3,090 research outputs found

    Fibrewise Near Compact and Locally Near Compact Spaces

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    In this paper we define and study new concepts of fibrewise topological spaces over B namely, fibrewise near compact and fibrewise locally near compact spaces, which are generalizations of well-known concepts near compact and locally near compact topological spaces. Moreover, we study relationships between fibrewise near compact (resp., fibrewise locally near compact) spaces and some fibrewise near separation axioms. Keywords: Fibrewise topological spaces, Fibrewise near compact spaces, Fibrewise locally near compact spaces, Fibrewise near separation axioms. Math. Subject Classification 2010: Primary 55R70, 55P05, Secondary 54C05, 54C08, 54C10

    Effects of Seawater on Setting Time and Compressive Strength of Concretes with Different Richness

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    Water is one of the main constituents of concrete. Although many types of water exist, fresh water is the mostly used in concrete industry. Fresh water is expected to be in a great shortage by 2050 according to UN world water development report. Incorporating seawater in concrete mixture can help in the expected problem of scarcity of fresh water. Also, in many cases seawater may be the only available water especially in coastal regions. Many reports mention various possibilities of using seawater in concrete without detrimental effect on concrete properties. In this study another beneficial effect of seawater over tap water was concluded. Setting tests of cement paste mixed with seawater was determined using Vicat apparatus and compared to tap water. Compressive strength tests at the age of 28 days of Portland cement concretes with varied quantity of cement i.e. 300, 350, 400, 450, and 500 kg, and mixed with seawater was also performed and compared to tap water. The results show that seawater affects standard consistency of cement paste and two percent increase was required in order to attain the same consistency as tap water. It shows also seawater slightly accelerates initial setting of cement but the effect is not so pronounced so as to cause a trouble in concrete and final setting time almost remains unaltered. Compressive strength tests show an increase in concrete strength mixed with seawater for all tested mixtures and depending on quantity of cement. It also shows a beneficial effect of seawater on compressive strength of rich concrete with quantity of cement 450 and 500 kg over tap water. Doi: 10.28991/cej-2021-03091695 Full Text: PD


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    Rock slope stability is almost controlled by the behaviour of the interface between rock layers. The presence of shale layers between limestone layers complicates this behaviour. As the shale layer undergoes swelling with moisture, it causes the shear interface properties to change with a specific behaviour different from the dry state. The behaviour will depend on the shale’s degree of saturation, swelling percentage, and stress level over shale. An experimental program was carried out to determine the shear interface behaviour parameters of shale-limestone during swelling phenomena to guide stability checks. The interface cohesion and friction angle results are reported along the swelling process and compared with the dry state condition. These results help engineers assign adequate and accurate values for joint shear and normal stiffness in jointed rock slopes, including swelling layers.Stabilnost stijenskih kosina uglavnom je uvjetovana interakcijom kontaktne površine između slojeva stijenske mase. Prisutnost slojeva šejla između slojeva vapnenca usložnjava tu situaciju. Kako sloj šejla bubri zbog vlage, dolazi do promjene svojstava kontaktne površine koja se specifično razlikuje od suhoga stanja. Ponašanje će ovisiti o stupnju zasićenosti šejla, postotku bubrenja i veličini naprezanja u materijalu iznad šejla. Provedeno je eksperimentalno ispitivanje za određivanje parametara ponašanja smicanja kontaktne površine šejla i vapnenca tijekom pojave bubrenja te je provedena provjera stabilnosti. Vrijednosti kohezije i kuta unutarnjega trenja na kontaktnim površinama opažane su tijekom procesa bubrenja i uspoređivane su s vrijednostima suhoga stanja. Ti rezultati pomažu inženjerima odabrati odgovarajuće i pouzdane vrijednosti smične i normalne krutosti za diskontinuirane stijenske kosine na kojima se pojavljuju slojevi koji bubre

    Investigation of furo[2,3-h]- and pyridazino[3,4-f]cinnolin-3-ol scaffolds as substrates for the development of novel HIV-1 integrase inhibitors

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    With the aim to develop novel HIV-1 integrase inhibitors, we obtained a set of condensed ring systems based on the furo[2,3-h]cinnolin-3(2H)-one and pyridazino[3,4-f]cinnolin-3-ol scaffolds bearing a potential chelating pharmacophore, which can be involved in the inhibition mechanism of the enzyme. Herein, we report the design, synthesis, structural investigation and preliminary biological results of these heteroaromatic systems

    Características físicas y químicas de jabones de tocador fabricados a partir de aceite de semilla de albaricoque y estearina de palma.

