24 research outputs found

    Investigation on The Environmental Consciousness Level in Edirne and Its Relations with Socio-Economic Structures

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    Günümüzdeki, çevre problemleri biyolojik yaşamı ve yaşam döngüsünü tehdit etmektedir. Nüfus yoğunluğunun, endüstrileşmenin ve kentleşmenin artması ve çevresel yönetim politikalarının yetersizliği nedeniyle çevre sorunları Türkiye için ciddi bir duruma gelmektedir. Bu araştırmada, Türkiye?nin Avrupa?ya açılan kapısında yer alan ve farklı çevre sorunlarının gözlemlendiği Edirne kentindeki çevresel bilinç düzeylerinin belirlenmesi hedeflenmiştir. Bu amaç için hazırlanan anket formu ile bireylerin çevre sorunlarına ilişkin görüşleri ve tutumları araştırılmıştır. Araştırmada bireylerin sosyo-kültürel ve ekonomik durumları da değerlendirilmiştir. Anket, Ocak-Haziran 2005 tarihleri arasında 400 bireye karşılıklı görüşme yöntemiyle uygulanmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda, Edirne halkının çevre bilinci 70,84 puan olarak hesaplanmıştır.The global environmental problems recently, have come to a situation that threatens the biolagic life chain and living beings. Environmental problems are becoming serious in Turkey because of the interacting effects of increasing population density, industrialization and urbanization, and poor environmental management practices. This study aimed to determine environmental awareness of inhabitants of Edirne city, which is a door opened to Europe in Turkey and is facing varied environmental problems. The behaviors and thoughts of inhabitants on environmental problems were investigated through specially prepared questionnaire form. Furthermore, this study investigates the influence of the economic and socio-cultural factors on the environmental attitudes. Questionnaire study was conducted on 400 people during January-June 2005 through face to face interviewing method. According to the results of this study, the environmental consciousness score was calculated as 70,84

    Determining the Environmental Awareness of Local People and Effects of Socio-Economic Features upon Environmental Awareness: the Case Study of Kırklareli

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    Bu çalşmanın amacı, yoğun çevresel baskıların görüldüğü, Türkiye' nin Avrupa kıtasında yer alan Kırklareli ilinde yaşayan halkın ülkesel, bölgesel ve yerel boyutta çevre sorunlarına karşı duyarlılıklarını saptamak ve çevre bilincinin arttırılabilmesi için önerilerin geliştirilmesidir. Bu amaçla, Kırklareli ilinde 402 adet anket yüzyüze görüşme yöntemiyle Ocak-Temmuz 2014 tarihleri arasında uygulanmıştır. Sonuçlar, SSPS programıyla analiz edilmiştir. Ankette bireylerin sosyo-ekonomik durumlarına gore 'çevresel bilinç', değerleri sorgulanmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda Trakya Bölgesindeki üç ilin ortalama 'çevresel duyarlılık' puanı 64,02 olarak hesaplanmıştır.Aim of this study is to determine awareness of people, who dwell in Kırklareli situated in Thracian Region, which lies in the European part of Turkey and is seen to receive intense environmental pressure, related to environmental problems in national, regional and local scale and to develop proposals to increase environmental awareness. For this reason, questionnaire study was applied in 2014 to 402 people through face-to-face interviewing method in Kırklareli. In the questionnaire, ‘environmental awareness’ levels of individuals have been questioned according to their socio-economic conditions. In the results of the research, average ‘environmental awareness’ score of three districts in the Kırklareli has been calculated as 64,02

