sexes was statistically significant (p < 0.05). Therefore, this study demonstrated the need for a regular strategic vaccination programme against NDV in local chickens in Kaduna metropolis
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