14 research outputs found

    Project-Based Urban Renewal and Transformation of Urban Landscape in Turkey

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    Nowadays, the effects of capital-based decisions and, therefore transformation has effects on the structure of the existing city, the physical, social, and economic future of the people living in that city, and consequently all the traditions of the city. In this process, the urban landscape rapidly changes and the public urban landscape areas are replaced by the private landscape areas in many cities. In the recent period, within the scope of space’s meaning changing for the capitalism and capital accumulation, the cities are rapidly renewed with a model that can be named “project-based urban renewal.” The objective of this research is to determine the problems of project-based urban renewal approach and to examine the effects on the urban landscape in Turkey. For this purpose, Kayseri city that comes to the forefront with its planned development history since the proclamation of the Republic in Turkey was selected as the study area. In the study, the project-based renewal projects built in Kayseri province and the changes in the urban landscape were comparatively examined at urban level and structure level in terms of uniform structuring, increase in the density, devastation in the green system, privatization of the public space, and gentrification

    Delineation of the Path Dependence in Development of Central Business Districts (CBD) in Turkey's Kayseri

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    This article examines the demolition-oriented restructuring relationship during urban development processes in the case study of the central business district in Kayseri (Turkey) by systematically analysing externally-conditioned events and trajectories. This transformation, characterised by changing periods of development and the analysis of the actors who are particularly active in the process, is explored through the socio-spatial developments in Kayseri. In this study, this has been expounded through the concept of path dependence, which states that current conditions are more dependent on past events and those past events lead to today's results. The decisions on the historically contingent periods and three critical junctures identified in the study were found to have been maintained until the next stage and strengthened by following the path-dependent tendency

    Delineation of the Path Dependence in Development of Central Business Districts (CBD) in Turkey’xxs Kayseri

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    Spatial Planning and Risk Reduction Plan Integratıon Process / Review-Evaluation

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    Abstract In recent years, the number of natural disastershas been increasing due to the imbalances growing and destruction of nature byhuman.&nbsp;&nbsp; As a result, depending ondisasters e loss of life and property.All the countries are trying to create aneffective disaster management system in order to minimize the negative effectsof natural disasters.In our country, especially after 2010, withthe establishment of the&nbsp; Disaster andEmergency Management Authority (AFAD), studies on disasters are carried outwith the Integrated Disaster Management System model.Withinthe framework of this model, in order to prevent the damages caused bydisasters and emergencies, studies are carried out to determine the dangers andrisks in advance and to take measures, ensure effective response andcoordination and conducting post-disaster recovery works in integrity .Inthis context,&nbsp; Sendai Risk ReductionFramework Action Plan (2015-2030), which was prepared by taking advantage ofthe principles in the 11th Development Plan, Yokohama Strategy and the HyogoFramework Action Plan&nbsp;&nbsp; is aimed toresilience of cities to disasters. As of 2020, Turkey's Disaster Risk ReductionPlan and its accompanying Provincial Risk Reduction Plan&nbsp; (abbreviated in Turkish as İRAP) studies havebeen started. İRAP addresses the need to manage underlying disaster riskdrivers and strengthening good governance in disaster risk management, withfocus on local governments including authorities and managers at city or othersub-national levels. It provides an important boost to efforts to meet a key targetin the Sendaı Framework, Target (E) which seeks to increase the number ofcountries with national and local strategies. &nbsp;However,there is no explanation as to how the actions that integrate with these planwhich were prepared with a wide participation of public institutions,organizations, universities, under the leadership of AFAD and&nbsp; spatial plan that guide the cities anddevelopment.With in this study, the process of establishing therelationship between risk reduction plans and spatial plans and its componentswill be evaluated. In this evaluation, first of all, the decision mechanismsand the reflection of the plan will be discussed. Provincial Risk ReductionPlans have a structure that produces decisions from macro scale to micro scaledetails throughout the city. At this stage, it will be discussed in whichprocesses and scales this decision system will take place in the planninghierarchy. In the second stage, an evaluation will be made through legalprocesses. In the third stage, authorization, coordination processes andrequirements in planning will be examined. As a result of the study, solution suggestions will be presented on howthe integration process of risk reduction plans with urban plans should be andthe applicability of the actions in risk reduction plans.&nbsp;Keywords: Disaster,Disaster Management, Risk Reduction, Spatial planning</p