48 research outputs found

    De l’exode rural d’après-guerre à la ruée vers Tokyo

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    高度経済成長期、東京圏への人口移動は急増した。その後、大阪圏、名古屋圏の転入超過がほぼなくなり、東京圏への一極集中がより進むこととなった。今後東京圏の人口は減少に転じるが、全国に占める割合はさらに上昇が予測される。Lors de la période de Haute Croissance économique, les flux migratoires internes au Japon en direction de la région métropolitaine de Tokyo se sont accélérés. Par la suite, les migrations vers les métropoles de Nagoya et Osaka se sont taries alors que le mouvement d’hyper-concentration démographique vers Tokyo s’est lui poursuivi. On estime que la population de la région urbaine de Tokyo pourrait connaître à l’avenir une phase de déclin, mais sans que cela n’implique une moindre importance de la part de Tokyo au sein de la population nationale, au contraire cette part devrait augmenter.Internal migration to the Greater Tokyo Area gathered pace during the period of high growth, yet while migration to the Nagoya and Osaka metropolitan areas has since tailed off, the trend of hyper-concentration in the capital has continued. Although Tokyo’s population is predicted to decline in the future, the percentage of Japan’s total population it represents is set to grow rather than shrink

    Studies on the Flow Patterns of Liquids in a Cylindrical Mixing Vessel, Over a Wide Range of Reynolds Number

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    The flow patterns of liquids agitated in a cylindrical mixing vessel without baffles were measured by a photographic method, ranging from laminar to so-called transitional flow. The authors are now able to discuss the flow pattern of the liquid and the discharge performance of the impellers over a wide range of Reynolds number, combined with the previous results published for the turbulent flow range. Some of the experimental results are shown in Figs. 6, 7, 8 and 10. The authors discovered the following results on the velocity distribution of the liquid : In the range of very small Reynolds number, the liquid velocity is considerably high only in the neighbourhood of the impeller and decreases abruptly with the distance from the impeller. On the other hand, in the range of high Reynolds number, secondary circulation flow occurs as shown in Fig. 9 and also the flow becomes turbulent, so that the liquid attains considerable velocity even at a distance from the impeller by the transmission of momentum, and the velocity distribution is considerably unified throughout the vessel. Concerning the discharge flow from the tip of the impeller blades which causes the secondary circulation, the non-dimensional quantities, Nq₁, and Nᴘ/Nq₁, are defined, as in the previous report. These values were calculated and the characteristic curves of discharge performance were obtained for various types of impellers (refer to Table 1), as shown in Fig. 12. Furthermore, the relations between flow pattern, discharge performance and power consumption (Nᴘ-Rₑ relation) were discussed

    Flow Patterns of Liquids in a Cylindrical Mixing Vessel with Baffles

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    The velocity distribution of a liquid in a cylindrical mixing vessel with flatplate-baffles was measured by a method similar to that adopted in the case without baffles. Some of the experimental results are shown in Figs. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. Variations of the liquid velocity distribution caused by inserting baffle-plates are shown in Fig. 10. Obviously, the insertion of baffle-plates reduces the circulation flow around the impeller axis (the tangential component vₜ of liquid velocity) and increases the circulation flow in the vertical direction. The discharging performance of various impellers is represented by the ratio NₚB/Nq₁, which is the dimensionless factor corresponding to the relative power required for the unit quantity of discharge. The comparisons of these ratios for various impellers are shown in Table 3, together with those for the non-baffled condition. It is to be noted that, in spite of a considerable increase in Nq₁ the circulation efficiency of the agitators is eventually lowered by inserting baffle-plates. Furthermore, the power consumption in the neighbourhood of the impeller (Nᴘᵢₚₘ) was calculated and compared with that consumed in the outer region of the vessel (ΔNₚ) as shown in Table 4, It may be considered that the improvement in the circulating capacity is accomplished by the proper design of the baffle-plates

    Strahlen aus der Asche - die Briefe von Kaoru Ogura an Robert Jungk

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    STRAHLEN AUS DER ASCHE - DIE BRIEFE VON KAORU OGURA AN ROBERT JUNGK Strahlen aus der Asche - die Briefe von Kaoru Ogura an Robert Jungk / Brandner, Judith (Rights reserved) ( -