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    The objective of the present work was to use apricot kernel oil with palm stearin in toilet soap-making. Apricot kernel oil was obtained from apricot kernel seed (Prunus armeniaca) through hydraulic pressing (12000lb/in2). Kernel contained 43.3% oil. The fatty acids of apricot kernel oil had high oleic acid (81.73%) while, the major of the fatty acid in palm stearin was palmitic acid (55.17%). Eight of the toilet soap samples were prepared from apricot kernel oil, palm kernel oil and palm stearin at different ratios. The structure of soap samples nº1 and 8 were sticky and with bad physical properties. On the other hand, the physical characteristics of blends nos 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 had firm consistency and creamy lather while, in soap nº 7, its were moderatement; i. e. medium hard makeup with fairly lather. After storage (6 months) on a shelf at room temperature, all soaps (nº1-8) were declined in their moisture content. On contrary, the total fatty acids of the same samples were augmented at different ratios during storage. Physical characteristics of soap samples nos 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 were increased after the storage time (6 months), their consistencies were very firm with creamy lather and reducement in their erosion from handwashing ratios was observed. It can be recommended that apricot kernel oil can be used in the manufacturing of toilet soap until ratio 50% of the fatty blend (the blend was bear palm stearin).El objetivo del presente trabajo fue el uso del aceite de semilla de albaricoque con estearina de palma en la fabricación de jabón de tocador. El aceite de semilla de albaricoque (Prunus armeniaca) se obtuvo por presión hidráulica (12000lb/in2), y la semilla contenía el 43.3% de aceite. Los ácidos grasos del aceite de semilla de albaricoque tenían altos contenidos de ácido oleico (81.73%) mientras, el ácido graso mayoritario en la estearina de palma fue el ácido palmítico (55.17%). Se prepararon ocho muestras de jabón de tocador a partir de aceite de semilla de albaricoque, aceite de semilla de palma y estearina de palma en diferentes proporciones. La estructura de las muestras de los jabones nº1 y 8 fueron viscosas y blandas con malas propiedades físicas. Por otro lado, las características físicas de las mezclas nos 2, 3, 4, 5 y 6 tuvieron una consistencia firme y espuma cremosa, mientras en el jabón nº 7 fueron moderadas, esto es dureza intermedia con espuma adecuada. Después del almacenamiento (6 meses) en estantería a temperatura ambiente, todos los jabones (nº 1-8) disminuyeron su contenido en humedad. Por el contrario, los ácidos grasos totales de las mismas muestras aumentaron en diferente proporción durante el almacenamiento. Las características físicas de las muestras de jabones nos 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 y 7 mejoraron después del tiempo de almacenamiento (6 meses), su consistencia fue muy firme con espuma cremosa y se observó una reducción en el desgaste en función del número de lavados. Se recomienda el uso del aceite de semilla de albaricoque en la fabricación de jabones de tocador hasta una proporción del 50% de la mezcla grasa (la mezcla fue estearina de palma corriente)

    Death associated protein kinase-1 gene methylation pattern in some leukemic patients attending Zagazig University hospitals: is it a clue?

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    Background: Leukemia is a type of cancer arising from white blood cells (WBCs) and resulting from malignant transformation of different types of white blood cell precursors. The objective was to study the DAPK-1 gene methylation pattern in leukemic patients and to through some light on its possible role as a risk factor for leukemia.Methods: Forty-one patients diagnosed as leukemic patients and 41 age-matched healthy unrelated volunteers taken as a control group. The analysis of aberrant promoter DAPK1 gene methylation was done by specific polymerase chain reaction.Results: The results of the present study showed that there was a significant association of methylated DAPK-1 promoter area among leukemic group than in control group Chi-square (X2) was 21.98, or value patients was 10.46 and there was a significant association when compared with the control group (p <0.001). And there was no significant association when compared according to gender Chi-square (X2) was 0.43 and (p=0.51). Our results revealed in the AML group DAPK-1 promoter area were methylated with percentage of 73.9%. or value for AML patients was 13.76 and there was a significant association when compared with the control group (p <0.001), in the ALL group 4 patients had methylated DAPK-1 promoter area with percentage of 57.1% or value for all patients was 6.47 and there was a significant association when compared with the control group (p=0.03) and in the CLL group 7 patients had methylated DAPK-1 promoter area with percentage of 63.6%. OR value for CCL patients was 8.5 and there was a significant association when compared with the control group (p=0.004). On the contrary, we didn’t observe any significant associations between DAPK-1 promoter area methylation and the type of leukemia (p = 0.65).Conclusions: These results suggested that DAPK1 promoter methylation might play a significant role in the pathogenesis of different types of leukemia. And the DAPK1 promoter methylation has a predictive value in the prediction of leukemia occurrence.