270 research outputs found

    Refractive Development in the “ROP Rat”

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    Although retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is clinically characterized by abnormal retinal vessels at the posterior pole of the eye, it is also commonly characterized by vascular abnormalities in the anterior segment, visual dysfunction which is based in retinal dysfunction, and, most commonly of all, arrested eye growth and high refractive error, particularly (and paradoxically) myopia. The oxygen-induced retinopathy rat model of ROP presents neurovascular outcomes similar to the human disease, although it is not yet known if the “ROP rat” also models the small-eyed myopia characteristic of ROP. In this study, magnetic resonance images (MRIs) of albino (Sprague-Dawley) and pigmented (Long-Evans) ROP rat eyes, and age- and strain-matched room-air-reared (RAR) controls, were examined. The positions and curvatures of the various optical media were measured and the refractive state (℞) of each eye estimated based on a previously published model. Even in adulthood (postnatal day 50), Sprague-Dawley and Long-Evans ROP rats were significantly myopic compared to strain-matched controls. The myopia in the Long-Evans ROP rats was more severe than in the Sprague-Dawley ROP rats, which also had significantly shorter axial lengths. These data reveal the ROP rat to be a novel and potentially informative approach to investigating physiological mechanisms in myopia in general and the myopia peculiar to ROP in particular

    Subcellular fractionation method to study endosomal trafficking of Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus

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    Background Virus entry involves multiple steps and is a highly orchestrated process on which successful infection collectively depends. Entry processes are commonly analyzed by monitoring internalized virus particles via Western blotting, polymerase chain reaction, and imaging techniques that allow scientist to track the intracellular location of the pathogen. Such studies have provided abundant direct evidence on how viruses interact with receptor molecules on the cell surface, induce cell signaling at the point of initial contact with the cell to facilitate internalization, and exploit existing endocytic mechanisms of the cell for their ultimate infectious agenda. However, there is dearth of knowledge in regards to trafficking of a virus via endosomes. Herein, we describe an optimized laboratory procedure to isolate individual organelles during different stages of endocytosis by performing subcellular fractionation. This methodology is established using Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) infection of human foreskin fibroblast (HFF) cells as a model. With KSHV and other herpesviruses alike, envelope glycoproteins have been widely reported to physically engage target cell surface receptors, such as integrins, in interactions leading to entry and subsequent infection. Results Subcellular fractionation was used to isolate early and late endosomes (EEs and LEs) by performing a series of centrifugations steps. Specifically, a centrifugation step post-homogenization was utilized to obtain the post-nuclear supernatant containing intact intracellular organelles in suspension. Successive fractionation via sucrose density gradient centrifugation was performed to isolate specific organelles including EEs and LEs. Intracellular KSHV trafficking was directly traced in the isolated endosomal fractions. Additionally, the subcellular fractionation approach demonstrates a key role for integrins in the endosomal trafficking of KSHV. The results obtained from fractionation studies corroborated those obtained by traditional imaging studies. Conclusions This study is the first of its kind to employ a sucrose flotation gradient assay to map intracellular KSHV trafficking in HFF cells. We are confident that such an approach will serve as a powerful tool to directly study intracellular trafficking of a virus, signaling events occurring on endosomal membranes, and dynamics of molecular events within endosomes that are crucial for uncoating and virus escape into the cytosol

    WiCV@CVPR2023: The Eleventh Women In Computer Vision Workshop at the Annual CVPR Conference

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    In this paper, we present the details of Women in Computer Vision Workshop - WiCV 2023, organized alongside the hybrid CVPR 2023 in Vancouver, Canada. WiCV aims to amplify the voices of underrepresented women in the computer vision community, fostering increased visibility in both academia and industry. We believe that such events play a vital role in addressing gender imbalances within the field. The annual WiCV@CVPR workshop offers a) opportunity for collaboration between researchers from minority groups, b) mentorship for female junior researchers, c) financial support to presenters to alleviate finanacial burdens and d) a diverse array of role models who can inspire younger researchers at the outset of their careers. In this paper, we present a comprehensive report on the workshop program, historical trends from the past WiCV@CVPR events, and a summary of statistics related to presenters, attendees, and sponsorship for the WiCV 2023 workshop

    Point Prevalence Surveys of Antimicrobial Use among Hospitalized Children in Six Hospitals in India in 2016.