    Researchs on the Environmental Effects of the Coastal Sand Dunes in Saros Gulf

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    DergiPark: 245892trakyafbdToplam kıyı uzunluğu 8333 km olan Türkiye, hassas ekosistem olarak kabul edilen önemli kumul alanlarına sahiptir. Kendine özgü flora ve faunaya sahip kıyı kumulları, ekosistemin önemli bir parçasıdır. Kumullar ekolojik açıdan çok duyarlı biyotoplardır. Kumul bitkilerinin çoğu kumul alanlardan başka yerlerde yaşamlarını sürdüremezler. Kıyı ekosistemi, orman ekosistemi, sucul ekosistem ve tarımsal ekosistemi bir arada barındıran Saros Körfezi, bunların yanı sıra kumul ekosistemi bakımından da çok önemlidir. Ancak kumul alanlar, yoğun kullanımlardan dolayı, çeşitli çevresel baskılar altında kalmaktadır. Bu nedenle, araştırmada Adilhan-Kocaçeşme Mevkii ile Enez İstanbul Üniversitesinin Eğitim kampı arasında kalan ve uzunluğu 75 km 787m olarak hesaplanan kıyı şeridindeki Adilhan, Sazlıdere, Gökçetepe, Mecidiye, Erikli, Yayla, Karaincirli, Vakıf, Büyükevren, Gülçavuş ve Sultaniçe kıyı kumullarının mevcut durumu incelenmiştir. Netcad programı kullanılarak kıyı kumullarının uzunlukları ve alanları hesaplanmış, üzerlerindeki çevresel etkiler belirlenerek, farklı ölçütlerde değerlendirilmiştirTurkey,which has totally 8333 km length coastline, has important sand dune regions which are generally accepted as a sensitive ecosystem. Coastal sand dunes which include flora and fauna are the important parts of the ecosystem. In ecologically, sand dunes are very sensitive biotops. Most of the sand dune plants can not continue their lives any other place, except sand dune regions. Saros Gulf includes coastal ecosystem, forest ecosystem ,aquatic ecosystem and agricultural ecosystem is very important from the coastal ecosysstem point of view, too. But, sand dune regions are under the pressure of the various environmental effects because of the dense usage. Therefore, in the research, the region between the Adilhan-Kocaçesme and Enez education camp of the İstanbul University which has 75km 787m length coastline was taken into consideration and coastal sand dunes of the Adilhan, Sazlıdere, Gökçetepe, Mecidiye, Erikli, Yayla, Karaincirli, Vakıf, Büyükevren, Gülçavuş and Sultaniçe has been searched. By using the Netcad program sand dunes lengths and squares have been calculated , environmental effects on them have been defined and evaluated in various criterion

    Otoyol peyzaj planlamasında kullanılmaya uygun bazı doğal otsu ve odunsu bitkilerin otoyol ve fidanlık koşullarında yetiştirilme olanakları üzerinde araştırmalar

