13,891 research outputs found

    Lower Bounds on Implementing Robust and Resilient Mediators

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    We consider games that have (k,t)-robust equilibria when played with a mediator, where an equilibrium is (k,t)-robust if it tolerates deviations by coalitions of size up to k and deviations by up to tt players with unknown utilities. We prove lower bounds that match upper bounds on the ability to implement such mediators using cheap talk (that is, just allowing communication among the players). The bounds depend on (a) the relationship between k, t, and n, the total number of players in the system; (b) whether players know the exact utilities of other players; (c) whether there are broadcast channels or just point-to-point channels; (d) whether cryptography is available; and (e) whether the game has a k+t)−punishmentstrategy;thatis,astrategythat,ifusedbyallbutatmostk+t)-punishment strategy; that is, a strategy that, if used by all but at most k+t$ players, guarantees that every player gets a worse outcome than they do with the equilibrium strategy

    Bistability in Feshbach Resonance

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    A coupled atom-molecule condensate with an intraspecies Feshbach resonance is employed to explore matter wave bistability both in the presence and in the absence of a unidirectional optical ring cavity. In particular, a set of conditions are derived that allow the threshold for bistability, due both to two-body s-wave scatterings and to cavity-mediated two-body interactions, to be determined analytically. The latter bistability is found to support, not only transitions between a mixed (atom-molecule) state and a pure molecular state as in the former bistability, but also transitions between two distinct mixed states.Comment: 6 pages + 3 figures; To appear in Jounal of Modern Optics, Special Issue - Festschrift in Honor of Lorenzo Narducc

    Gender in Engineering Departments: Are There Gender Differences in Interruptions of Academic Job Talks?

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    We use a case study of job talks in five engineering departments to analyze the under-studied area of gendered barriers to finalists for faculty positions. We focus on one segment of the interview day of short-listed candidates invited to campus: the “job talk”, when candidates present their original research to the academic department. We analyze video recordings of 119 job talks across five engineering departments at two Research 1 universities. Specifically, we analyze whether there are differences by gender or by years of post-Ph.D. experience in the number of interruptions, follow-up questions, and total questions that job candidates receive. We find that, compared to men, women receive more follow-up questions and more total questions. Moreover, a higher proportion of women’s talk time is taken up by the audience asking questions. Further, the number of questions is correlated with the job candidate’s statements and actions that reveal he or she is rushing to present their slides and complete the talk. We argue that women candidates face more interruptions and often have less time to bring their talk to a compelling conclusion, which is connected to the phenomenon of “stricter standards” of competence demanded by evaluators of short-listed women applying for a masculine-typed job. We conclude with policy recommendations

    Rank Maximal Matchings -- Structure and Algorithms

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    Let G = (A U P, E) be a bipartite graph where A denotes a set of agents, P denotes a set of posts and ranks on the edges denote preferences of the agents over posts. A matching M in G is rank-maximal if it matches the maximum number of applicants to their top-rank post, subject to this, the maximum number of applicants to their second rank post and so on. In this paper, we develop a switching graph characterization of rank-maximal matchings, which is a useful tool that encodes all rank-maximal matchings in an instance. The characterization leads to simple and efficient algorithms for several interesting problems. In particular, we give an efficient algorithm to compute the set of rank-maximal pairs in an instance. We show that the problem of counting the number of rank-maximal matchings is #P-Complete and also give an FPRAS for the problem. Finally, we consider the problem of deciding whether a rank-maximal matching is popular among all the rank-maximal matchings in a given instance, and give an efficient algorithm for the problem

    p-Type semiconducting properties in lithium-doped MgO single crystals

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    The phenomenally large enhancement in conductivity observed when Li-doped MgO crystals are oxidized at elevated temperatures was investigated by dc and ac electrical measurements in the temperature interval 250-673 K. The concentration of ([Li]^{0}) centers (Li^{+} ions each with a trapped hole) resulting from oxidation was monitored by optical absorption measurements. Both dc and ac experiments provide consistent values for the bulk resistance. The electricalconductivity of oxidized MgO:Li crystals increases linearly with the concentration of ([Li]^{0}) centers. The conductivity is thermally activated with an activation energy of (0.70 +/- 0.01) eV, which is independent of the ([Li]^{0}) content. The \textit{standard semiconducting} mechanism satisfactorily explains these results. Free holes are the main contribution to band conduction as they are trapped at or released from the ([Li]^{0})-acceptor centers. In as-grown MgO:Li crystals, electrical current increases dramatically with time due to the formation of ([Li]^{0}) centers. The activation energy values between 1.3 and 0.7 eV are likely a combination of the activation energy for the creation of ([Li]^{0}) centers and the activation energy of ionization of these centers. Destruction of ([Li]^{0}) centers can be induced in oxidized crystals by application of an electric field due to Joule heating up to temperatures at which ([Li]^{0}) centers are not stable.Comment: LaTeX, 20 pages, 9 Encapsulated Postscript Format Figures, use the version 4.0 of REVTEX 4 macro packag


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    Analyzing three dimensional protein structures is a very important task in molecular biology. Nowadays, the solution for protein structures often stems from the use of the state-of-the-art technologies such as nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy techniques or X-Ray crystallography etc. as seen in the increasing number of PD

    The Euler-Lagrange Cohomology and General Volume-Preserving Systems

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    We briefly introduce the conception on Euler-Lagrange cohomology groups on a symplectic manifold (M2n,ω)(\mathcal{M}^{2n}, \omega) and systematically present the general form of volume-preserving equations on the manifold from the cohomological point of view. It is shown that for every volume-preserving flow generated by these equations there is an important 2-form that plays the analog role with the Hamiltonian in the Hamilton mechanics. In addition, the ordinary canonical equations with Hamiltonian HH are included as a special case with the 2-form 1n−1Hω\frac{1}{n-1} H \omega. It is studied the other volume preserving systems on (M2n,ω)({\cal M}^{2n}, \omega). It is also explored the relations between our approach and Feng-Shang's volume-preserving systems as well as the Nambu mechanics.Comment: Plain LaTeX, use packages amssymb and amscd, 15 pages, no figure