    Análise de procedimentos metodológicos gerenciais e estratégicos para a implantaçao de sistemas de informaçao geográfica em prefeituras de municípios de médio e grande porte

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    Orientador: José Simao de Paula PintoMonografia(Graduaçao) - Universidade Federal do Paraná,Setor de Ciencias Sociais Aplicadas, Curso de Gestao da Informaça

    Nomenclatures comparées de mammifères dans deux langues bantoues : Songola (D 24) et Ombo (C-69)

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    Mammal names among two Bantu-speaking peoples were investigated. The Songola (linguistic zone D) have 66 names whereas the Ombo (zone C) have 49, of which 32 have the same etymology. On the other hand, Songola (D-24) and Mbuti-Bira (D-32) have only 5 mammal names in common, and Ombo (C-69) and Boyela (C-74) have only 10. The large similarity between Songola and Ombo may be understood as a result of borrowing that occurred when the Ombo migrated into the Songola territory.Les noms des mammifères chez deux ethnies de langue bantoue ont été étudiés. Les Songola (zone linguistique D) ont 66 noms de mammifères, tandis que les Ombo (zone C) en ont 49, dont 32 ont la même etymologic Par ailleurs, le Songola (D-24) et le Mbuti-Bira (D-32) n'ont que 5 noms en commun, et l'Ombo (C-69) et le Boyela (C-74) n'en ont que 10. Une telle similarité entre le Songola et l'Ombo peut s'expliquer par les emprunts qui ont eu lieu lors de la migration des Ombo dans le territoire des Songola.Ankei Yuji. Nomenclatures comparées de mammifères dans deux langues bantoues : Songola (D 24) et Ombo (C-69). In: Journal d'agriculture traditionnelle et de botanique appliquée, 33ᵉ année,1986. pp. 243-253

    Connaissance populaire du poisson chez les Songola et les Bwari : Ethnoichtyologie comparée des pêcheurs du fleuve Zaïre et du lac Tanganyika

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    Ankei Yuji. Connaissance populaire du poisson chez les Songola et les Bwari : Ethnoichtyologie comparée des pêcheurs du fleuve Zaïre et du lac Tanganyika. In: Africana Linguistica 10, 1986. pp. 1-41

    Von der Traumgestalt zum Ding : Eduard Mörikes Literatur im Zeitalter der Photographie

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    Die Literatur Eduard Mörikes hat häufig mit optischen Medien zu tun. Als Dichter, der zugleich Maler war, interessierte sich Mörike sehr für optische Techniken wie die Phantasmagorie, auch Laterna magica oder Zauberlaterne genannt, oder eben für die Photographie. Malerei, Phantasmagorie, Photographie - alle diese Techniken werden in Mörikes Schriften thematisch. Außerdem versuchte Mörike, in seinen Texten selbst, genauer: durch die Schriftzeichen, eine gewisse Bildlichkeit zu erzeugen. Somit wird die Bildlichkeit bei Mörike ein wichtiges Thema. Dieses soll im Folgenden untersucht werden und zwar, wie bislang selten unternommen, im Kontext der Mediengeschichte. Analysiert werden sollen hier drei Textbeispiele: Das erste Beispiel ist der erstmals 1832 erschienene Roman 'Maler Nolten', der ein von Mörike so genanntes "phantasmagorisches Zwischenspiel" mit dem Titel 'Der lezte König von Orplid' enthält. Als zweites wird sein in der Forschung kaum beachtetes Gedicht aus dem Jahr 1853 'Der Frau Generalin v. Varnbüler, Vorsteherin des Katharinenstifts' aufgegriffen, ein Gelegenheitsgedicht über Gruppenphotos. Das dritte Beispiel schließlich ist 'Die schöne Buche', ein Gedicht von 1842, das manchmal auch als Dinggedicht bezeichnet wird. Die Analyse dieser Werke wird zur Erhellung der folgenden Frage führen: Was veranlasste Mörike zum Schreiben der Dinggedichte, oder wie wurde das Genre Dinggedicht durch ihn in die Geschichte der deutschen Literatur eingeführt