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    Bu tezin, veri tabanı üzerinden yayınlanma izni bulunmamaktadır. Yayınlanma izni olmayan tezlerin basılı kopyalarına Üniversite kütüphaneniz aracılığıyla (TÜBESS üzerinden) erişebilirsiniz.VII ABSTRACT RESEARCH ON THE POSSIBILITIES OF CULTIVATING CERTAIN NATURAL HERBACEAOUS AND WOODY PLANTS SUITABLE IN HIGHWAY LANDSCAPE PLANNING IN NURSERY AND HIGHWAY CONDITIONS YILMAZ, Rfiya PhD in Landscape Architecture Supervisor: Prof.Dr. Ümit ERDEM August 1999, 218 Pages The fact that the natural resources offered by the earth are limited has made it imperative that highway construction be handled in conformity with natural resource management and ecology- sensitive planning from the beginning, for each highway brings about a slit and a split in the landscape. Reclamation of the slopes formed during the construction of the highway, variations in the usage of the area along the route of the highway, and particularly the preservation of the original structure, such as agricultural areas, without further damage and reclamation of the structure having undergone changes all call for an intensive ecological study on highways as well. Only through such a study can proper planning be achieved. However well it may be planned, the reclamation of highways, which have become essential owing to expanding population, urbanization and economic structure, requires a separate study itself. Such a study could only be realized by means of plants malcing up the living structure. These woody and herbaceaous plants need to be selected according to ecological conditions in particular. For reasons mentioned afore, îzmir- Aydın Highway was taken as a trial area. Under the light of literature relevant to this issue herbaceaous and woody plants were subjected to production tests under highway and nursery conditions; thus scientific data with respect to prospects of application were tried to be established. In a study conducted on Izmir-Aydin Highway and Bornova- Izmir area, Cynadon dactylon (Bermuda grass) and Trifolium repens (White clover), important herbaceaous plants in the management of surface erosion, have proved to be the most successful species for the purpose of groundcovering. As for soil stabilization, however, woody plants have been especially important. Accordingly, it was concludedVIE that, in the highway conditions of the Aegean Region, it would be wost suitable to cultivate Spartium junceum (Spanish broom) and Cistus creticus (Rock rose) for binding purposes, Cistus creticus (Rock rose) and Myrtus communis (Myrtle) for groundcovering, Spartium junceum (Spanish broom) and Vitex agnus-castus (Chaste tree) for length, and Quercus coccifera (Kermes Oak), Spartium junceum (Spanish broom) and Pistacia lentiscus (Mastic tree) for root length. It was also determined that it would also be necessary to carry out longerterm research on cultivating natural plants in the reconstruction areas, and to keep up studies fostering their production. Keywords: Highway, Landscape Planning, Herbaceaous and Woody PlantsÖZET OTOYOL PEYZAJ PLANLAMASINDA KULLANILMAYA UYGUN BAZI DOĞAL OTSU VE ODUNSU BİTKİLERİN OTOYOL VE FİDANLIK KOŞULLARINDA YETİŞTİRİLME OLANAKLARI ÜZERİNDE ARAŞTIRMALAR YILMAZ, Rüya Doktora Tezi, Peyzaj Mimarlığı Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Prof. Dr. Ümit ERDEM Ağustos 1999, 218 Sayfa Yeryüzündeki doğal kaynakların sınırlılığı, otoyol çalışmalarının da planlama, aşamasından itibaren doğal kaynak yönetimi ve çevre duyarlı planlama çerçevesinde ele alınması zorunluluğunu ortaya koymuştur. Çünkü her otoyol, peyzajda yeni bir yırtma, yeni bir parçalanma oluşturur. Otoyol yapımında oluşan şevlerin onarılarak yeniden kazandırılması, otoyolun geçtiği yörelerdeki alan kullanımlarının değişime uğraması, özellikle tarım alanları gibi özgün dokuların zarar görmeden uygulamanın gerçekleştirilebilmesi, değişen dokunun yeniden kazanılabilmesi, otoyollarda da, çok yoğun ekolojik bir irdelemeyi gerektirmektedir. Böyle bir irdeleme ile ancak doğru planlamaya ulaşılabilecektir. Gelişen nüfus, kentleşme ve ekonomik dokuya bağlı olarak ulaşımda zorunlu duruma gelen otoyollar, her ne kadar doğru planlansa da doğaya yeniden kazandırılması, için ayrı bir çalışma gereklidir. Böyle bir çalışma ise ancak canlı dokuyu oluşturan bitkilerimizle gerçekleşebilecektir. Odunsu ve otsu yapıdaki bu bitkilerimiz özellikle ekolojik koşullara uygun olarak seçilme durumundadır. Bu çalışmada, işte bu nedenlerle, İzmir - Aydın Otoyolu örnek alam ele alınmış, konuyla ilgili literatür bilgileri ışığında, otsu ve odunsu bitkilerin, otoyol ve fidanlık koşullarında yetiştirilme ve üretim denemeleri yapılarak, uygulamaya yönelik bilimsel veriler ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır. İzmir - Aydın Otoyolu ve Bornova - İzmir alanlarında, yüzey erozyonu kontrolünde önemli olan otsu bitkilerden, Cynadon dactylon L. (Bermuda çimi) ve Trifolium repens L. ( Ak üçgül) türleri kapatma oram yönünden en başarılı bitkiler olarak ortaya çıkmıştır. Toprak stabilizasyonu yönünden ise odunsu bitkiler önemlidir. Bu durumagöre araştırmada, tutma oram bakımından Spartium junceum L. (İspanyol katırtırnağı) ve Cistus creticus L. (Tüylü laden), kaplama oram bakımından Cistus creticus L. (Tüylü laden) ve Myrtus communis L. (Mersin), boy uzunluğu bakımından Spartium junceum L. (İspanyol katırtırnağı) ve Vitex agnus-castus L. (Hayrt), kök uzunluğu bakımından ise Quercus. coccifera L. (Kermes meşesi) Spartium junceum L. (İspanyol katırtırnağı) ve Pisticia lentiscus L. (Sakız ağacı) bitkilerinin Ege bölgesi'nde otoyol koşullarında yetiştirilmesinin uygun olacağı sonucuna varılmıştır. Doğal bitkilerin, onarım alanlarında yetiştirilmesi ile ilgili daha uzun süreli araştırmaların yapılması ve üretimlerinin teşvik edilmesi ile ilgili çalışmaların sürdürülmesi ayrıca bir gereksinim olarak belirlenmiştir

    Determination of the Environmental Problems At A National and Local Public Level: Cases of Tekirdag and Turkey

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    Studies on the indication of environmental problems on local level, evaluation of them on national level and developing preventive measures have already gain importance in international agenda. There are a number of values that are of importance for the sustainability or degradation of the natural environment of a country. Technological development, scientific advances, the level of economic development of the country, and the specific capacity for political modernisation influence the situation and development of the environment. Public opinion concerning environmental problems is a genuine factor in environmental politics and an important factor, too, in the practical solution of current and future environmental problems. The high surface ozone concentrations are considered a grave environmental problem by local communities. This study aimed to determine environmental problems of inhabitants of Tekirdag and Turkey as a whole. The behaviours and thoughts of inhabitants on environmental problems were investigated through specially prepared questionnaire form. Furthermore, this study investigates the influence of the economic and socio-cultural factors on the environmental problems. Questionnaire study was conducted on 400 people during January-June 2005 through face-to-face interviewing method. Questions related to awareness were prepared to determine the position of environmental problems in the span of other problems and the importance level of environmental problems in the scale of Tekirdag and Turkey. The importance of the most important sources of environmental pollution, nature reaction to environmental problems, necessity of environmental protection, scenarios that may result from environmental pollution, prevention of pollution and containers of bottle accumulation for the individuals were questioned