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    The prevalence of antimicrobial resistance in India is among the highest in the world. Antimicrobial use in inpatient settings is an important driver of resistance, but is poorly characterized, particularly in hospitalized children. In this study, conducted as part of the Global Antimicrobial Resistance, Prescribing, and Efficacy in Neonates and Children (GARPEC) project, we examined the prevalence of and indications of antimicrobial use, as well as antimicrobial agents used among hospitalized children by conducting four point prevalence surveys in six hospitals between February 2016 and February 2017. A total of 681 children were hospitalized in six hospitals across all survey days, and 419 (61.5%) were prescribed one or more antimicrobials (antibacterials, antivirals, antifungals). Antibacterial agents accounted for 90.8% (547/602) of the total antimicrobial prescriptions, of which third-generation cephalosporins (3GCs) accounted for 38.9% (213/547) and penicillin plus enzyme inhibitor combinations accounted for 14.4% (79/547). Lower respiratory tract infection (LRTI) was the most common indication for prescribing antimicrobials (149 prescriptions; 24.8%). Although national guidelines recommend the use of penicillin and combinations as first-line agents for LRTI, 3GCs were the most commonly prescribed antibacterial agents (55/149 LRTI prescriptions; 36.9%). In conclusion, 61.5% of hospitalized children were on at least one antimicrobial agent, with excessive use of 3GCs. Hence there is an opportunity to limit their inappropriate use

    Effects of the Mutant TP53 Reactivator APR-246 on Therapeutic Sensitivity of Pancreatic Cancer Cells in the Presence and Absence of WT-TP53

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    The TP53 tumor suppressor is mutated in ~75% of pancreatic cancers. The mutant TP53 protein in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomas (PDAC) promotes tumor growth and metastasis. Attempts have been made to develop molecules that restore at least some of the properties of wildtype (WT) TP53. APR-246 is one such molecule, and it is referred to as a mutant TP53 reactivator. To understand the potential of APR-246 to sensitize PDAC cells to chemotherapy, we introduced a vector encoding WT-TP53 into two PDAC cell lines, one lacking the expression of TP53 (PANC-28) and one with a gain-of-function (GOF) mutant TP53 (MIA-PaCa-2). APR-246 increased drug sensitivity in the cells containing either a WT or mutant TP53 protein with GOF activity, but not in cells that lacked TP53. The introduction of WT-T53 into PANC-28 cells increased their sensitivity to the TP53 reactivator, chemotherapeutic drugs, and signal transduction inhibitors. The addition of WT-TP53 to PDAC cells with GOF TP53 also increased their sensitivity to the drugs and therapeutics, indicating that APR-246 could function in cells with WT-TP53 and GOF TP53. These results highlight the importance of knowledge of the type of TP53 mutation that is present in cancer patients before the administration of drugs which function through the reactivation of TP53

    Constraints on supersymmetry with light third family from LHC data

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    We present a re-interpretation of the recent ATLAS limits on supersymmetry in channels with jets (with and without b-tags) and missing energy, in the context of light third family squarks, while the first two squark families are inaccessible at the 7 TeV run of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). In contrast to interpretations in terms of the high-scale based constrained minimal supersymmetric standard model (CMSSM), we primarily use the low-scale parametrisation of the phenomenological MSSM (pMSSM), and translate the limits in terms of physical masses of the third family squarks. Side by side, we also investigate the limits in terms of high-scale scalar non-universality, both with and without low-mass sleptons. Our conclusion is that the limits based on 0-lepton channels are not altered by the mass-scale of sleptons, and can be considered more or less model-independent.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables. Version published in JHE