    Monitoring land use/land cover changes using CORINE land cover data: a case study of Silivri coastal zone in Metropolitan Istanbul

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    The objective of the present study was to assess changes in land use/land cover patterns in the coastal town of Silivri, a part of greater Istanbul administratively. In the assessment, remotely sensed data, in the form of satellite images, and geographic information systems were used. Types of land use/land cover were designated as the percentage of the total area studied. Results calculated from the satellite data for land cover classification were compared successfully with the database Coordination of Information on the Environment (CORINE). This served as a reference to appraise the reliability of the study presented here. The CORINE Program was established by the European Commission to create a harmonized Geographical Information System on the state of the environment in the European Community. Unplanned urbanization is causing land use changes mainly in developing countries such as Turkey. This situation in Turkey is frequently observed in the city of Istanbul. There are only a few studies of land use-land cover changes which provide an integrated assessment of the biophysical and societal causes and consequences of environmental degradation in Istanbul. The research area comprised greater Silivri Town which is situated by the coast of Marmara Sea, and it is located approximately 60 km west of Istanbul. The city of Istanbul is one of the largest metropolises in Europe with ca. 15 million inhabitants. Additionally, greater Silivri is located near the terminal point of the state highway connecting Istanbul with Europe. Measuring of changes occurring in land use would help control future planning of settlements; hence, it is of importance for the Gretaer Silivri and Silivri Town. Following our evaluations, coastal zone of Silivri was classified into the land use groups of artificial surfaces agricultural areas and forests and seminatural areas with 47.1%, 12.66%, and 22.62%, respectively

    Evaluation of the concept of green infrastructure systems, planning and management by using swot analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats)

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    In this chapter, the concept of green infrastructure systems is evaluated by using SWOT analysis. Firstly, international reports, meetings, books, seminars, scientific articles, symposiums, congresses and information published on the Internet are evaluated for literature review about the definition, scope and application of green infrastructure. In this study, the decision-management-planning stages were determined by identifying the opportunities and threats, taking into account the weaknesses and strengths of the green infrastructure determined according to the results of the swot analysis. Green infrastructure applications were created as a result of management and planning based on the results of SWOT analysis. At the end of our research in order to achieve the standard in green infrastructure works, we recommend that cerfitication systems be prepared as soon as possible like at ecobuildings. © Peter Lang AG 2019

    Determination of the Vital Ecological Networks: the Case of European Side of Turkey

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    The European side of Turkey is under environmental pressure due to the intensive use land. In this study, the identification of existing ecological value and ecological networks planning possibilities were explored. Within the scope of this research, a general overview of the status of the ecologic corridors forming the ecologic networks on the European side of Turkey was exhibited with 1/100 000 scale. The corridor areas, which are determined by prioritising the vegetative density and area usage decisions, are important elements that provide livelihood of the living in the area. There is a very dense human-oriented pressure on the peninsula due to reasons such as agriculture, industry and rapid population increase. It is necessary to support the ecologic corridors, one of the most important arguments to decrease the damage to the ecologic diversity on the peninsula, and preserve them. This study evaluates the Turkish side of the Thrace Peninsula. However, the same study needs to be evaluated in the sides of Greece and Bulgaria. It is necessary to conduct the Balkans ecologic network system planning in a holistic way. The ecologic network planning studies of the European side of Turkey should be conducted cross-border along with Turkey, Greece, Bulgaria and other Balkan countries. The cross-border needs to be planned altogether to preserve and develop the ecologic network


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    The aim of this study is to evaluate the land use/land cover (LU/LC) changes on the West-South shore of the Sea of Marmara in Silivri near Istanbul using remotely sensed data (Landsat images) and geographic information systems. The percent of LU/LC types has been calculated by using of geographic information systems. The results of the satellite based on land cover classes have been accomplished matched with the CORINE (Coordination of Information on the Environment) database. In this study, land use/land cover changes concerning 2018 have been analysed and compared to previous data of LU/LC changes concerning 1987 and 2000 in Silivri. Satellite images from 1987, 2000, and 2018 were monitored and used to determine the multi-temporal changes in the same area. The study reports changes of land use/land cover over 13 + 18 = 31 years period (1987-2000-2018) in Silivri District, West-South part of Istanbul, Turkey. The study results indicate that increases due to 'artificial surfaces' land use will affect negatively the agricultural lands, forest and natural grasslands. Finally, the artificial surfaces reached to approximately 53% of study area in 2018. Population and populated areas expanded in parallel with the expansion in industrial areas and the construction of the motorway. Urban fabric area reached to 19% in 2018 and it shows a continuous increase. As a result, this study will form an important basis for the planning of the region based on ecological and sustainable planning principles, by following the alteration in LU/LC as multi-temporal